

Attached: C5BC08AC-8F13-48D0-B21F-DDD9A518F924.jpg (1218x1228, 410K)

Poor kid.

Attached: The sad truth about a switch.jpg (1210x1613, 134K)

The image that desroyed Yea Forums

why did this image of all things lead to such a huge shitstorm
I don't understand

Post the OC version at least

Attached: 1553283815697.jpg (1024x1024, 468K)

CIA/FBI, Mossad, M16, Russian bots. the usual gang of dividers

thanks I understand everything now

Attached: quick run.webm (854x480, 1.36M)

For every Eggiverse, there's a Bugiverse! Haha! Haba ga geebee!

Attached: 1299171A-52C7-4FFE-ABA4-702130EA253F.jpg (640x640, 58K)


Attached: nujak family.jpg (1200x1200, 265K)

>not even drawn in the same artsyle

The proper version

>they're both clearly out of shape

sad to see the reality

Seething snoytranny.
This is what you look like

Attached: 1553303334375.png (484x1024, 161K)

Poor kid. i wish he got a ps4.

Attached: ohno.jpg (718x598, 50K)

Attached: switch christmas.jpg (720x960, 56K)

Look at those jowls


Attached: 1451342727490.gif (320x240, 2.09M)

>Imagine buying your little kid a iphone or switch
Parents justing their kids should be hung.

Imagine unironically spending hours photoshopping a little kid
Pathetic, as expected of Eric to do degenerate stuff like that

big guy: Nintendo fans
manlet: snoygger

Attached: 1548730476010.webm (1086x776, 735K)

fuck this is hard, let me try again
Bird: Snoygger
Rock: Nintendo fans

Attached: 1549220999185.webm (636x560, 1.91M)

Based Caljack poster

>imagine ever wanting to put a sad face on a kid, even in photoshop

I don't know what you're doing, but please stop it.

PS4tards can't take a joke directed at them.

The Last of Dykes gonna have a outdated Mueller report you know I'm right.

Lion: PChads
Dark complexion fellow: Snoyfags

Attached: 1548217363993.webm (752x416, 2.93M)

kids shouldnt be coddled, thats how hard times are formed.

this thread >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doremishit and nuw4s cringe.

Xbox btfo
Steem masrerraxe

dublel dublels! wooh!
dublel dublels! wooh!
dublel dublels! wooh!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

dond b r*de
eat nice food

Attached: wiggle.webm (640x480, 298K)

y does ebery1 get sso trigger'd at the le goldey faces?

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2017.07.31_10.30.58].jpg (640x480, 201K)

Why is Sportacus in this picture?

Don't ever post nu-jack here again.

Literal shit storm

Because it means that my game is better than your game

This thread was moved to

Hello new friends!

Welcome to Yea Forums where we are nice posters, I see you came from Yea Forums!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: zhi.jpg (183x177, 14K)

Attached: tranny psyops.jpg (1024x1024, 453K)

You can see in the OP where nintenbro's arm was poorly erased. Seethe

bomb Yea Forums

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

I don't mean like do something to the web domain I mean find anybody who has frequently posted on Yea Forums in the last half decade and drop a bomb on their house

Your fortune: Godly Luck