well not A LOT h-haha
you can see her UNDERPANT
When I was growing up... this is what my sexuality looked like
We all walked home after school thinking of cute girls! (some of the time anyway...)
I am sorry for being born in the nineties! And I am sorry for having a post-typical American sexuality that is now ultra-rare thanks to the internet!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
die retard
I am sorry that culture finds my sexuality problematic to the point that it wishes I were dead!
Your fortune: Godly Luck
r u on defiant comics?
Should I be?
Your fortune: Outlook good
jack chan will kill paedos
oh crap...
Your fortune: Average Luck
som thunderhips blood was tho
holy crap...
That guy is a legend..
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
jim shooter?
som weird super team?
possibly a schizo kid fucker...
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Tomoko dances...
"Hey schizo kid fucker! I'm fourteen and in heat! Don't you wanna jam it in my warm hole? I tried shaving just for you!"
schizo kid fuckers run in panic... the bait seems too obvious...
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
weird korean hero name
schizo kid fucker
D-do you want to meet up?
We can have sex in the park!
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
my name is like the slipstream of a lee harvey oswald...ask like u wud yancy street fags about the thing
stupid okinawan whore you're gonna ruin the couch
shiros minecraft