Coffee has been made, it is now time for coffee talks

Coffee has been made, it is now time for coffee talks

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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hold on im making covfefe as we speak

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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Good Morning Toblerum.

Drinking tea lole

We can wait for your covfefe fren!
Tea works, you just need a drink!

dubs confirm.
I just woke up an hour ago and couldn't fall back asleep...
So may as well post xD

I woke up two hours ago so I could get ready for the day, I know that feel

Yeah you have deal with so much too. I'm just doing whatever... you know...

At least it's friday, right friend?

Might try out my new camera today too, but it's still basically 5 am here on the west coast, too early.

Ya Fridays are nice, everyone is relaxed and the important work feels easier to get through. It's 8 am on the East Coast so I have to wake up early

Yeah, school is a pain...
Logged in now so namie onn.

I wish everyday could be friday/saturday, oh well.
Like you said will be easy : )

School is more just boring, not much for me to do there. There might be a huge fight which will be fun, two groups of friends have high tensions between each other and I'm part of one of them so could be fun

how old are you?

Take your guess


I like fights too!~ Been too long since I was in one.. hehe... I like getting hit almost as much as I like hitting ; )

Should be fun yeah.


I mean, I guess that ain't wrong

good joke.

you already said you were 18 before, Lole

you are such a faggot

*breaks your dick*
haha yeah man fights are so fun!


Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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OwO kinky! I wasn't talking about that type of.. urmm.. "fighting", LoLe

I meant like boxing and stuff.

coffe is so goode I lub it

coffe beans

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lol. love u lo.l

I’ll steele all yo’eur dubs

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

This is a magic girl

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