Kira I'm cold, lonely and afraid

Kira I'm cold, lonely and afraid.

and lunch

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: kaiman eat.jpg (256x243, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


five same numbers

Kira I'm avatar, namefigging again




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Stop posting. You're a complete and utter waste of life.



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Five numbers all in a row, hot damn buckra

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you're gay too
don't forget

I'm very depressed for some reason


good job catfish

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thinking about the "used-to-be"

ok back to work
no time for humanity!


just a stain on my mind.


youre missing some1?

>i'm a blogfaggot

next time just use a screencap of one of your twitter posts in the OP, you will be cancer incarnate

it's not so much the person so much as the ideal I was chasing.

sux2beu lol

yeah, lol

kys lmao

Relatable tho

kys lol

Shut up kid

look whos talking lmao the edgy pol kid get out of here before you embarrass yourself kek

i mean seriously, if you're gonna play at being this obnoxious persona, why not go all the way with it
your inability to even maximize this farce shows how unintelligent and lazy you truly are. you're not a troll, you're just a boring idiot that doesn't know any better.

lmao rekt

Been there p recently. That's the risk of loving someone. You'll sometimes come up short with nothing but a broken heart full of rotting memories. Play summadat for me.

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Why are you so mad little man?

if you feel the need to put down other peoples intelligence you usually are pretty dumb yourself
just a pattern i've noticed related to dunning and kruger effect
we tend to obsess over things we lack, perhaps i need more faith~~

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

unless the relationship ended horribly and left a sour taste in your mouth i don't see a reason to cling to the bad memories of it
if you are going to remember past things and keep them with you might as well remember the good times instead
just be careful the more you cling to the memories the more you chain yourself into them and regret and so on
think of the memories as a old picture you can revisit to remember good times gone to past and learn from your past mistakes for the sake of future
the moment you lose hope and faith in humanity is the moment you wall yourself off from the same humanity you yearn for

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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you desire to build a pyramid 100 feet tall
you feel an intense need to build the pyramid at these exact specifications
nothing else could satisfy
nothing else could make life worth living
and yet you only have enough bricks to build a 50 foot tall pyramid

recognize the root of your suffering being the desire to build the pyramid
enjoy a cup of tea instead

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I just had a cup.
Also I think your solution is lacking.
I must break the laws of the universe instead.
I must do the impossible.

Kira im going to fucking strangle Kaonashi

thread the needle
two same numbers
you will try

Your fortune: Outlook good

who is this Kira that catfish is always talking to

a tulpa generated by a demented mind on a downwards spiral into itself
his psyche could not cope with the truth so he created kira who had the psyche to take the brute force of the truth
now his mind exists in a split stage between Catfish and Kira, he externalizes the bad things he does in life to kira while granting it control in exchange
it is a symbiotic relationship of masks that has allowed them to survive through tough situations and allowed them to surpass their limits
jk no idea, probably from jojo diamonds are unbreakable

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

hey dude can you shut the fuck up your psychotic ramblings are really not worth reading ever and you would be better off not wasting your time making them

catfish a good boy

dubs: checked