Sasha Banks

Ding-dong diddly

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I would eat a full bowl of her shit if I could

>can't wrestle
>can't cut promos
do people only like her because she's "hot"?

congrats user, you're redpilled on women

her tits looked good tonight she looked way hotter then normal


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god she's so hot

Do you not know what quotation marks imply?

unironically more talented

/mlp is thatta way.

pretty much

She's just doing a worse version of Io's current story. It's almost like Vince saw NXT one day and said "Anything Paul does I can do better Goddamnit."

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leddit thinks the only reason people don't like her is because she's black

>do people really like this female for the entire reason WWE actually merchandizes females to a largely male audience?


>got worked into coming back
>gonna get worked into re-signing
>miserable forever watching Lexi become a 50 time champ


Is it just me, or does Sasha look WAY hotter now than she did when she left? Did she get a nose job? Gain a little weight? IDK, something changed...

As expected from them.


hair part to the side helps her forehead not look so big. Make up helped with definition. She is using more emotion in her promo, even though it still was shit

seething virgin white knight trying to defend a cunt he'll never fuck. typical eternal virgin move . ps defending m'lady wont get your tiny micropeen touched dumb simp bitch

Her promos are actually the best in the women’s division you seething simp

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That doesn’t sound safe at all, user.

seething virgin white knight trying to defend a cunt he'll never fuck