What went wrong?

>repeatedly gets buried by Bret Hart
>repeatedly gets buried by Stone Cold Steve Austin
>ratings continue to go down whenever he is champion
>attendance is at an all time low
>has the exact same match every show
>crowds never pop for him, and will start chanting other things to keep themselves entertained

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>what went wrong
you deciding to phonepost, faggot.

It's not too late to call off the wedding you know Becky, screaming your hatred of this simp into a Mongolian snake charming board isn't gonna solve this problem. You have to kill him, for the good of the company and your life


word filter this bullshit already jannies please

Seething NEET

ya seethe simp?

WORKED like the simp ya are

You forgot that his huge nose and (subsequently) nasally and high pitched voice make him sound like a simp fresh off the short bus

Simp absolutely fucking seething

simp now filters to simp

He's shit as a face. He was kinda based as Authority Seth

He sucks

He is the greatest all of all time it's just that cable is dying so nobody gets to appreciate how good Seth Rollins is

He's not likable.

The same situation happened with Roman, KO and even Brock. If WWE wants it's brand to be the draw then they have to stop making their TV show so shit.

WWE wants their brand to be the draw not the stars which is why we are where we are.

He's just a shitter. Give El Phantasmo his spot and WWE would be selling out shows again

>attendance is at an all time low
'93-'95 was worse

show me some graphs and stats like wolfchad does


ya ding-dong diddly seething simp pinhead

>was good as a heel, shit as the top face
>can't cut a promo without sounding like a geek
>exposed as a worker after loads of shit matches

only because he had those two manlets with him. take them away he is a shitter

He just doesn't have "it". Never did

>>has the exact same match every show
This is the most egregious one of all. For all the smark fanfare, I expected more out of this fucking douchebag. But no. All we get is match after match of the "muh knee" spot.

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Absolute simp

Get off of your shit stained computer chair fat boy

How about no you simp


>muh knee
>falcon arrow

>repeatedly gets buried by Bret Hart
>repeatedly gets buried by Stone Cold Steve Austin
>ratings continue to go down whenever he is champion
>attendance is at an all time low
>has the exact same match every show
>crowds never pop for him, and will start chanting other things to keep themselves entertained
I can see why HHH likes him

he's the only draw left in this industry

not me i like rollins because he is a progressive atheist but you have to be a mentally challenged person to think anybody in wwe is a draw

can't draw

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