I am actually EVIL and dont want anyone to make it
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(dublel dublels! wooh!)
dats nod bury nice at lole im P shore
But I'm Pauly Shore
Can u even le imagine.
i can't even understand my own feelings
r u borderline
Same but i pretend that i'm nice lole. I like to help people out and internally pray that they fuck up as soon as they're out of my sight.
uh, same, it's hell TBH
do you use (recreational )drugs?
no i am not gay, thanks
hmm but r u autogynephilic
Anybody else feel like they're always on one extreme? I'm either being too nice or being too evil. Like the other day i found a wallet in the breakroom and i made a big deal to go around asking everyone if it was there's because i was worried but then today i this dumb bimbo and her kid were holding up the bus because they didn't have the right change and all i could think about was punching her in the face and throwing them both under the tires.
It never feels like i'm in a good neutral ground..
I feel like it's hard to be neutral too...
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
do you think there's a way to fix that?
well which one is it, bill? are you evil and only want to see people fail or are you sometimes nice?
empathy can be found through love. when you are loved by others and start to love yourself you will start to feel compassion for other people too
d-delete this
I just want to stop being so unbalanced all the time
i just want to stop obssesing petty stuff
HARD MODE;: dont suggest ssri's
what if u have a severe mental illness, dont have any friends and are plain looking?
This but unironically. Doctors say i'm all fine (bar "anxiety" which isn't real lole) but i just don't understand myself. Sometimes i'll do something and then immediately question why i just did that and i won't have an answer. I have no explanation for why i do things, i honestly don't even know how to reason my fucking life. Seriously if someone asked me who i was and what i do i'd just sit there blank-face
trips. as long as you can control your impulses and you have a desire to do good feed into it until it becomes the majority of who you are as a person. you have choices, so don't choose to be a thug. act with care and learn to let things go. if i were serious about evrything i cared about i would end up a raving lunatic trying to bend others to my will. let it be. don't interject yourself into other peoples problems and just live, love and strive for happiness.
so literally the opposite of bee urself?
maybe. be who you want to be. you are upset by who you are so become someone worthy of loving, someone that cares.
>if i were serious about evrything i cared about i would end up a raving lunatic trying to bend others to my will. let it be. don't interject yourself into other peoples problems and just live, love and strive for happiness.
I want to believe but..
it scares me to think theres no ultimate universal moral turth and thus its absurd to conform to some value system just because we happen to be programmed to be quiasi altrustically, I wish I had the nerve to have a pure hedonistic lifestyle
sometimes i wish I was a lizard (full blown utilitarian egoism + zero empathy) like the psychos at the top of the pecking order
but I dont think that fulfilling either
I think I care about ppl tbqh
but I dont know who I should objectively care for
Listen up you fucking pussyfoot faggots. Do whatever the fuck you want. Who cares? It's your life so live it how you see fit. If you wanna be evil, be evil. Yeah, go on and fuck that cute little girl! Do it, it's okay! Nothing matters in the end anyway, so just do it!! Kidnap her when she gets out of school and just fuck her right there in your car!!
I'm gonna push my bepin in her airbag butt until it makes a little fart noise!
>Here I go!
>Hnnng! God it's like an airbag!
>Almost... in... all the way!
>*prrt* YES!
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
pedofuck, kill yourself
forced laelay gf or death tbhtbth
she's secretly a fifty year old loli
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
it's not about morals necessarily. it's about doing what's right. you get what you give in a human sense at least.what you give you et back. treating others like trash makes them hate you and ends up making your life worse one way or another. find what makes you happy. work towards maki9ng yourself better in the process and I can almost grantee you will be better off fr the effort you put in. certainly better off than you are now
yeah, yeah cause and effect doesn't exist. fucking buffoon.
worst that can happen in any situation is you die, which is gonna happen eventually anyway so whatever
ok Ill do it what the gh*ck
Ill lead my life as if it were that of my fav absurd heroes
ill follow my parrticular programming i dont give a h*ck, because I care TBH
so where you always like this or were you adoomer at someppoint in ur life
>Seriously if someone asked me who i was and what i do i'd just sit there blank-face
same here tbqh
were ontologically insecure individuals
no. worse that can happen is digging a pit so deep you never see daylight again suffering in agony until you die alone in misery. are you actually this stupid? you could create a good life, but no. destroy yourself and everything around you like an animal, oh and there's a chance there is an afterlife so better prepare for whatever fuckfest that is
always a hero. trying to help others while the world tried to fuck my life up.
never let what others make you worse. let it be a lesson for what NEVER to be.
your life is yours. never let them take that away or tell you its not worth living.
then go live life for all it's glory and pain until it defines you.
>never let what others make you worse. let it be a lesson for what NEVER to be.
DAMN right
r u into the stoics?
>your life is yours. never let them take that away or tell you its not worth living.
alright, btw dio you prefer to be by urself most of the time
I love being with others, but being alone suits me very well too. someone called me an "ambivert", I love people more than solitude.
stoics? idk...
yawn....who cares?
you will.
alright anyways its just that what you said about not doing the same actions that fools do reminded me ofthe thoughts of a stoic writer
hav a good night, Im feeling elated rn thanks to yrou kind advide
same but the opposite tbqh fam. people think i'm really mean and cold but i'm actually really nice and never wish anything bad on anyone tbqh.
I see!
Thank you as well. I will be seeing you around then. Goodnight and never give up on yourself. You are worth all the effort in the world.