6:13am EST

It is now time for coffee talks, so let's talk

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Been dreaming a lot when I sleep. Dreams theme seems directly proportionate to my emotional investment in thoughts and occurrences throughout the day.

How are you my coffee friend?

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I've been doing better, got certified in Inventor so I have better chances for a good job now when I'm out of colleges. The day is starting to get easier to get through, and next school year for classes actually looks promising for me. So in all, I've been doing fine

why that coffee look like the shit in my toilet today morning
very bad drawing

The coffee just wants to be frens!

what is frens

Fugging excellent Toblerum! I am so happy to hear that.
Glad it's all getting better for you.
4444 Trips confirms
sweet Get

Thank you for the check and the encouragement!
Frens in the sense with the coffee cup, is he just wants to make your life easier!

how will cup make life easy??

You will stay awake longer, and they will encourage you whenever you're down by screaming compliments at you

no no no coffee very bad for your health
drink the chinese herbal tea very nice and natural
if you feel sleep you should go to bed

I was never much of a tea person, always preferred the bitter taste of coffee. Plus I feel sleepy when I wake up and I shouldn't go to sleep then when I have to go places

you have the cold water in your house?? put your face in it in morning then you don't sleep

Ya I have cold water, but I still prefer a nice, warm coffee. Starts my day off right!

but i tell you coffee very bad
when you are older man it make you get the heart problem and your penis also becomes very small
your wife makes bad face and then no sex! then you can not do any thing!!

I doubt I'll get heart problems, I keep a some what steady exercise routine and it's not like coffee is the same as smokes. The penis thing while a nice meme isn't a problem for me as I'm down bottom

what you mean down bottom?? your bum?? that is always down

I'm gay and a bottom is what I meant

oh so you put penis in the ass?? but that very dirty with the shit very bad how do you make the babies??


I've had incredibly vivid dreams the last two nights in a row. I also had to pee really bad when I woke up both times. Anyway, good morning s4s!

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