Goodnight [s4s]

goodnight [s4s]
thank you for being my friend

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sweet dreams lullaby
thank u ffor beign mine

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I want to sleep with Izuku's mom! I haven't bathed in three days! Sniff my dirty balls! You ike that!? Hahaha! Nothing feels as refreshing as this!

Your fortune: Outlook good

die retard

Uh oh! I guess I overdid it...

Sorry, I erp'd too much.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

l*wd dubs! wooh!
bullying is nod coole dond ddo id

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thank you for checking!

I guess being a robot isn't so bad...

Your fortune: Average Luck

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two same numbers!

Thanks for checking!

Wow... I must be really... efficient! Getting all these dubs!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck



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Error: your soul is missing necessary software

tell Tragick she left her toothbrush in my bathroom

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Are you doing a parody of how the posters here pretend to have a community in order to precipitate conversations with strangers while they maintain and elitist moral Authority over any discussion or information??

that's not actually magick lole

I'm not smart enough to comprehend your post, can you dumb it down?

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Ashina prepares for war

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this is a hermit crab

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they said
you flexin nigga

oi oi oi, where the fuck is Mineta

Attached: Perfection.png (239x438, 45K)