>I'm turning 29 next Friday
>Tell myself a couple years ago if life doesn't get better by 32 I'm going to off myself
>32 is not that far away and life haven't got better
>Three more years until I find out
If I'm man enough to pull the trigger or I'm just going to pussy out again
Three more years
who are you quoting?
No one I'm being serious my birthday is this Friday And I made this promise to myself a while back ago ...IDK if I'm really going to go through it I doubt
good luck
nooooooooooooo wait till ur 33 to checkem one last time
Me before my 32nd birthday
Don't do it scrub
Check myself
Don't listen to the memes about an-heroing, suicide is the weakling's way out. If you kill yourself at 32 just because life sucks and doesn't feel like it's worth living, without even waiting around until the natural end to find out if there's any spark of hope anywhere in there, then you're a quitter and a pathetic coward, and don't deserve any of the sympathy you'll get after you die. If you're depressed enough to be here telling us this, I can understand how you might think that's an acceptable way to end -- how you might think you don't mind dying a lowly subhuman and a worthless excuse for a person. How you might think it's only fitting things would end up that way. I don't give a shit. Feel free to accept that if you want, it doesn't matter, because I'm here to reject it for you. I don't accept the notion that that's all you can be, that you don't have the strength to stay in the game until the end. I hereby unabashedly authoritatively declare that I am the fucking boss of you and you are NOT allowed to let yourself die a coward, do you understand? You can't violate my word. You can't disappoint me. Of course, there's nothing I can do to punish you if you DO go against my word, so we'll just have to put it on the honors system: you'll have to try your best to hold on to the sentiment in your heart, that there is at least one person who cares that you don't commit die, and if you do, you'll fail to live up to their expectations, and that cannot be allowed.
idk if u care but this not help people who want die it make it worse
I was with you until you declare you're the boss of me after that I just tune you out... Fuck that I rather kill myself to spite you
It feels fake like they truly could be genuine good people trying to help but this positive Good vibes/thinking just have the opposite effect for me just feels like generic words
I can never find the meme of all the luzer 20th bdays
I thought you couldn't do this anymore because amazon caught on and stopped selling helium tanks
do u have a job?
instead of killing yourself why don't you run up alot of debt and then let the mob take care of you?
I never thought about that. Sounds like fun but I have family members and most likely the Mob will go after them
borrow money from your family members instead
No if I'm being honest I was in an accident in 2015 I haven't really worked in 4 years ... It sounds like fun not working but no income just relying on SSI checks is degrading having to rely on family members to get by , really suck ass
Oh yeah and the chronic pain doesn't help either
get pain pills and sell them to ethnics. Then borrow money from the ethnics, give it to your family then die
The most I will make is like $300 if I sell all the pain pills plus I will be in pain the Whole time trying to sell them
how r u doin op is u still around I luv u
A smart person once told me his 32nd birthday was the best of his life
And who was that?
OP please respond I really hope ur ok we can talk if u want
It's me the original poster of this thread I'm okay if you want to talk we can talk
what you wanna talk about
Nothing really comes to mind I know you are concerned but I'm okay I haven't attempted suicide or nothing crazy like that ... I'm just a depressed guy who wanted to vent earlier
I am glad you are ok, I am in a similar life situation and I just want to make sure nothing bad happens to anyone it gets very lonely
>life is shit
>make no lifestyle or habit changes
>expect it to magically get better
Yeah maybe you should kys
changing your lifestyle doesn't mean things will get better smdh... -_-
People change lifestyles for meaning. They want their lives to mean something. Things being pleasurable are emotional impulses. To make sure your life is pleasurable, you have to do pleasurable things. Changing your lifestyle or stepping out of your comfort zone is a perfect way to ensure you won't be pleasured.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Thanks man I appreciate it like I said before it's just a thought most likely when the day come I won't even do it my family and my somewhat belief in God is stopping me from actually doing it ... Even before the accident I have always been somewhat depressed but I had hopes that it would get better but ever since the accident it just got worst
>Changing your lifestyle or stepping out of your comfort zone is a perfect way to ensure you won't be pleasured.
Everything that is fulfilling requires the delay of gratification. Every valuable skill, every great accomplishment, every new friend requires you to do something uncomfortable.
But fulfillment is not pleasure. Pleasure is pleasurable. Ecstasy is pleasurable. Excitement is pleasurable. Fulfillment can be anything from resolution, to determination. All of which have zero to do with pleasure. You don't learn how to have fun by forcing yourself through discomfort.
>"Why should our virtues be grave? We like ours nimble footed: Even like Homer's verse, they have to come and go."–Friedrich Nietzsche,
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Some of y'all acting like I'm depressed because I don't go out and do shit no I'm depressed cuz I have a back injury I'm in chronic pain all the time can't even laugh without pain
lole dont quoute nietzsche out of context the "edgy" understanding of him is probably not what he meant he mostly wanted to convince somebody to find another meaning in life than god (and not to be an edgy retard) he actually tried to make a statement that life sucks but we should find meaning in art and connections with other people
fulfillment isnt pleasure but fulfilment can make us more confident or motivated and this can result in happines i think
lole lole lole lole lole lole lole lole lole lole lole
dont off yourself bby its a permament solution to a temprorary problem
your chronic back pain will be probably possible to cure in ur lifetime reliably
i agree with this poster
they didnt, they just fixed frequently bought together so it wont show masks and pipes
Thank you my dude
How is Nietzsche edgy? He studied literature and philosophy for most of his life.
Your fortune: Bad Luck
unchecked doubles on page 7!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
okok nietzche is not edgy at all but some people understand him only as
>lole everything is meanigless
sorry seuss for thinking you think like that bby
Nietzsche was a Christian and devout believer in G*d.
His philosophies trace all the way back to early Zoroastrianism... a religion directly linked to Christianity, even influenced it! Nietzsche attacked the church for teaching people improper morals and belief systems, indicating that people were slaves to their conduct, not masters of their own destiny. He challenged religion the same way Descartes or Voltaire did in the past; only Nietzsche was much more fond of Buddhism than he was of reorganizing the existing Christianity.
But he was well learned, and studied Christianity very diligently while he was at school.
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
What skills or experience do you have, OP? I recommend you try to find work that would fit with those. I remember feeling like you at times when I didn't have work.
Is there any provision from the SSI preventing you from getting back into school?
Your fortune: Average Luck
It's me Op to answer your question my work experience / skills our little to none work mainly in fast food & some Warehouse experience I get some checks from SSI because have pretty bad dyslexia and social skills
Some of the requirements of the check are can't work no more than 20 hours a week
(only part-time really) I don't know if they have any benefits 4 school programs but I I doubt there's little to none .
IDK what the fuck I can really do hard laborers out the question can't lift anything over 30 pounds lb well being very careful or else my back will be fucked even more then it already is
Thought about working at home but most of it's over the computer reading off and already in written script + reading out loud to a real person and dyslexia makes it hard not impossible to do to be honest I just feel stuck .