Yea Forums lost It's magic

Yea Forums lost It's magic
no use in pretending
anyone who was here in like 2015 knows what I'm talkin bout

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what is an Yea Forums?

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i'm so fresh you can suck ma nuts

1t's st1ll th3 b3st bo4rd

Yeah but It's still not as good as it used to be


Tbh I've been here for three or four years and today in particular I've seen many fun posts.

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i can't believe i agree with a homestuck faggot but yeah this board is hot garbage on a pile of burning tires on top of a pile of rancid used diapers

The "fun posts" you enjoy so much are only enjoyable to the small group of dedicated autists that shitpost anime here every second of the day. You make the board very unfun for anyone else that wants to enjoy the possibilities of Yea Forums. You've really just forced it to be "le XD Randumb ANimaymay boared XXDDD" and fuck you for that because nobody needed that or wanted it, you fucking nigger

this board might be more suited for your taste

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are you implying the advent of doremi and by extension the influx of /bant/ figs and generally people who don't understand this board game here LOL loser lmao

tbh fam name one thing that has got better since 2015

May I inquire what the honourable fren trying to accomplish with this moaning? If you're concerned with the board quality, start making good threads instead of complaining.

pleas do not disrespect my people we are displaced because of thr war, one day i hope to return to my homeland

>homosucc posters


opinion into the trash

i am not concerned with board quality, it's easy and nice to funpost and that's all i need. the point was that everything looks better looking back because hindsight is 20/20

trips confirm

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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woah i got trips! thanks for checking! \:D/


I love homosucking

Your fortune: Bad Luck

>i am not concerned with board quality
this is why you need to fuck off
you're just making it worse for everyone and for completely selfish reasons
you're a cancerous nigger baby
you should never have posted in the first place. everything you do is like a baby smearing shit on the walls. you're scum

dont bully

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I have tried again and again to get [s4s] back to its roots. One man alone cannot make a change and with that realization, there is nothing left to do but complain.