Does s4s bring yuo joye?

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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you bring me joy

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hmm... yeah.

no wait i take that back

yes s4s is nice board

s4s sparkel joy in my life

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I am eating that

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Depends on the day.

yeahe, a lod of joye!! I cand imagine meeding so many nise fremns anywhere else!
very, VERY goode dubs fremns!

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It used to

welcome back on board, fren!

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thanke you EMS fremn! I really missed thise place!

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thanke you four're checking!! thad mages me smile! Thanke you so muche four saying thad! I'm glade I sdill god to talke to you when eberything was blocked!

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[s4s] maeks me rly happy

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thanke you fourer checgking!!!

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yeah, you can call me anytime you want, lole

if good fortune = I go buy alcohol
if bad fortune = I don't

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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thanke you EMS fremn, thad relly means a lod!
Hab fun wid the alcohol! sday safe!

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stop posting pics of me

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my room is almost totally barren and only has three pieces of furniture in it counting my bed

dubs nice

nice mine has four

I wanna jizz on her stupid face so bad and I have no idea who the hell this is. All I keep seeing are the stupid memes on Yea Forums about cleaning my room, and I clean it anyway! God, I want to put her through remorse. Non-stop throat rape! Vomit and puke all over the tiles. I have NO CLUE who the fuck this is.

Let that sink in.

Your fortune: Good Luck