Why is she so bad

Sasha really is the one of the worst in the business

Attached: Sasha Selling.webm (950x950, 1.43M)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=sasha banks botch

she literally botched in her first night back with the chair

still better than the chinks

alexa needs my manhood up her tight shitter so badly i swear to god.

It's kind of incredible how many shitty workers have gone through the wwe women's division over the years.

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The horse did it better at least it had impact. Sasha was going at 0.5x speed.

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In a company that routinely has the IIconics wrestle, it's amazing how many of you faggots complain about Sasha lmao

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all women are shit wrestlers so it's not surprising

people that put that on Becky and not her should watch Austin explain why

Attached: Botcha.webm (726x410, 1.01M)

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Nobody pretends the Iiconics are great wrestlers.

But wwe women are consistently below the average. Indy shutter broads routinely have better matches and characters just by being hot mess trainwrecks.

>Botch a spot
>Immediately do it again because it's in the match layout and they're not taught how to improvise
NXT is ruining these women.

This one is unforgivable it's just careless

Attached: Horse Kicks.webm (640x480, 2.57M)

But they're ten times worse than Sasha and they don't live nearly as rent-free in your head as Sasha does

>routinely has the IIconics wrestle
I wouldn't say routinely. They've had like 10 matches all year on TV that were legitimate matches that were over 3 minutes.

Attached: Sasha Banks Dive Botch.webm (688x382, 1.54M)

not him, but like he said no one acts like the IIconics are good while people unironically claim Sasha is the best women's wrestler ever

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Attached: Sasha Banks Franken Botch.webm (640x640, 2.45M)

Women just aren't worth the investment

at least they have good promos, Sasha is always unsufferable and people act like she's the women GOAT

Attached: Sasha Banks German Botch 2.gif (400x266, 1.96M)

Most fans don't know what a good worker is. They see Sasha is dynamic and that's enough. She's easily the most likely to die in the ring on the wwe roster.

I think the most embarrassing thing is that piss poor running of the ropes

She's been miscast as a shit-awful babyface for like 3 years. But to be honest, it's a Vince McMahon show so I doubt it'll get any better as a heel.

Attached: Sasha Banks German Botch.webm (400x235, 525K)

Iiconics aren't botch machines, they're just shit. Sasha is punching above her weight as far as spots go

Attached: Sasha Banks Hurricane Botch 2.webm (640x480, 1.31M)

I'd like to Fire my Great Balls on both of these women if you grasp my innuendo

Attached: Sasha Banks Hurricane Botch.webm (640x480, 1.65M)

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Women """wrestling""" threads are the only thing I entire better than Dunn posting 2bh

she's shit on the mic whether she is a face or a heel and anyone can look good when they get to attack and layout people every week.

Attached: Sasha Banks Sashamania Botchamania 314.webm (358x212, 1.44M)

You do realize that you can't smoke meth and shoot heroin and be employed as a WWE wrestler unless you're Jeff Hardy, R Truth or Stephanie McMahon (The original Paige spitroast)

In 3 years she hasn't improved in ring, as a character or on the mic. WWE had to stop her Bayley feud 3 times because Sasha didn't improve.

Attached: Sasha Banks Statement Botch.webm (400x225, 1.93M)

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Charlotte is a disaster

Attached: Sasha Banks Suicide Botch.gif (370x208, 1.66M)

that hairline is the true botch

Attached: Sasha Botch.webm (640x480, 1.33M)

bliss is assmazing

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Last one, Sasha is useless but so are the other 3 Horsewomen and they are all massively overrated

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>calls the spot clear as day
>awkward back movement
>botches hard
>boss pose
>return to spot position
>botches harder
But she was really good in NXT guys!

>WWE had to stop her Bayley feud 3 times because Sasha didn't improve
Or it's because their writers are fucking awful at their job and Vince changes his mind every day, dumbass

>the one simp white knighting for Sashit in this thread

Attached: all smiles.jpg (171x203, 6K)

>Or it's because their writers are fucking awful at their job and Vince changes his mind every day, dumbass
Nah, they don't just stop and restart storylines without reason. They stopped the Bayley story because the fans didn't give a fuck, due to Sasha being terrible at her job. Watch the delivery of her lines at the therapy skit. Sasha didn't deliver it well and the audience picked up on her disinterest. Dumbass.

How pissed is Sasha that Trish retired and Charles got the match and not her.

Because she's a massive mark probably pretty pissed

Not a botch

you are supposed to land high on your shoulders she lands on her neck and rolls over this is worse thana japanese german suplex but for a woman to take a german like that is really dangerous

>Nah, they don't just stop and restart storylines without reason.
What in the fuck are you talking about, son?

>Report: Sasha & Bayley were crying after the lost their titles
>plebbit & twitter : NO THEY WEREN'T
>this picture was taken after the match

good thread

Okay? Still not a botch, just a nasty bump she wanted to take

Did you read the rest of the post, ya mentally deficient simp?

I'm saying they stop, start, restart, ignore, cancel and redact stroylines without reason all the fucking time. I don't know where you're getting your wild conspiracy theories, but they're not real.

we are almost in agreement yeah, lets agree tho women should not be taking germans like that, no one wants to see someone get really hurt (except Beko she can die during an abortion)

That therapy arc was so bad I wanted to kill myself

god I wish that was me

And I'm saying they only do that if fans aren't interested, or to punish a wrestler, ya wet noodle.

what a piece of shit

I put that more on Charles just fucking falling over. The recipient of that move needs to stay braced upright long enough for the attacker to swing around, using the recipient as an anchor, THEN take a flip bump.

Probably wasn't a good idea to try to do wrestling while wearing platform heels.

Attached: Sasha Is Still The Worst Wrestler Ever.webm (1280x720, 3M)

i think the issue is that sasha thinks she's somehow the best wrestler in the world

can someone post the awful eddie frog splash(s) and the elim chamber botch

You can't make shit shine user


I love how Becky just keeps running. The women in WWE are so terrible.

have any of you slobs even had a job before? you all hate Sasha for being a hard worker, if you've ever had a job before you'd appreciate the effort Sasha puts in

game recognise game

>a hard worker
It's been years and she hasn't improved whatsoever.

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ITT: the legit botch

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>1 slap

you are baby

Attached: count the slaps.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

serious question, when was her last good match?

Splinterfags TOASTING at the fact that Sasha can literally walk out, come back, and get put into the main women’s title feud and be the one to take it from beko

wtf does TMNT have to do with wrestling. Those are Michael Bay movies.

based nia burying the shitter

Master splinter is one half of he current womens tag champions with nikki cross also

Also like a good 80% of people who make comebacks/returns get put in prominent spots.

You have watched wrestling before?

were they going for the panama sunrise

at least lita knows when to not sell

Horsettyfag BOILING at the fact that people don't like his self-mark cry baby botching waifu
>main women's title feud
You mean the one that has included shitter Lacey Evans and charisma vacuum Natalya for the last 4 months? Real accomplishment there
>take the title from Becky
Horsettyfags actually believe this.

Stuartlittlecucks SCATHING that their wrinkly ratfu is irrelevant
>he believes Sasha isn’t taking the title
Splinterfag COPE

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I love Sasha because she's fucking awful at her job and gives us new webms to laugh at any time she tries to wrestle.

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>he thinks everyone that hates Horsetty is a Blissbergfag


I have missed these threads so much

I still don't understand this spot.
Sasha surely didn't expect Nia to fucking take that bump, and Nia did everything she could to make sure that Sasha land on her neck.

>ironically calling her the worst
>while in a webm with Bliss

Wew lad.

>Charlotte can't lift 2 lb Sasha
That one was all Charlotte. What the fuck was she even trying to do?

Nia more than likely agreed to do the spot while in the back. But once out there, chickened out of it.

>fact that people don't like his self-mark

You keep telling yourself that.
Show me a bigger pop from a female wrestler the past 5 years.

why do they keep trying to do all these stupid contrived spots when they can't even run the ropes

Hi Vince.

vs Bayley at that one takeover before the meh iron man match.

Kevin Nash had a role in TMNT

Bliss showing up on Raw for the Shakeup in 2017 and interupting Horse & Bayleno
Bliss winning MITB
Bliss cashing in MITB
Bliss music hitting at the Rumble

she truly doesn't have an ounce of athleticism in her entire body

It's the way luchadores do it and Sasha considers herself a luchadora.

Kek not one got a pop
Keep coping

>Kek not one got a pop
>Keep coping

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>n-no you


I love Sasha for ruining that british slag's career.

>Most fans don't know what a good worker is
This. Miz is unironically a good worker. He has a very utilitarian style and can work safe with the most dynamic of wrestlers.

vs. Ronda

There was a huge pop when Bayley started beating down Sasha, moron. Fuck, it's like everyone here has Alzheimer's.

>Sasha considers herself a luchadora.
I really wish she tried her hand in Mexico and dared to say such bold words to the fans.
They'd eat her alive.

How in the fuck do you botch a Frog fucking Splash out of all moves?

Lmao what was supposed to happen there?

Based Asuka, saw Sasha wasn't gonna go all the way and threw out a superkick to explain her dead momentum.

She'd have to have a first one for me to answer that question.

>Most likely to die in the ring

HOLY FUCKING DIMES it's like watching motocross for the crashes.

so 5 years ago

>sasha botches
>jd automatically blames the iiconics
like clockwork.

Delete that gif right now

Spots go a-ry and there can be communication issues but Sashas botches looks like she could break her neck/dead herself

>pulls off the best high flying move she's ever attempted

JFC how is she still alive? That's Hiyabusa level shit

Yeah at the time when everyone was raving about the match i was saying she could of died during that spot, she lands almost flat on top of her head then onto her neck. it's geniunely scary to watch when you see it like that.

They should not be doing moves like that when the botch running the ropes

Did she just give up climbing and fall off the top?

That's the opposite of Hayabusa. Her center of mass was beyond her head in the direction she was rolling. It probably didn't feel great, and certainly wasn't 100% safe, but she kind of rolled away from it, saving herself quadriplegia. Hayabusa's center of mass was behind his head in the direction he was flying, which caused all of his weight to fold his neck like a Pez dispenser.

Regardless, your point that these botchmachine thots should not be doing this high risk shit when they can barely lock up correctly stands.

Watch as she falls she kicks her left foot out like she thinks it's near the ropes (it's not) to boost herself off.

I have always said if you look at Sashas in ring work and her botches, she has very bad ring awareness like a rookie who is green as goose shit she just misses stuff and has major timing issues.

It amazes me she has got this far desu.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the proper thing to do in that situation would be to roll your head backwards and put up your arms, rather than tuck your chin as she did? I just realized that I have no idea how a proper huricarana from the top rope is supposed to look.

Yeah I will accept that, it just looks dangerous as fuck and it's only a few Cms away from disaster and this was like 5 years ago in developmental.

>you all hate Sasha for being a hard worker

She's not a hard worker though. A true hard worker uses some goddamn intelligence and diligence to improve over time and be the best he can be at whatever it is he's doing. Like someone who goes to the gym to train in measured amounts 4 times per week for two years.

Sasha is the fool that goes to the gym with the goal to get sweaty, feel tired, but with no sense or fucking direction to her exercise, so she makes NOGAINS. The primary difference is that she's in professional wrestling, where her stupidity and ultimate laziness could snap up someone other than herself.

>The primary difference is that she's in professional wrestling, where her stupidity and ultimate laziness could snap up someone other than herself.
Paige is now dead

>Correct me if I'm wrong, but the proper thing to do in that situation would be to roll your head backwards and put up your arms,

I have the gymnastic knowledge and aptitude of a brick launched from a potato cannon, but that probably would have aided her rotation and improved the bump. At worst, she would have gently caught the mat with her face before the rest of her body landed and took 95% of the impact.

Yeah, if she had rotated, like, 10 fewer degrees before she landed, she would have just landed DIRECTLY upon the back of her head and, at the very least, knocked herself out cold.

How did I forget about that when I have the webm of The Kick saved. And it's frankly a miracle she didn't COMPLETELY potato Becky, hitting her in the back of the head with a chair like a complete dipshit.

>coping this hard that you make Sasha a relevant topic
Yeah I think sasha is based


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>you all hate Sasha for being a hard worker
She isn't a hard worker at all. Mayu Iwatani is a hard worker. You know why? Because she used to be extremely shitty as well. But, unlike Sasha, she worked so damn hard at improving that now she's one of the best in the business.

Sasha had ONE FUCKING GOOD MATCH, and the stupid idiot is still riding that wave despite having botched through her whole main roster run. Hell not even her other NXT matches are special. Not even her second match with Bayley is special. Worst part is she never tries to improve, she just watches cool spots in other matches and goes out there to do them without practicing at all. That's being a lazy fucktard who thinks is some kind of prodigy who can do all but can't do shit instead.

Liv should've no sold that shit

That wasn't a botch though...

google.com/search?q=sasha banks botch
4chingchong not making a single (1) dent in searches.

>google.com/search?q=sasha banks botch
Using Google

Her falls count anywhere match with Charlotte that main evented raw was good too...so she's had two good matches, get it right

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You know you can fuck up bumps too right? It's like when the styles clash used to injure people who tucked their neck in. Sasha jumped too high and landed on her neck.

Yeah when her biggest fan is saying she sucks at these dives she should of listened

Based nia 300lb sandbagging that shitter

No it wasn't. It was just more gimmicked trash that rides on the shit that they allow them to do in gimmick matches. Looks good on the outside but is trash if you actually pay attention. Same with Becky/Charles at Evolution.

In the classic battle of horse vs. whale, gravity always wins

Where? She is flatter than an iPhone


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>the mascot is seething because people don't like his horse again

i still imagine the guy defending sasha on here, is the one who danced in that clip from an autograph signing thing

So why were smarks, redditors and journalists praising her as some great worker who is better than most of the men of WWE at some point?

the nxt bayley match that they practised for 3 months

Almost every single webm posted here was broadcast on live international television, plain as day, by the supposedly biggest, wealthiest, and presumably "best" pro wrestling promotion on the planet. Let that sink in.
And anybody working in that company having the audacity to wonder why ratings tank and house shows don't draw.
I don't even think they're self-aware enough to even notice how much irreparable damage they've done to the pro wrestling industry, allowing it to not just look like fake fighting, but to actually let it regress to constantly looking amaterurishly sloppy, uncoordinated, like a bunch of untrained children flopping around on a fucking bed in their pajamas "living out their dreams". The reality is, NONE of these fucking women, deserve to be booked as pro wrestlers anywhere beyond some retard's backyard.

LOL even Thirsty Mick thinks Botcha is too sloppy!

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>Almost every single webm posted here was broadcast on live international television, plain as day, by the supposedly biggest, wealthiest, and presumably "best" pro wrestling promotion on the planet. Let that sink in.
>And anybody working in that company having the audacity to wonder why ratings tank and house shows don't draw.
>I don't even think they're self-aware enough to even notice how much irreparable damage they've done to the pro wrestling industry, allowing it to not just look like fake fighting, but to actually let it regress to constantly looking amaterurishly sloppy, uncoordinated, like a bunch of untrained children flopping around on a fucking bed in their pajamas "living out their dreams". The reality is, NONE of these fucking women, deserve to be booked as pro wrestlers anywhere beyond some retard's backyard.

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somebody please post it

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absolute chad

another simp white knight virgin defending m'lady cuz "bad man" on the web said mean things about her.

stay an eternal virgin numale simp

oh wow I just watched a clip where austin explains why not to hit someone at that angle cuz you could hit them in the back of the head and shitter tanks goes and hits becky in the back of the head standing in the exact spot austin said dont stand and swing here. she's such a shit wrestler

why are whit*oids like this?

This thread, Huge success.

My moves were ON POINT that day. Thanks for sharing this guys.

Attached: dtsb.jpg (720x367, 47K)

Way to Legit end someones career.

It's definitely a first ballot Yea Forums hall of famer.

Can't wait to see IT Chapter Two.

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Is this the strong style I keep hearing about?

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I blame Peyton

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No, that was premeditated assault. Botcha knew exactly what she was doing.


Women's wrestling hasn't been good since Eva Marie got fired, unfortunately.

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Why hasn't she been demoted to memeXT for her sloppiness in the ring?


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So glad Banks stayed in WWF. She'd made Brandi or FakeBayley look like 90s Muta.

Those fucking cameramen. Looks like fucking Rockit video from 1985 (Hancock).

wrasslin is serious business goys
hulk hogan faggots

this was a work

t. sashit


Nah, Iiconics might be oversellers but notice how the move Asuka applied here was perfect and had impact. Poor Peyton had to sell Botcha and Bagley's shit tier chemistry as lethal somehow.

I think we can all agree the womeme movement was a failure, they botch too much. Back when they would protect the business one botch could lose you your job

Yeah, but if she had just taken the double close line in the beginning or just went on offense when they fucked up the spot...You know, like in a wrestling match when things don't go according to plan....

Yeah and on the follow up, Sasha being shit at her job made them drop the story. The therapy shit was AFTER the beatdown, moron.