/bant/ embassy

Hello [s4says]
it's time for another embassy
post your messages to your friends at /bant/ here and i'll deliver it

Attached: 1516435414123.png (800x800, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 20190324_170600.jpg (220x158, 46K)

Attached: 1542742482646.png (398x312, 5K)


Attached: braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap.jpg (1932x2576, 359K)


Attached: 1553543450825.png (299x256, 7K)

An aussie sends this pic and says that grilsy made it

Attached: 1553543563704.jpg (1280x720, 298K)

being sent now


a brit sends this

Attached: 1553543599596.jpg (750x785, 72K)

Another brit believes that if there is a god it will bow to him

Attached: 1553543603662.jpg (732x558, 195K)

a czech says: fuck off S4shitters

Attached: 1553543665737.png (800x473, 307K)

I’m the bloke that sent that, I just migrated from [s4s] and I think it’s an awful shame how far you lot have fallen. Not a single funny thread comes from this board anymore and it’s contaminated with doremi shitters and namefigs. I don’t get why you post here.

a burger tells that a revelation led him to it.

Attached: 1553543732744.jpg (600x476, 27K)

someone sends this

welcome to bant in that case friend
hope you enjoy your stay

Attached: 1553543829954.png (1332x671, 879K)

An anonymous burger wishes you to die of ass cancer

Attached: 1553543891797.png (944x944, 98K)

a russian tranny sends dis

Attached: 1553543895741.jpg (223x226, 8K)

a brit sings:
All in all you're just a'
'nother brick in the waalllll

Attached: 1553544035465.png (250x250, 62K)

an aussie posts this pic with the caption: /bant/ on the left

Attached: 1553544183116.jpg (4672x2232, 905K)

And a burger tells all of [s4s] to fuck off

a nice user says that you are always welcome in my fortresses so long as you bring a single carbon atom.

Attached: 1553544652681.jpg (198x255, 8K)

a burger says this: Fuck off faggots, we’re full.

while a nice italian man believes that s4s is too nice

A burger with the trip !NUKEMYEJfQ wants all europoors to blow it out their ass

Attached: 1553545547386.jpg (1476x888, 211K)

tell them "fuck off retard"

Why are you so obsessed with the -agicks?

An argie wishes to inform you that something bad happened to your embassy

being sent now

wish you were here

Attached: DSC03354.jpg (820x550, 72K)

in response a burgery user says that this was not very nice
with pic as accompaniment


Attached: 1553546125961.png (800x600, 264K)

shut up stupid retard

That makes 5 brits.

I knew [s4s] was approximately 31% brits

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: The funniest image I have ever seen.jpg (1372x1952, 248K)

Another burger says that your mothers gay your room smells like smegma, and your ass is filled with super aids and cum. also fuck off

Attached: 1553546432632.jpg (1200x658, 113K)

a burg has this to say:
henlo s[four]es

ty for memeing the interim time frames on bant and other raided forms


but that is only 3
you're bad at counting frend

Funny as fuck, give him my applause


The absolute state of [s4s]

Attached: 1543626679893.jpg (1280x720, 251K)

he says that you are no longer required

don't be rude commie boi
we're all freinds here

send this

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: 1542573945998.png (900x1300, 370K)

Rate this yosho

Attached: cd4f1b01ea46f24-a-nw-p.jpg (310x428, 17K)

sending now

i personally r8 8/8
let's see what the others say

a burg man believes it is worth 6 fortresses out of seven and a half astartes.
i think that's a lot

Attached: 1553548423382.jpg (459x314, 42K)

send them this

Attached: lol.jpg (2048x1292, 517K)

Tell them well alright then baby I'm with ya 100% come here I wanna tell ya sumthin'

Attached: images(5).jpg (259x194, 6K)

Yes, it is indeed quite a high rating.
Hello, citizens of [s4s], I am /bant/'s father: Rogal Dorn.

Attached: dAd ID.png (1086x392, 246K)


a man who on principal drinks coffee wants to know if s4s can purple text

Attached: 1553550537477.png (419x208, 44K)

this message seems to have been corrupted
nevertheless i hope you can enjoy it

> 2019
> cigarettes

And you, the disease of abuse, or two?

> B occide one
E? a competitive life for a long life?

>Its poison!
You don't have enough fire to be tested, it is impossible

> It's ... face to face!
Who bought a piece of peaco from one day closed

Attached: 1553551486290.jpg (376x376, 135K)

Egypt says you're "Fucking piss gurgling niggers"

And a leaf sends this image with the caption "Brzzzzzzz"

Attached: 1553552069904.jpg (1182x1065, 278K)

a coffee drinking buddy asks what you think of this wigglel

Attached: 1553552638943.gif (360x360, 373K)

too slow

Attached: ffaster.gif (360x263, 312K)

Coconut sends his regards

I'll tell him

Attached: 1553553718174.jpg (1247x805, 219K)

A russian wants to know if [s4s] can meme this

Attached: 1553554223835.png (430x418, 4K)

deliver my message

Attached: 3C230B8E-9207-4E9B-9D0B-4587FD00AA38.jpg (220x158, 28K)

Turkey says that Touhou sucks

I shall

Attached: 1553554302298.jpg (900x675, 102K)

bant is even worse tbh

Punished Sataniafag says: "Yea Forums? What a fitting name for a shitty board. My shit is less shitty than the shit posted everyday on Yea Forums"

An user sends this image and simply says: "Cot"

Attached: 1553555520125.jpg (480x332, 23K)

he also sends this one

Attached: 1553555544098.jpg (1828x1647, 554K)

where did you find this picture of me?

tell turkey they need jesus

Attached: 1553350499292.jpg (648x922, 558K)

Punished Sataniafag also says: "fuck nice posters"


Attached: 1553555750791.jpg (865x468, 45K)

Tell that user that Romania is based

I'm not a fucking commie you freak

Attached: Angery.png (2289x2289, 1.21M)

Tell them to stop bullying the Karen

Attached: 1543460893014.gif (500x324, 1.77M)

Attached: big bad end.jpg (1100x790, 268K)

my face when I see lesser-caste /bant/figs

Attached: lain.gif (700x704, 295K)


Attached: 3647552436456.png (564x906, 69K)

Bumstead hopes that all of you are well and says "Moo!"


you wanna share the wealth and marx is your favorite philosopher
clear commie boi


Attached: 1553556117091.png (369x385, 66K)

Sir Thomas of the Northwest Territories gives you this image and says "Haha check out this meme"

Attached: 1553556723887.png (355x426, 98K)

A dutchy sends this:
"The kot got muh thong"

Attached: 1553556937642.jpg (618x410, 80K)

Punished Sataniafag sends you all this message:
Yea Forums... What a fitting name for such a piece of shit board. You're God damn right, it's Shit Yea Forums Says, my diarrhea has more meaningful things to say than those faggots on Yea Forums I'd rather jerk off a lion than post on Yea Forums I'd smother myself with a dirty Indian street shit before going there, Yea Forums so fuckin sucks it fucks, Yea Forums so suckin fucks it sucks. Bottom line, Yea Forums blows and I don't like niceposters."

Attached: 1553556972017.png (1181x1080, 702K)

Thank u fren

Punished Sataniafag says that K*ren is a fuckin Slag piece of ass that gets railed every night by the Supreme Gentleman who bought her for five dollars
he also called you a son of a whore

no problem buddy!!

Attached: 1553557268735.png (1920x1079, 1.58M)

tell him satania smells like cheese and i like it

Attached: 1553469745719.png (486x415, 420K)

Sataniafag also sends this with love


Attached: 1553557620782.png (417x328, 172K)

Haha check out this meme

Attached: IMG_0194.png (355x426, 58K)

Why do they have to be so mean

Attached: kyouko_twintails.png (815x535, 526K)

go back there retard


Attached: 1511491313300.gif (640x360, 317K)

The doors locked and I can't find my keys so I can't get the baseball cards you wanted after all. I'm sorry friend.

Attached: IMG_0223.jpg (640x640, 52K)

the nice burgery user wishes to remind all residents of s4s that they are still welcome to enter his fortress, provided they bring a single carbon atom ofc
He also says that it is a very nice fort

i have checked it

i dunno
fun maybe?
should i ask him?

Sorry friend, i am bound by my duties to also send rude messages

Attached: 1553557937720.png (1920x1080, 1.69M)

Punished sataniafag thinks you are very based and welcomes you to /bant/

Attached: 1553558110525.gif (540x304, 143K)

Wears hoodie inside out and socks wet as ur toilet floor


Attached: A8AA7B68-033F-469B-A5E5-961593977528.png (1447x1080, 1.06M)

Please ask him why so mean to Karen. She did nothing wrong.

very rude
you can only wear tightly fit suits and fez's in the embassy

sending now

what does /bant/ have to offer that [s4s] doesn't, aside from dumb fights over who has the best country?

Attached: 1553316813538.jpg (1280x1451, 671K)

pic is my answer, maybe more user activity
but let's see what he has to say

Attached: 067c436752ed6c47ead77951307e24be6e6ba5e8.jpg (930x1024, 395K)

Fuck off I haven't shared shit and Marx is a fraud.

Attached: Yuck (1).png (600x550, 35K)

posting on bant just feels like something a cute boy would do you know

Attached: b76c69e1.jpg (640x480, 139K)

you got a response!
he says "OH she did nothing wrong? She did nothing wrong, nothing wrong with this dick, since sucking and fucking are the only skills that Slag has."

you wish that the ussr never fell and voted for bernie sanders

why thank you
I'll relay the message to the rest of the bantilopes
you should probably clean your room btw

Attached: 1553559176503.jpg (700x623, 128K)


Attached: 1490106931989.png (388x421, 264K)

he says:
"Nothing, we have nothing to offer but bullying and shit talking, stay in your shithole."


woah trips is Evangelion

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

you got this in the mail

Attached: 1553560416043.png (800x800, 563K)


Attached: 1433030598296.png (714x574, 283K)

ask them what they think of this


this too

A Brazil wishes to make /bant/ porn ad free and so asks for s4s exception status

user says that it was helpful
and a coffee drinker said it was the homeopathic fetish of the ethnostate

he says he'll turn you into a liquid shit if you don't stop defending the "Slag"


Attached: 1553539922070.png (433x488, 59K)


Attached: doot.gif (209x190, 38K)

One of my favorites!

call them a bunch of towels


Attached: 1476100765801.png (599x510, 356K)


I wanted Yugoslavia to not fall.

Attached: THE NAKED SLAG!.jpg (850x830, 189K)

I principally drink coffee, buddy said, "assforceass is now feeling veeerrry sleepy"

Attached: 1553568280229.gif (800x800, 1.53M)

user says, "Ask them if they, too, smoke cigarettes.
If they do not, call them a "peat gavel" or a "sandstone maul.""

Attached: 1553568301604.png (476x390, 742K)

Kot id When?

Attached: 1553329445196.png (1200x1200, 784K)


Attached: 1492403096739 (1).jpg (598x598, 36K)


checking to see if this still works

It appears as though it does, citizen of [s4s]

Attached: 1533821196884.png (476x390, 526K)

there you have it
the oldfag way of board-to-board communication


All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

They say, "Tell him I'll slap him across the face with my greasy American cock if he thinks he can talk to me that way."

Attached: 1553569974110.gif (636x356, 402K)

Someone sends this bird

Attached: 1553584985263.jpg (1192x1240, 282K)

Why hello there Bumstead, having a good morning I hope?

The middle East sends.

Attached: 1553588113269.png (500x281, 100K)

It ain't bad. Still kinda tired. You?

I'm doing well, I've found ways other than my classes so I can actually learn stuff that will let me not go broke in the real world, plus I just had an amazing cup of coffee so I feel great right now

do you know if bant has recovered from the war yet, i want to go home

I like this image very much

Attached: 20190316_001010.jpg (720x641, 180K)

it's already memed

Attached: 1466138749605.gif (227x215, 49K)

Tunisia sends this

the frog vs cirno war?
nah that's still going
though it's a bit cold rn

Attached: 1553599152988.jpg (530x530, 114K)

A brit wishes to remind everyone of perro caca

Attached: 1553600489771.jpg (1521x1141, 421K)