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>a day late





Four more years


Until Vince dies?

worked shoot angle with Trump in the 2020 election culminating in a face turn while feuding with sjw communist Comrade Bryan when he goes over huge with the WWE universe securing their vote and his second term in office when?

>He doesn't care about it until some jew mentions it
makes sense considering how much he loves the jews

>retweeting some random Arab

Survivor series.

>Team Trump
AJ Styles

>Team Bryan
Seth Rollins
Kofi Kingston
Sami Zayn
Big E
Cedric Alexander

Who wins?

Let's see a bunch of real men against a bunch of manlet faggots. Why are you even asking?

Ding-Dong Diddlybased

Bafed. Fuck trannies and fuck AEW

Necro Butcher at ringside for Team Trump and Nash for Bryan.

Do these idiots think that Trump writes his own tweets?

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of course he does, it takes 3 seconds to tweet happy birthday anyone can do that

He's tied up with the G7 making sure we're not getting fucked over economically like we have been through previous administrations. So give him a pass for being a bit late.

he's probably over there asking why everyone isn't nicer to israel

His account has a lot of tweets,i really doubt he sends them all personally.

Batista should be on team Bryan in place of Cedric.


why is this fucking loser wearing a headset. he has no business doing anything. just fuck off

Of BASED Civic Nationalism whilst America turns irreversably brown & israel's stranglehold over the world continues
SO freakin epic.

> muh corn

I still haven't fully accepted the potus is best friends with guy who owns wrestling

AEW never stood a chance

>blue wave
>resist emoji
>a leaf

What a typical cuck faggot

what do the dog and the tennis ball represent in leftist emoji symbolism?

also "ending gun violence"? how can someone be so racist?


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Has anyone ever tweeted Attitude Era clips at those Arab accounts on twitter? Maybe it can convince them to get The Rock at a future Crown Jewel event.

>high-fives him

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Trump is actually doing an okay job. In the lesser of evils he is still the lesser of evils

yeah people like to talk about how bad trump is but he was running against the closest thing the world has to a wiccan reptilian spawn of satan, so I'd rather have a dumbass reality TV businessman any day.


This, but unironically.
I don't like the guy as a person, I think he's an asshole, but he's an alright president.

Imagine the heat whitey is going to have in this country with 4 more years of this. Cant wait to start treating whites like niggers

Donnie loves Saudi cock

based spic

>That nose

Something you wanna tell us, Vince?

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He acts like one, wouldnt be surprised

Why is Trump in the Hall of Fame again?

Like politics aside, he just did some stupid filler segment. Most people dedicated their lives to wrestling so someone could just snag that spot

Because he's a fucking boss. There's tons of celebrities in the HOF.

SO fucked over economically that our GDP has generally steadily risen since the Carter Administration. There have been a few "bubbles" since then that caused a year's worth, give or take, of bed shitting. But those were mostly caused by our own retarded ass government, not the Chinese boogeyman. AND they were shortly sorted by normal economic forces and expansion continued thereafter.

What none of these glad-handing, pandering, weasel politicians want to tell you is that the normal state of humanity is economic progress. These various armed goons interfering only fucks that up.

He hosted/sponsored WM 4 and 5

why did trump quote tweet an arab and not vince?

Pretty sure thats Hindi

>real men
>as defined by an user on the fake fighting section of a Mesopotamian hentai trading imageboard
o i am laffin

>doing an okay job
no wall
more immigrants than ever before
nothing done about censorship
more wars for israel
he is a retarded boomer and the only positive thing hes done, is inadvertently driving the wedge deeper in this country, hopefully accelerating the collapse so we can get to the rebuilding in our lifetimes

>economic progress
ZIRP funded debt-based “growth”, crumbling infrastructure and exporting jobs while importing consumer goods

You are a retard. Our infrastructure might not be "crumbling" if we didn't piss away hundreds of billions of dollars on frivolous defense spending (and impotent education spending [AND counterproductive entitlement spending]). Or if the galaxy brains in the government in general didn't use force to monopolize the country's infrastructure in the first place.

To complain about "exporting jobs," you must not know what the fuck a "comparative advantage" is. Which is something you have in common with our dipshit President. To make a long explanation short, trying to force manufacturing jobs and the like to stay in this country is ultimately just welfare for stupid people, which you probably bitch and moan about when the Democrats support different forms of it. Like all other forms of welfare, it's paid for, involuntarily, by those of us who work jobs that are actually net productive for a living.

>Importing consumer goods

Oh no, we give them paper (or more likely, a digital representation of paper that doesn't even exist) and they give us actual stuff that makes our lives better. How horrible. Someone stop this.

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