I took a week off between leaving my old job and starting my new one, and I'm already bored at 10:30 am on day one

I took a week off between leaving my old job and starting my new one, and I'm already bored at 10:30 am on day one.
What do?

Your fortune: Average Luck

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start trolling people, eventually the boredom becomes nothing but a vague memory

Might be worth a shot. In the mean time I think I'm gonna go to best buy and look at computer stuff for a bit. My shitty $15 keyboard that I've had for 5 years has finally died

Thanks for blogging about that, fag.

Try to improve yourself or help others.

You could sleep or try and stretch out your back, play games, watch anime...

Maybe give your truck a tune up

I hope you don't lose yourself making others hurt for some sick thrill. Do as you wish.

huhuh duhh duh mommom om mom mo i have to shitpost moore anime threads moomm mom no i have to keep posting anime threads on s4s shut up mom i know it's been two years but shuTU UP MOM SHUT UP MOM I HAVE TO POST MORE ANIME THREADS!!!!

the two [s4s] personalities

by the way, those are double dubs

That's an even better idea! Still think I'll go out for bit though. Maybe have lunch while I'm out

Every time. It's best to just ignore them.

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you mean triangle dude or funny anonymous meme man?

Great! Sounds like a plan! *hugs you tight*
Have fun Boii!

I dont get it

Toxic Dbags. Interpret that however you will

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It's like that time I changed the article for Operation Paperclip on Wikipedia

*high fives*
:^) indeed fren
I like your style user dude!

You are free! enjoy it friend!

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Watch anine

Is that what you really think?


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Temporarily at least

Yesh! ^_^

Oh! btw that isn't really Magick in case you don't know...
sad sh*t tbh

I sorta figured

yep! I don't get it, but whatever... I wish the real Magick would talk to me again... I must have did or said something i don't remember a long time ago..

I hope your drive is nice and you get plenty of sun! That always feels nice, good for you too. Proven to increase happiness, I love the sun.

Yeah it was nice for a while. I forgot how odd it is to go out and do things by myself.