*wrestling peaks*

*wrestling peaks*

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Western wrestlinig does, but only untill 2005, after that it turns to shit.

The era that ushered in muh workrate fags and started the death of the business


Ruthless aggression only lasted until Brock left

nigger 2008-2009 was some of the worst shit until 2018

I think we already know why it was based.

Attached: big dimes biker taker.jpg (494x684, 64K)

more like 2002-2004
everything since then has been an undefinable soupy milky mess of bland unremarkable and unmemorable shit with no real identity

t. zoomer
WWE was fucking unbearable after Benoit died

jesus christ so many zoom zooms here
2002-onwards is the death of wrestling. It nosedived the moment WCW died.

This. After he died I wasnt a casual fan until Dbry in the E and I wasnt a big fan until Omega Okada 1.

Wrestling has never been better than now, ask Cody Collier


Nigger Smackdown was based from 2002-2005.



I miss him lads. Plus Carlito before he got fat and sad

2004 Smackdown is as bad a program as the WWE has ever produced. If it wasn’t for the JBL segments it’d be remembered for the pos it was.

Things started going downhill into the fall of 2005 and it fell off a cliff after WM24.

Yeah second half of Smackdown wasn't so great, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the entirety of 2006.

2006 is legit WOAT tier. Raw, Smackdown, & ECW were absolute trash. Hell, ecw was only good during its last year and that's only because of based Christian.

The fact Ziggler was the Michaels of the Spirit Squad makes me seethe to this day. Kenny was clearly the best member. Even his promo skills on the indies right now eclipse current Ziggler’s promo skills.

The Raw vs ECW episode was based. But aside from that, iMPACT! was the best show of 2006.

Wrestling died alongside chris benoit

first it died with wcw
then its walking corpse died with benoit

>he didn't like 2006 ECW BEEG, the only 6 month period of his career where he was an absolute giant wrecking monster

>fatass BEEG
>not prime young BEEG

THIS. Without Undertaker, wrestling then would have been just as gay as it is now. He kept the shitters in line. Not only this, but he was just simply the best wrestler of all time. He is what breathed LIFE into the business, and kept it afloat for years. Hell, he's still keeping it afloat even now. Ratings/viewership drops, they call the G.O.A.T. What the fuck are they gonna do when he actually retires?

Attached: Big Dimes G.O.A.T..jpg (747x506, 390K)

Personally, i wished this shitter would have just lost to Orton at Mania 21 and fucked off
>MMMMMMMMMMMMMM *tanks ratings*


Posting best pantsu beeg

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The era that lead me to find NJPW, the indies and Pride. Thanks ra!

2001 was a shit year but there was good shit beyond that point.

how many of those pantsu were shredded mid match do you think?

Kys Christian

I didn't watch so I don't care.

>Personally, I'm a faggot who has shit taste in wrestlers. I should really kms.
Jesus, user. Don't be so hard on yourself.

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Why the fuck are you here then? Most casuals moved on if they left in 2001.

Watched for a few months during punks reign.
Came back again a few years ago when found out coworkers watched and we went to a few shows. Haven't watched in about a year or so.
Now I just shitposts here and keep tabs to see if it ever gets good again. It won't.

What a pathetic life lmfao

Not with that casual E drone attitude, it won't.


Ya seethe?

2010 the moment Cena squashed the Nexus. It was in decline before that but that was the killing blow

>the business


1984 - 1990 - Hulkamania boom
1991 - 1992 - end of Hulkamnia boom
1993 - 1995 = recession
1996 - 1997 = rising from ashes
1998 - 2000 = wrestling peaks
2001 - 2004 = sharp decline
2005 - 2007 = slight recovery
2008 - 2009 = garbage but living off past glory
2010 - 2018 = falls off cliff and slowly dies

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wrestling literally died and became unwatchable the second wrestlemania 17 went off the air and I'm not even meming

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Based Pat Patterson (Hulkamania) and Vince Russo (AE)

Kenny was earmarked to be the breakout. What happened?