this dude so red he redder than a damn tomatoe
This dude so red he redder than a damn tomatoe
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this dude is the devil turn off your monitor
do not look into his eyes through his dirty lenses thats how he gets you
he's got a chub mass of 0.50 solar masses and has a surface temperature of 4,000 K hes so damn red
any exclusive red lightfilters combust around this dude he so dmanmn red
we have historical evidence that the colour red didnt exist before this dude cuz he so damn red
point an ncs colour scanner at this dude it will say yep hes red
howd he become so red i wanna be red like him
singlehandedly responsible for the red scare
should change his name to red cuz he so damn red
too red for his own good
this dude has similar spectral lines to a lithium fire
so he's a red dwarf star in the shape of a man?
intredasting... hmm
leaked photos from hell
so much blood in his head he cant feel his legs and is at a high risk of an unfelt infection which might lead to amputation get well soon
what the fuck
what the fuck man
I don't think anyone knows how to respond to him or wants to, like damn dude, you found one scary MF this time
hes purp
dude looks like the decals when you shoot bullets into the same spot in cs:s
dude looks like a missing texture
Terry a FFuggin RockStar Bby!
fluoresces under UV light
used to calibrate red ruby lasers to the right wavelength +- 0.00001Hz
native american
jungle... youre so epic fren.
i don't know why you hang around with us losers...
mad respect, you already know
this is a thread dedicated 2 how red this man is 'xcuse me
this dude is red ropes twizzlers
ripped str8 out of a shit ytp contrast turboblast
dude popped a couple 2 many toxik waste supersour candies at the lunchtables turned into a turnip
someones done the unthinkable 2 this fella
you wont believe how red this dude is
click and see
i have achieved red in the facehood
Let's forget I ever had a namefig and vibe out to this shit
page ten dubs
he plays for the washington redskins