Sleep paralysis is rlly interesting

sleep paralysis is rlly interesting

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Have you had this too?

There are worse things, like wakeless dreams that involve great pain and seem to last forever...

Still sleep paralysis is fascinating, some believe in these states of mind we perceive extra layers of reality seeing int o a "shadow realm" of sorts. Not certain, but it is intriguing to ponder

i remember when i had dreams where i was able to move around but could only see the blanket, i thought i was still dreaming and the blanket was the dream and i was trying to feel things in my room, then some switch went off in my brain and i realized the moving around part was the dream and the blanket was real (my eyes were open and i could see perfectly but i was still dreaming)

also i had a lot of dreams where i could see perfectly fine and move around in my room but knew it was a dream, usually it ended in me kys'ing myself somehow or bashing my face in a glass window. i loved those dreams

i woke up to a raging boner and then it went away

yeah sure triangles, the fucking shadow realm
very intriguing

That's so cute! Like I remember seeing pets react kinda like this while they were dreaming

that does sound fun fren

also right now i remembered that last night when i was starting to fall asleep i saw very emotional and deep things and thought about posting about it on here but decided not to. now that i saw this thread i guess i can say it

also i experienced death by suffocation and heart attack in dreams b4. not a pleasant feeling but interesting

also some weird creature injecting me with a syringe and me going to sleep paralysis as a result lol

you don't have to share that
idk I had something were I could move my body around but I couldn't lift my eyelids so I was stumbling around trying to get away since I was also scared of my nightmare, I was being chased

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mayb it's because you sleep naked

I have lived out entire lifetimes through dreaming, i lost count how many. Been tortured, killed, I have seen realities much more complex than this one with new physics, geometries, colors and sounds. So much more detailed and complex they make this look like a cartoon by contrast.

scares the hell out of me thinking about it all, i am surprised I haven't gone mad.

There are dreams, then there are experiences for lack of a better word. As though you are living out memories from other versions of yourself.

Sounds so familiar. I wonder what the difference between people is, the key factor that allows them to experience these strange and disturbing things while other rarely dream at all, and if they do it is plain and uneventful...

Have you had dreams about perfect existences in which you could do anything and knew everything? Those jaded me tbh...

I hope you have happy dreams from this point forth, but even the worst of them are interesting in retrospective.

Glad you shared friend. luv u

you do too!

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>I have lived out entire lifetimes through dreaming, i lost count how many. Been tortured, killed, I have seen realities much more complex than this one with new physics, geometries, colors and sounds. So much more detailed and complex they make this look like a cartoon by contrast.
havent had anything that deep tbh. ive had ones where i suddenly understand the meaning of some archetype/meme thing e.g. "set of sets" or see an impossible object that makes me feel rly uncomfortable yet is perfectly normal and made out of wood and something and i can roll it around the table and everything and i can only conclude that said object is in fact not impossible but our brains are simply not wired to understand them because that sort of architecture doesnt occur naturally on this planet

>Have you had dreams about perfect existences in which you could do anything and knew everything? Those jaded me tbh...
no but ive had ones where i feel perfect freedom and nothing i do has any consequence, usually when i realize that it becomes fleeting and i start to wake up

>I hope you have happy dreams from this point forth, but even the worst of them are interesting in retrospective.
i havent had any bad ones like you have although some may sound bad (e.g. had my heart ripped out in one), but are in fact pleasant to me and usually humorous in nature. i dont want bad ones either and can live without them tbh...

so what

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its so kawaii watching tragick and magick its like 30 year old fat guys who think this is VRchat

you brought it UP

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That is approaching it! Yes!... but imagine an entire existence as such and you understand it implicitly as you do this one. it is natural..

Well glad you could see that much! It is exciting to know others have seen these things as well.

That's still fun, know what you mean, like you are in a normal place and you "wake up" inside the dream and have any fun you like... naughty fun too... I tend to think I was banned from all of those because of so many choices I have made in dreaming. As though there is an unseen presence allowing and disallowing "freedom" in a sense... idk... weird either way! xD

Myne would be humorous as well without the pain... I get it, you're right!

Thank you for talking about this. You made me feel a little bit better about it all : )

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I was just SAYING omg OOAAAAAAAA I sleep with clothes on sometimes

reap what you have sown... should be a mean harvest

And you sleep on iron coals?

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It's a shame you won't be around to enjoy it

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Yes I can't imagine sleeping naked on the ground to be comfortable

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You lost

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ive had it once and nothing happened

Bad end

yeaah but I don't have nightmares when I sleep on the floor!

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is just u wake in rem sleep

OMG you're such a loser I want to hug you

sorta this

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If you want to hug me then I'm a winner

This is you

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