IM POOPIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IM POOPIGN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: [email protected] (318x318, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no one cares faggot

Stop blogging your every bowel movement, please and thanks.


Do u mind?? >:^I

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第05話「涙を知るひと ぽっぷとハナのない (640x480, 134K)

imagine the smelle

dear diary
2day i poop'd
but i dint look at id b4 i flush'd. i nno ids kind ob a big deale tto maek shore u look at ur poop b4 u flush but i din't ddo dat. i RLY shud hab look'd at my poopers b4 i flush'd... i nno ids kind ob grosse but i rly shud maek shore im digestign eberythink n stuffe. ids nod liek i wanna look at UR poopys or anythink, i wanna look at mien. bcuz ids special. id caem out ob ME.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第08話「バレちゃった!?ハナちゃんのひ� (640x480, 121K)

Reeks of shit like his whole personality.

Attached: IMG_0236.gif (225x225, 503K)

smells like syria

Fucking gross

Everybody poops, kid

Attached: 1552584218747.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

dond 4get tto poop 4 2day
ur body needs id

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第04話「MAHO堂がつぶれちゃう!?」(DVD 640x (640x480, 166K)


Attached: ap-11.png (580x322, 229K)

I already did I just didn't announce it like some kind of faggot.

Attached: IMG_0251.jpg (498x1024, 54K)

u go girl

le anine is about to POOP xd

what would rosana say?

do you mean susana?

imagine the smelle

You know what doremiposter? Fuck you. All you do is bitch and moan about what other people post but then you go ahead and do shit like this. You'll sit on your high horse and say "hmm [s4s] looks like it is getting worse..." when in reality you're just as bad. No one gives a FUCK about your bathroom usage or your obvious underlying poop fetish. Course you don't even care, it's your board, right? You can do whatever the hell you want because you'll always play the retard card and let your followers defend you. I'm so done with you already. I truly wish that you would adopt a name so that people could just filter you and move on but you won't even do that because then you'd be letting them win and you can't have that, can you?

You know what doremiposter? fuck off retard

dubs! wooh!
im eatign rice and beef and beggies

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第13話「どれみ、お嫁さんになる?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi (640x480, 163K)

Doremiposter has NO idea what's waiting for him

oops, you're right
she would be shocked

very mature, it's easy to see why your family depends on you

yes... very... mmm...

rare dubs! wooh!
thamku. ids imports tto rember dat 2 r*des dond maek a nice

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第04話「どれみはママ失格!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snaps (640x480, 150K)

susana... mmm... *fap fap fap*

>All you do is bitch and moan about what other people post
doremi boster only does this ironically so its ok. he knows he objects to things for stupid reasons and then says stupid things that are just as objectionable, but the whole reason he does it is because that seems like exactly what someone who types like him would do and that makes it funny. he's not being hypocritical, just satirical

There's a difference between being brutally honest and just being rude, you know.

imagine actually thinking this is all part of his game

Attached: s-eed.jpg (1118x1532, 444K)

Attached: 1543288450877.gif (1323x1020, 56K)

naseem... mmmmMMMMM... *fap fap fap* *splurt*

dubs! wooh!
nah, some peoplel jus rly need tto sippy dere waters... i cam udderstand. sometiems when im nod sippyign my water i see thinks weird.... but once i sippy my water i fee alot better

imma draw some circlels n strate lines nowe n dem imma exercise and den!!! (breaths in!) imma shower and den im gonna work ffor da nite bcuz i need da mone mones

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第04話「どれみはママ失格!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snaps (640x480, 195K)

literally how could it be anything else. just look at the way he types and the way he responds to everything with nonsequiturs, there's no way anyone would behave like this for any reason except as a funny character act they put on.

l*wd dubs! wooh!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

No offense saeed but damn, you are fucking ugly LOLE! The type of dude that i'd not wanna be seen hanging out with lole.....

(he's calling you stupid and weird btw, if you didn't realize)

Put a name on so I can filter you

Attached: IMG_0261.jpg (1080x1049, 256K)

No, I'm calling the character he plays stupid and weird. But endearingly so, because it's so painfully obvious it's an act. The person who puts on this act, on the other hand, seems alright.

Put a name on so I can filter you

Attached: IMG_0216.jpg (477x268, 15K)

cool trips but you're giving him way too much credit

reminder that this is the guy whose spent the last 3 years obsessing over a children's cartoon every day, he is mentally incapacitated
honestly this. i dont know why he just doesn't do it already, there is no downside to this. he can post whatever he wants and there will be no one to "bully" him

if saeed puts on a name the terrorists win

Because he knows half the board will filter him the moment he puts on one. That's half the audience to annoy then he currently has.

Attached: IMG_0255.jpg (2592x1944, 512K)

>reminder that this is the guy whose spent the last 3 years obsessing over a children's cartoon every day,
It's pretty obvious that's also part of the joke. Since he avatarfigs with that cartoon and all. He avatarfigs with that cartoon, and deliberately misspells everything and acts mentally incapacitated, in such a way as to insinuate the people actually writing his posts are the ones in the cartoon avatarfigs he posts. It's kind of like when people post misspelled words imposed over pictures of cats

cmon barbie leds ggo shoppign
ooh ooh ooh yea~

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第06話「金平糖の思い出 ばあやのないしょ (640x480, 355K)

Yuiposter made this post

What has this board come to that people now think saeed is some kind of ironic genius and not just a fat mexican retard?

dude you're taking monumental leaps of logic the guy is just retarded
please don't obscure my view of the thread saeed

Put a name on so I can filter you

Attached: IMG_0241.jpg (550x367, 47K)

There's a difference between being an ironic genius and just being pretty good at being ironic. Namely, an ironic non-genius who is pretty good at being ironic still looks like he's being ironic. Such is the case with doremiboster

Didn't doremiposter once say that he types like that because it was how everyone on the "old internet" used to type?

Attached: thinkingblob.png (128x128, 2K)

yuiposter made this post

>monumental leaps of logic
What the fuck are you talking about, everything I've said is completely obvious and only someone who is unironically a braindead retard could possibly fail to see it. Frankly I'm more inclined to believe you're just pretending you don't agree with me because you don't want to.

ids cuz ids funnye! n sticks tto da spirit ob da funpostign boarde

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第09話「バッチグー野球部 魔女たちのない (640x480, 282K)

I almost feel sorry for him. He's probably scared shitless because of "the boys" or whatever those anons led by Shiro are calling themselves, but he's forcing himself to keep posting and making everything worse because he wants to uphold this whole confidence charade. It's a vicious cycle.

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fast thread needs another anime poop imahe

Attached: 1552578766134.jpg (350x653, 96K)

as annoying as doremiposter is, most of the people I see bashing him seem like underage retards who just rolled in from /bant/

>confidence charade
It's a charade alright, but not a confidence charade.

none of that is obvious you just don't want to believe your favorite animefag on [s4s] is....... RETARDED!!!

u ggo girle!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第09話「バッチグー野球部 魔女たちのない (640x480, 314K)

He's not even my favorite, I'm just calling it like I see it. The person you're making fun of doesn't exist, it's an unbelievably transparent charade created by a real person you're somehow managing not to see behind the scenes despite this blatant transparency.

Put a name on so I can filter you

Attached: IMG_0232.png (737x699, 54K)


Dubs confirms!LOLE!

no i'm pretty sure you did...i remember because someone asked the question in a thread like a day later and i told them what you said


reminder that this is how saeed acts on other boards and off of [s4s]

Nah, it's definitely an [s4s] thing only. I saw him do it on Yea Forums once and he deleted the post and apologized, saying "that's how everyone acts on [s4s]..."

Attached: stick.gif (640x480, 257K)

umm........ nno, dis is mostlely originlel stuffe. nod rly tryign tto emulaet da paste. but i hab notice'd dat some peoplel on Yea Forums did point out how dey thought da comicks i maed were tryign tto emulaet olde intemernet talke... dats nod rly da caes dough! dis is jus stuffe i lrn'd on [s4s]

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第09話「バッチグー野球部 魔女たちのない (640x480, 823K)

reminder that saeed has cute feet

Attached: cute footsies.jpg (1024x768, 109K)

dubs! wooh!
r u talkign about me??
dose r jimmy's socks..

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第31話「パオちゃんはおジャ魔ゾウ!?」( (640x480, 234K)

he uses doremispeak on twitter tho

You definitely said something about old internet speak and your posts...i even remember you used that picture of doremi where her head is tilted to the left and the background is her house

can you post your feet then i bet they're cute

Saeed's real name confirmed for Jimmy

Aha, see, just by calling it this, you concede how obvious it is that he's just doing it for the maymays. Even if you refuse to admit it, you realize it on some level; if you didn't, you wouldn't call it "doremispeak," you'd just call it illiteracy.

this time for sure

Attached: 1552583691803.jpg (1920x1080, 208K)

just another day in the life of jimmy nutrin

yeah it was in one of the nikki in smash threads

DUDE of course he's not illiterate that's not what we're referring to he's still a retard

rite.... but dat girl's talkign about "saeed", nod me...

Attached: swapdoodle_10.jpg (1500x1500, 223K)

It's pretty obvious he knows how to write, dude. I don't get you're trying to prove here. That he's insincere because he types in a deliberately silly manner? Because that's demonstrably not true.

rare dubs! wooh!

Attached: CI7_3DSDS_Swapdoodle_Nikki_02_CMM_big.jpg (265x252, 16K)

um can you post your feet or what? c'mon hurry up


Attached: swapdoodle_23.jpg (1500x1500, 240K)

But, if you concede that he's not illiterate and is indeed typing this way for the maymays, that proves that he has what we might call a "maymay persona" that he willfully inhabits when he posts here (and apparently on twitter), which establishes precedent to assume other ways he acts when he types like that are also part of that "maymay persona." In light of this precedent, the burden falls upon you to prove otherwise. This is the essence of what I'm talking about when I say how "obvious" it is that he's putting on an act.

those aren't your feet those are images we can use to find you in the archives
too long didn't read nerd

Attached: 71ZfjwuWxIL.jpg (714x1000, 224K)

>too long didn't read

Attached: 1532571835937.jpg (1440x1555, 201K)

and president of syria for life

Why is it that you can have a perfectly normal conversation with someone on twitter but not [s4s]? Do you consider us mentally inferior?

The truth is that when dore started this, he really was retarded. Now it's clear he does it ironically because all these idiots kept coming into the threads to say "lol he's doing it ironically" and push him into it. If you compare his old responses to his new responses it's clear as day

trips confirm no jews allowed

Attached: jude2.gif (375x421, 29K)

Show some respect, his mother is fucking dead!

there is nothing wrong with the doremi poster, he is my friend

Attached: 1552596676711.jpg (909x1200, 292K)

Attached: onpu dance.webm (960x720, 826K)

satania smells like cheese and i like it

thamku ffor beign my fren

Attached: [email protected] (320x320, 44K)

doremi is for jewish kiddie diddlers

saeed confirmed for mod


I barely know doremi poster but I wish he were my friend too


>Not the first post from this IP

we cam b frens shore! sorrye ffor nod postign bury often..
who r u quotign?

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 41 - Majogaeru no mura okoshi [WinxBloom1980][3EC2DFE4].mp4_snapshot_17.00_ (960x720, 404K)

okay, this is funny.


Attached: laughing.jpg (960x720, 312K)

Doremiposter: I'M POOPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Doremiposter's mom: I'M POOPING IN MY HOSPITAL DIAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like the doremi postr because he replies to my post sometimes, triangle does too but hes kinda wierd sometimes

Attached: 1552601985575.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

Attached: autism-colors.jpg (768x536, 41K)

Put a name on so I can filter you

Attached: IMG_0257.jpg (2560x1920, 1.38M)

Grow the fuck up. There's nothing funny about losing your bowel controls when you're dying.

Attached: big bad end.jpg (1100x790, 268K)

dore father and sister are at hospital to see mother...dore enters mom room.....smell of poopies everywhere....dore father and sister come in.....dore sister vomits from smell....dore father cries and takes her to bathroom.....dore asks mom how shes doing......*braaaaaaapppppp*....dore honey can you change my diaper?....

Attached: onpudance2.webm (960x720, 889K)

doremi confirmed for gay

dubs! wooh!
gay as in happy!

Attached: onpudance6.webm (960x720, 864K)

dis is nice board. try tto treat udders how u wud wanna b treat'd

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 16 - Oishii-dake ja, DAME!_ [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][0D7F760F].mp4_snapsho (960x720, 464K)

thamku ffor beign nice tto me tto by the btw...

Attached: yayyyyy.webm (640x480, 317K)

dey target'd doremiposters.


da group of peoplel who wlell sit on dere fat ass ffor hours. days. eben weeks on end watchign da saem show. ober n ober n ober n ober. all 4 nothing moar den da validatioms ob dere internets frens.

we'll punish ourselbes watchign things udders wud consider baby crap, bcuz we hab da mentalelty ob a five year old.

we'll spend most if nod lole ob our free tiems makign stupid posts, all tto ged dat singlel extra (You).

do dese peoplels hab any idea how many cummies hab been wasted'd tto onpu? all tto latter b referred tto as braggign rites?

dese peoplels honestly thing dis is a battlel dey cam win? dat callign us retard'd, weird, stupid, f*cked up pedrofillets is goign tto chamge us? we've been call'd worse things in court. dey pick'd a battlel agaimst a group dats lolready grown desemtisied tto dere strategies n methods. who enjoy da battlel ob attrition dey hab threaten'd us wid. who taek id as a challemges when dey tlell us we no longer mattr. our obsession wid ojamajo doremi is so deeply imgrained we're laughign at how pathetics any1 dat habent watch'd id is.

doremiposters r competitive, hardcoar, by natures. we lobe a challemge. da worst think u did in all ob dis was tto challenge us. ur nod special, ur nod original, ur nod da 1st, dis is jus another day on da doremi board

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.23.[640x480].[34FA3B9F].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_12.31_[2017.07.27_09.23.21].jpg (640x480, 280K)

It's just banter, god the americans are so sensitive

!!lole ur mom shidded her death bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guys pls stop bullyign me ids rly nod funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.34.[640x480].[1C2C29B8].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_05.57_[2017.08.07_10.08.21].jpg (640x480, 149K)

imagine your mom shitting herself before she about embarrassing

i'm sorry but you posted the wrong version

I HAD TTO CLEAN ID UP TTO!!!!!!!1!!1!!!1@

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.34.[640x480].[1C2C29B8].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_05.56_[2017.08.07_10.08.18].jpg (640x480, 152K)

i love this! i love old touhou! but i hate anime and pedo, you die!

the reason doremiposter is always posting poop threads is because he developed a fetish for scat after having to clean up all of his mother's messes lole

dubs! wooh! dis is true............ but pls dond bring id up......... ids embarrassign.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第50話「さよなら、おジャ魔女」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 149K)


Attached: 1553449975930.png (854x916, 340K)

hehehehe........................................ yes.......................................................... YES.......................................................

Attached: 1542449878157.png (322x430, 66K)

Attached: it hurts.jpg (433x419, 126K)

stop laughys at me. stop id. pls b nice pumpkin spice

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第44話「幸せのホワイト・クリスマス」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 101K)

Fignewton here. Who is doremiposter and what is this thread about?

a poor fool whose mother shit her death bed

dats me! doremiposter aka gutsybird! dond worrye about dese faggots

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第14話「ぽっぷの初恋?あこがれの順一先生!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 176K)

he is trouble & ebil

nothink cam beat da classkekd
hi im doremiposter
dis thred wuz about me poopign. now ids some peoplel bullyign me.
dond worrye about id fren, wlelcome tto [s4s]! dis is da best board eber. im tryign tto get myslelf prep'd tto maek some ebin oc in da future but 4 nowe deres alot ob pebin threds in da catlog ggo check em out!!

Attached: master_yosho.png (800x800, 230K)

he's an aminaetor

how long r u goign tto keep dis up? im da real doremiposter... always wlell b. i rly dond thing ids funnye. pls dond try tto maek a joek out ob bullyign bcuz thing about how u wud feel if u were da 1 beign bully'd.

pls rember: bullyign is a druge, id hurts u n ebery1 around u n when id coems to drugse u shud loleways jus say "no" (quoting mario)

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第48話「ハナちゃんが死んじゃう!?」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 197K)


Wauw. How do you guys know so much personal info about him? Does he share it online?

i know bcuz im me.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第08話「時間を越えて、おんぷママの秘密を探せ!」( (640x480, 183K)

dere maeking alot ob stuffe up.... dond worrye about id

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 130K)

yeah because he's fugging stupid lole

no matter wut u do u cam never b me. suck id shithead

Attached: amai apple pie.webm (960x720, 1.05M)

your mom DID shitherself on her deathbed though. i remember the original threads ...dore why are you trying to hide the past?

updaet: poop'd again! n da poop wuz PURPLEL! HOW DA FUDGE!!! I HAB TTO CALL DA DOCTOR!!!!!!

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第44話「幸せのホワイト・クリスマス」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 200K)

Attached: 1552584124269.jpg (1280x1437, 591K)

sad poope

Attached: 1506445538085.png (1000x1158, 705K)

nooooo not the sad poop

onpu poop

Attached: 1518056700059.jpg (467x515, 92K)
