Monday's Asian Gorl thread

Monday's Asian Gorl thread...

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"Clearly I am thinking about nothing. I am most certainly looking at nothing. Since nothing is present to my consciousness to beguile me with its color and movement, I have not become one with anything. Yet I am in motion: motion neither within the world nor outside it—simply motion. Neither motion as flower, nor as bird, nor motion in relation to another human, just ecstatic motion."—Natsume Soseki, Kusamakura

A new Monday means a new Asian Gorl thread... This time seuss has finally gotten the grip of his E.S.P... as he can use it to subjugate the physical world around him to his will! Weak as it may be, seuss is still a cooperative element with the realm of the living, using his psychic energy to make people... do stuff! Isn't that amazing (probably not too amazing...)? Asian Gorl's manner of E.S.P. must be much stronger, because she can see the future; she can even change it! Surfacing around the bores of consciousness, Asian Gorl invites all sorts of change and complexity through her extra sense! Shaping time at will, crafting it into her own image, her own likeness! One she sees to be best!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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>“Come on, Nicky, don’t be naïve. The minute she walks into that house, it will affect your relationship. I’m not saying that things are going to be bad, necessarily, but an innocence will be lost. You won’t be able to go back to the way it was before, that’s for sure. No matter what, you’ll forever be transformed in her eyes, just like all my former girlfriends the minute they found out I was that Colin Khoo. I’m only trying to prepare you a bit.”—Kevin Kwan, Crazy Rich Asians

seuss has been getting more and more headaches lately... he has one even now, after some aspirin and a eight hour rest... seuss' dissociative disorder is really kicking his butt, in full-swing! The doctor would probably just recommend him anti-psychotic pills... though what he wants is a friend! Stumbling and ambling down the turnpike, the now thirty-ish seuss hums to himself a tune relative to his youth! Pinging the bells of thought, with his E.S.P... Using the power of song to dive deeper into consciousness, so that he may endure greater pains.

Asian Gorl wouldn't behave this way! She would be strong... and endure the circumstance with fidelity and grace. Her indomitable spirit is hearken to an older age... one before time itself! When adults were grizzly and the refined were forced to rise above, into the circles of heaven... the protracted and lisible... Eightfold heaven..

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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>"Now Ryuji was obliged to reach a father’s decision, the first decision about shore life he had ever been forced to make. But his memory of the sea’s fury was tempering his critical notions of land and the landsman with inordinate mildness, and his instinctive approach to problems was therefore thwarted. To beat the boy would be easy enough, but a difficult future awaited him. He would have to receive their love with dignity, to deliver them from daily dilemmas, to balance daily accounts; he was expected in some vague, general way to comprehend the incomprehensible feelings of the mother and the child and to become an infallible teacher, perceiving the causes of a situation even as unconscionable as this one: he was dealing here with no ocean squall but the gentle breeze that blows ceaselessly over the land. Though Ryuji didn’t realize it, the distant influence of the sea was at work on him again: he was unable to distinguish the most exalted feelings from the meanest, and suspected that essentially important things did not occur on land. No matter how hard he tried to reach a realistic decision, shore matters remained suffused with the hues of fantasy."—Yukio Mishima, The Sailor who Fell From Grace With the Sea

In the realm of E.S.P... it can be difficult to grasp! Difficult to navigate the conduits and avenues of the mind... Our traditional sensibilities, to act within physicality, are subdued, we must learn emotion, and abstraction. To think of life in terms of not what is, but what is not, and what could be! These manifestations can cripple even the strongest minds of E.S.P... Asian Gorl understands this, and she peerlessly wrenches the future out from his most nestled hiding places. Grabbing it and shaping it, using it as her stepping stones to a brighter tomorrow!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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>"No less significant in this 'purity code' is the implication that life in public is inherently sullied. The statement may seem counterintuitive: Don’t we keep our dirty laundry private and hang the clean articles out in the sun? While this is certainly true of socks and secrets, it is not necessarily true of privacy. Like the ideal femininity with which it has historically been associated, privacy is 'pure'; life in public—like politics, money, and sex—is a filthy thing. Of course on some level that suits us. It certainly suits the imperatives of the market. If lucre is filthy, then we’re free to do every filthy thing imaginable with it. Pigs in shit needn’t bother to be too fastidious, which is why we say they’re as happy as pigs in shit."—Garret Keizer, Privacy

In the still of the night... Asian Gorl is watching you masturbate! A loud voice comes crashing through the clouds, shattering your privacy and comfort, "hello? Are you there? I can see you!" Asian Gorl is personal and intimate... Kidding! Just kidding. Asian Gorl would never violate your most personal habits, especially that of masturbation. A code must be followed... a code of purity! Privacy is no good unless it's pure... and it's that same quality that makes privacy so juicy to exploit! Boy, society sure does weird things! Asian Gorl would never violate that trust... that's why I love her! Asian Gorl and I are a regular pair, a set of country bumpkins, only good for humping and drinking expensive liquor! (This is a lie too, they're not some redneck hillbillies that screw on the broad side of a barn, half dead on moonshine and frustrated over baseball cards...)

Your fortune: Good Luck

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>"'The answer is written in God's notebook,' said the Professor" –Yoko Ogawa, The Housekeeper and the Professor

Asian Gorl studies really hard! Studying the profession of the mind... E.S.P.! To better her environments, she must take to the books and become engrossed in all types of metaphysical discussion! Discourses and dissertations run rampant through her mind... parables aplenty... She's a regular X-Man, training for the day she can finally save some lives!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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>"You eliminate the parts of your life that others find strange—maybe that’s what everyone means when they say they want to 'cure' me."—Sayaka Murata, Convenience Store Woman

Asian Gorl is holistic! Holistic! The sum of her parts is greater than... the sum! A new entity is formed when she is collected, made into a new creature. This new creature—it beckons, teases like an imp! One part social, one part psychological, one part physical... these are the machines of E.S.P.! These are the gears of the human enigma; the extrasensory perception. These small melodies are corroborated through homophony! Creating a temple of consciousness, laden with water jugs, and barrels of fire; capable of igniting the spirit with great wisdom. Asian Gorl is a sage... a sage of E.S.P....

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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>"The photograph is vaguely constituted as an object, and the persons who figure there are certainly constituted as persons, but only because of their resemblance to human beings, without any special intentionality. They drift between the shores of perception, between sign and image, without ever approaching either."—Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida

Asian Gorl realizes... the key to E.S.P... is perception! Without mingling, seeming and meaning become cohorts. They suggest and deflect, mystifying their intentions. Psychic energy wells within her as she tries to solve complex tasks and equations. She connects the dots... the whole cosmos through her psychic ability. Like a goose, wings flapping in flurry, descending upon the cool lake with prestige and distinction, so does Asian Gorl descend unto the psychic realm; touching her feet to the water, standing still upon it!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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>"Your friends are pretending to be all kinds of stuff, and your special job is to call them on it. Drew says he’s going straight to law school. After practicing awhile, he’ll run for state senator. Then U.S. senator. Eventually, president. He lays all this out the way you’d say, After Modern Chinese Painting I’ll go the gym, then work in Bobst until dinner, if you even made plans anymore, which you don’t—if you were even in school anymore, which you aren’t, although that’s supposedly temporary."—Jennifer Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad

Asian Gorl is impertinent! Always rude... No, a lie. She's just a little curious is all! Asian Gorl loves to come up with new and interesting lifestyle choices for her friends. Playing with the alchemy of socialness, so she can equip herself with knowledge and foresight! It's a perishable thought and activity, which quickly becomes constricting... but she enjoys it all the while with her patented E.S.P.! Selecting lifestyles which fit specific conveniences of character and personality! Asian Gorl, don't you know, people don't choose their lifestyles based on convenience! They choose them based on merit! Reward! Existential reward!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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goo lucke 2day fren!!! GAMBARE!!!

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dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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I will do my best to fight this headache!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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>"'Careful. Even ghosts are illegal here,' Big Mother had said."—Madeline Thien, Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Asian Gorl traverses the psychic realm... the realm of consciousness! In and out of these vales, Asian Gorl manages to create new life! Her ability to perceive and manipulate thought has proven satisfactory, genteel even. The spirits of the dead roam and whisper secrets to her, the specter medium Asian Gorl! What would scare most rookies, has enabled Asian Gorl a greater sense of courage and epiphany. Cataracts of the mind, simpler emotions reflect the basest desires of the ghosts: Take me home, country roads. I want a boyfriend. Isn't there anyone who will buy me dinner? These shadows walk among us like normal people...

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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>“There you go talking like that again! You know I find Mitsuko attractive—that’s why we became friends. Didn’t you yourself say you wanted to meet her, if she’s so beautiful? It’s natural to be attracted to beautiful people, and between women it’s like enjoying a work of art. If you think that’s unhealthy, you’re the unhealthy one!”—Junichiro Tanizaki, Quicksand

Asian Gorl has a mean streak... a rainbow splashes across her face! The letters "LGBTQ" drip from her forehead in emboss... Well, she at least appreciates feminine beauty! A kind of natural relationship to aesthetics.. and what a relation it is when you've E.S.P.! Asian Gorl always abides the nearby spirits and their wishes. It's the only way to delicately calculate the climate of consciousness. Sappho would adorn many jewels and treasures, lay them up for Asian Gorl, due to her extensive and promulgate capacity for sexual identity!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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>"She wondered if was possible to cross back in time, cross borders and nations, begin again, if this was what he needed. The thought had come to her suddenly: If you go, you will not return. She believes in the present moment, that a decision made now can shift the balance, that every act realigns the past. Imagine it this way, she had told Matthew. It is like walking across a vast field as the sun rises, burns, and slowly falls. The shadows around us change depending on which direction we walk, what steps we choose to take"—Madeleine Thien, Certainty

Asian Gorl... these links between psyche and psychic are huge! Predicting the constellations and the flux of time... interpreting the flow, while simultaneously manipulating it! The architecture of consciousness is a very sturdy build. Asian Gorl can it be that the knitting between your psychic abilities and the mind is jeopardized by your influence? That you can undo some of the work you intended to assume complete? The spirits from the afterlife are silent... there can only be meditation and hermeneutical discussion on consciousness..

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Asian Gorl thread will press on into the week!

Stay tuned for more episodic content featuring Asian Gorl!

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Today is Tuesday... ran into a little trouble with the video card last night. Had to fix the fans! Everything should be fine for now... the fix is temporary but still pretty good!

Oh my headache has subsided a little bit, but I still have lots of clouds in my head and if I think too hard it gets all painful!

But I will brave it for the Asian Gorl thread!

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Now they're going to bed and my stomach is sick and it's all in my head hut she's touching his chest NOW he takes off her DRESS now lemmy go I just can't look it's killing me a n d t a k i n g c o n t r o l

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Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated!? lole

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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WHY'D YOU HAVE TO GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED???? I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me f r u s t r a t e d
life's like this and you fallandyoucrawlandyoufakeandyoutake what you GET andyouturnitinto HONESTLY PROMISE ME I'm never gonna find you fake it no no noo

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Avril Lavigne!

Hold on I have to wash some laundry, basement break...

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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It feels just like a DAGGER buried deep in your BACK you run for cover but you can't escape the second attack your soul was innocent she KISSED him and she painted it BLACK you should have seen your little face b u r n i n g f o r l o v e holding on for your life all that I wanted was a little TOUCH a little tenderness and TRUTH I didn't ask for much no talk about being at t h e w r o n g p l a c e a t t h e w r o n g t i m e

Song lyrics in the Asian Gorl thread...

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Must be safe to post in the Asian Gorl thread now...

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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>you will never share a hotdog at your cousins birthday party with Asian gorl.

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I don't know... using photos like this... could be risky!

Risky, risky...

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Asian Gorl Can Capture And Torture Me For Information

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She will want to know about those pictures at the company party...

Your fortune: Good Luck

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I get what you mean someone started an argument with me over why the image has two keyboards.

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I took that photo... so I have two keyboards!

You could just have asked me for reasons explaining the two...

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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That's right I remember now! I really like the image thank you for sharing it, but I already know why you have two keyboards. You just wanted to type twice as fast obviously.

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It's okay! Be sure to distribute all the photos I post! (I really need some friends...!)

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Funny my doctor was just telling me the same thing a week ago. About me not him though in case I wasn't clear.

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Did you want to be my friend...?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Okay. Charles and Seuss are now friends.
To celebrate I found a picture of Asian gorl.

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macabre music

Thamk you fren!

Oh! Thanks! We can take this picture to /soc/...

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Wednesday... Asian Gorl thread continues...

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Today's Asian Gorl thread can begin...

>"She had a hint of New York in her English now, a tension that hadn’t been there before. In both San Francisco and New York, she’d been working different jobs–waitress, house cleaner, nanny, tutor. At first, in the newness of America, her letters had glimmered with observations, jokes and stories. Ma and I had visited her twice in San Francisco where, despite everything, she had seemed happy. But after she moved to New York in 1993 we didn’t see her anymore. Ai-ming always said it wasn’t the right time–she was living in a dormitory and couldn’t receive visitors; her hours were erratic; she was working night shifts. Still, her letters arrived like clockwork. Ai-ming didn’t write about the present anymore, but about things she remembered from Beijing or from her childhood."—Madeleine Thien, Do Not Say We Have Nothing

Asian Gorl tackles many jobs when communicating with the mind... stirring the formulae of consciousness through civic veracity! Communicating with the cosmos has many agencies and even more governed businesses which are tended through principle. Asian Gorl: the specter medium acquits only the healthiest work ethic as redeemable in the mind's eye.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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>"Days later, when the plane touched down in Jakarta, he’d felt as if he had awoken in a country that had no markers, no guides. There, with Ani, the past was no longer just a memory, a fog, it had the face and shape of a boy. Wideh had stood with his hand resting on his mother’s knee, the gesture reminding Matthew of one he himself had made long ago. He saw in Wideh’s face the resemblance to both Ani and himself, a gathering together of what had once been lost."—Madeleine Thien, Certainty

Through the flux of time Asian Gorl manages to repair relationships and broken psyches! The ill, lame and leprous all come to Asian Gorl for messianic healing! Boasting her titular E.S.P., Asian Gorl establishes great continuity between peoples from all over her community. The jeering and jarring jacitation of her hecklers invites great comedy to an otherwise two dimensional lifestyle..."I'm the best psychic, period." Asian Gorl boasts... "Yeah this side of a barn," seuss recommends a slight adjustment to that sentence. Through the fog of consciousness, Asian Gorl refurbishes nostalgia, divining a realm filled with thoughts, ideas and feelings.

Your fortune: Average Luck

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>“Mama had eight children in ten years,” I picked up after the waiter left. “She kept trying for an eighth son, but after me she only had miscarriages and stillborns. It’s hard for girls like us. Boys can go to college, but Baba says, ‘A woman without education is better than a woman with education.’ ” Neither of them seemed to recognize the Confucian saying. “We also aren’t allowed to drive. We shouldn’t show our arms. We can’t show our legs. We’re supposed to learn to cook, clean, sew, embroider—”—Lisa See, China Dolls

seuss in his efforts to mimic the herculean task of Asian Gorl's psychic engendering, has finally made some plants grow! This one responds to classical music, it grows with style and vigor! Talking to the herbaceous friend, seuss relives old pastimes of his younger days. Flirting, playing and so on! Plants aren't very talkative, but they still have a mode of sentience! If only plants could realize how lucky they have it. Taking in all that carbon dioxide, and spewing out fresh air for us to breathe! Asian Gorl is opaque. Believing the people who have it the easiest are men, in their philosophical pursuit for meaning. Contemporary politics and feminism has shaped the realm in which psychics have become useful! An all-too-familiar representation of modern polemics!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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