Whats he saying?

Whats he saying?

Attached: 9898.png (1401x1470, 867K)

im donald trump!!

im donald trump!!

u thing u owb wuteber land u land on...
dat da earf is~ jus a dead think u cam claim~~~
but i nno ebery rocke n tree n creature.... has a life
has a spirit
has a naem..~~~

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第38話「ついに再婚!?あいこの決意」(DVD (640x480, 184K)

Attached: (.png (1401x1470, 414K)

I was gonna guess something along those lines

right?! it werks too well...!

god you're boring and predictable

then step up and swing home boy!

one up me

Attached: 64564x.jpg (330x330, 26K)

Attached: Untitled.png (1401x1470, 891K)

Attached: u thing.png (1401x1470, 1.19M)

Sequential dubs my dude!

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the speech bubble is empty so he isnt saying anything

Attached: sniffe.png (1401x1470, 1.19M)

Get over your pathetic hateboner and spend your time more sensibly

Attached: 1552441276942.png (311x258, 83K)

"yuji sakai" is the troll. called it

Imagine the smelle.

a daring synthesis

Attached: boba bola glasses man.png (1401x1470, 1.17M)

Attached: haha lole.png (1401x1470, 1.16M)