Why is Joey Janela popular?

Why is Joey Janela popular?

Attached: JoeyvsMJF.png (1259x512, 116K)

he's not?

Joey is pretty popular

Because he's "muh meme hardcore bruh"

Joey does a lot of shows that are really interactive for fans and so a lot of people think he’s a cool guy because he hasn’t got his head shoved up his own ass.

Tbh all Joey needs to do is inject a whole bunch of roids and he’s be pretty based.

>untrained and unathletic, has probably never practiced a sport in his life
>has probably never been inside a gym
>hates Jim Cornette
Outlaw fans live vicariously through him because he's the same as them

I don't know how anyone can take that faggot seriously after the whole Enzo thing. Hell even before it.

This. I'm not a "all wrestlers must be shooters" guy, or a "all wrestlers must be 6'4 and able to bench 850lbs" guy. But they should at least not run like a girl from a 5'2 man with no co-ordination skills.

He books fun shows and dives from high places.
It's not really deep.

Also good video editing

this is such a lazy fucking meme holy shit fuck you faggot

because he a based progressive that BTFO that right wing incel rapist enzo amore

He's not, he's a nobody

no one knows who Doughy Janella is

Joey as a show planner = Great.
Joey as a worker = Poop.
Please keep putting out boutique shows Joey.

This. If he was just the guy that made the video packages instead of a wrestler maybe he would be appreciated.

I hope Jelly Janetty shoot lands wrong doing one of his stupid moves and gets paralyzed from the neck down.

Nick Mondo? He did the prison video for Ambrose, is involved in some decently big projects and was a better wrestler. Thank god he got a clue and didn't die like was bound to happen in CZW.

He also did the Moxley video for bloodsport

And the NJPW one too.

Especially when he was on Twitter talking all that shit. I'd have some respect for him if he at least squared up even if they didn't actually fight.

cause of his dumb gay spring break event