can normalfags just fuck off from here?
Can normalfags just fuck off from here?
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*tips fedora*
i don't want to be a
*kills you*
you're pretty good... too bad all you attacked was a mere hologram...
not funny
it wasn't meant to be funny. it was meant to be a jab at "anti-normies" since literally the most pointless reason possible to hate something is that it is normal
especially since it is you yourself who defines what is "normal" and what isn't
it is made 100x more pointless and funny when the word normie/normalfig doesnt even mean anything lmao
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
nice dubs
but the term normal means a specific set of values, habits, interests, rules, lifestyles etc. that is considered a norm by a large quantity of the population of a certain area or time
so it kinda has a meaning lol
I felt this
the meaning is always local, be it community or whatever
and that community/person/whatever defines things outside its own norms to be normiefig
maybe it has a point to someone but to me it does not
i've seen people who Yea Forums would consider "normies" call other people "normies" so yeah the word makes pretty little sense. but yea they're "normies" of course so of course they wouldn't get it, am i rite
so i am a normie by saying otheres are normies?
and is it more un-normie to admit: "I am a normie" ??
>They will often try to discredit out cultures or choices falling outside of their majority think claiming those of other dispositions are mentally ill or out of touch with reality.
aren't anti-normies doing exactly the same, lol. they discredit anything normal in a similar way. in the end it just reduces down to a battlefield of the egos
in fact that urban dictionary entry is pretty ironic because it says that "normies" don't recognize themselves being normies so how would anti-normies then know they aren't normies
>i've seen people who Yea Forums would consider "normies" call other people "normies"
you can thank EmpLemon for that
>so i am a normie by saying otheres are normies?
no. that is neither normie or un-normie. it is simply anti-normie where "normie" doesn't mean anything so the whole "anti" thing is pointless
the point i'm trying to make is that there is no such thing as normie or un-normie. the word doesn't even make le sense
Where does normie-ism start, where does it end?
Is it Normie-Tier to accept the mene's of society?
if you wanna be normie so bad then why don't you gtfo back to redit and discord?
thank you for your le insights
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
if getting called normie upsets you, you're a normie
very nice trips
it starts when NPCs stop thinking for themselves and ONLY do something just because it's the norm
you think any of those current fortnite players even unironically like fortnite? no! they will leave that game as soon as it's not normie anymore. while people with ACTUAL interests continue doing what they like because they're not faggots who care about public opinions..
for example, they only people who still play minecraft today are the people who joined before 2013 or after 2015! anyone who joined in between those years has already forgotten about that game because they don't actually have interests
this confession has meant le nothing (although le nothing is still le something)
You're bringing the NPC mene into this, i never liked that one because it's just a derivative of the normie meme, if you think about it
well said.
i'm not doing it for the meme i'm doing it for its original definition hoping that New Namefig would finally understand what we're talking about. then again, twitter has ruined its definition by bringing politics into this smh
but yeah, NPCs and normies are basicallt the same
it is NOT FUNNY. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE A NORMIE? holy hecc it pisses me off when people call me a normie its like they dont even care about my ego
and thus proving my point
oh , okay
also wanted to say i generally agree with your le opinion regarding mineman
why the hecc would ANYONE do something JUST because it's the norm? i don't think such a person exists on this friccing planet come the hecc on! do you think a single player who plays fortnite actually even knows it's considered a "normie" thing on sites such as Yea Forums?!
I didn't choose normie life ~
~normie life chose me
Yea Forums has literally nothing to do with the fortnite hate retard kys
own it :^)
please read the entire thread including every single reply in order to find out. but that is only if you want to find out. considering has proven that you don't want to know.
i have read every single reply yet i still dont get it
unless you mean this reply which doesnt explain anything
no one still hasnt explained to me why someone would do something just because it's the norm
i dont know what that means
I’ve set up a dead man’s switch to destroy my PC the instant I become a normie
he is saying blanket staements and extraneous labels clearly cannot define others and only serve to further divide us?
~Either die an hero or live long enough
to become a normie yourself~
that is not what i am sayiyng at al
im saying im not a *frickin* normie
but the instant i say that i get called an edgemaster instead
so how do i even win
>how do i even win
that's the part where you lost
You know what it means silly billy
I mean be proud of who you are, and if it's in your best interest to change for whatever reason do it for yourself or others you care about.
Own it.
Meaning it's your life dude, so your choice.
Good mene's in this ITT :^)
Be yourself and f*ck all the B*llSh*t? No...
but it is impossible to stop playing The Game isnt it
ok that's good i guess
this is the first time you've posted something based. there is hope for you but pls do not guide the normies lol
пoшeл нaхyй дeбил suka
do NOT ever call me a NORMIE again
didn't triangles just tell you to embrace your true normie self?
wtf even is my true normie self
you only see what you want to most of the time like everyone else
>but pls do not guide the normies lol
i... just pls
all right im not angry anymore. i think i will become a normie. but how
you have discord?
Check these dubs!! :)))) ©.©
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
~how many threads must one man browse
before he knows the normies?
the answer my're frenn
is blowing in this ITT ~
Woah nise tripsss!! :)))
Your fortune: Good Luck
stop thinking and just repeat trends and the thing you last heard from the media
become a parrot
that is what most people are like, and so what a """normie""" by definition must be as well... idk man... i just... this is painful now. goodbye
no, what does it mean to "have discord"? an account there? no.
i thought its just a web sight that's kinda like irc but over the world wide web
it is triggering that you are telling me something like this and it is also triggering that you think most people are like this
go on discord, add some fellow normies, make a youtube account, react to cringe compilations, become a snowflake.
trust me, this is a thing now.
fuck nornies yeey
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
that sounds fun
i don't know what you mean by snowflake. how can you be calling normies snowflakes when snowflake means unique so its kinda the opposite of normie isn't it
snowflake isn't unique when it's winter
no a snowflake considers themselves special when they aren't.. and discord normies who react to cringe compilations (or basically anyone who does that) does that to feel superior to the rest of the world. making them snowflake-normies.. trust me, it makes sense once you finally use your brains
for you, i'll continue.
It is my experience that tells me this... it's fugging depressing man, but that is what I have seen from others.
I am not saying Everyone is like this, thank God, just most of them
discord is fun btw. the worst of it get's over represented like anything else. I know you would have a good time though.
If you make an account with a throw away email then I will give you all the best servers.
just don't enter any personal info and you're golden fren.
this kind of assuming superioritiy by calling otheres parrot's is Normie tier, and everyone has that phase in they are youth
that sounds very anti-normie to me, not normie
anti-normies want to feel special and superior because they're not normies. i think you got it mixed up dude
I've seen a video of parrots laughing at people in the sound of a woman's hoarse laughter from inside a trash can
Has someone filmed it and the parrots responded to him filming them so that leads me to think that they were actually trying to prank people and scare them
see you still haven't figured out the definition of the words and that is why you had to read the entire thread instead of replying to everything you don't understand
You mean like a sparrow
degeneracy and hedonism is a normie thing too
i mean that everyone who watches cringe compilations for fun are snowflakes. and discord normies happen to watch these for fun
making discord normies snowflakes
i understand what you mean but you still haven't convinced to me that anti-normies are any better than normies. in fact from everything i've heard so far they sound worse, yet they're supposedly better and elite and such
They only repeat what they have heard from others. Probing them for original thoughts and opinions yields no results. What conclusion should I come to?
They care about sportsball and their job mainly. *Most people seem to be lacking insight and creativity, not saying that is objectively wrong, only depressing from my standpoint.
but you just said that people watch cringe compilations to feel superior, isn't that kinda the opposite of fun. i'm getting mixed signals here
but noone ever said they were. like i said before, read the thread for once!
You're so funny and I bet you are soul was so successful before computers existed and I'm sorry to hear about your downward spiral though
I think there are anti-normies that are worse than normies, while there are anti-normies that are elite and stuff.
I mean, someone mentally lel is not normie, but that isn't a good thing.
While a genius is not normie too, but that's a positive trait.
(not saying that all anti-normies are genius or mentally lel)
>feel superior
that is the most snowflake thing you can do. how is that mixed signals? are you a moron or are you just a fucking troll? i tried to help but instead you're being a faggot! i will direct you to read and do as follow retard
That is only my experience with people, but most do use drugs and equate sexual degeneration with Love.
so kinda... unfortunately
only my experiences once again. Anyone reading this sincerely hope yours is better...
basically this
no, you are on a normalfag website now
can YOU read?
>>feel superior
>that is the most snowflake thing you can do
i agree
> how is that mixed signals?
*that* is not mixed signals. mixed signals is when you said that people who watch cringe compilations FOR FUN are snowflakes.
yes and isn't it fun to feel better than the rest? why do you think bullies exist?
we need an actual normie holocaust >=)
so you're saying that watching cringe compilations FOR FUN equals to wtaching them to FEEL SUPERIOR? in other words it is impossible to watch them *without feeling superior*? not trying to strawman here, just want to clarify this 100%, because i think im reaching a breakthru here. everyone who thinks they are not feeling superior watching cringne compilations, is in all actuality , lying to themselves and in fact, only watches them to feel superior?
good points. We should honor positive traits and people, while scorning negative traits and people.
Not saying cast out the negative but instead seek to make it socially unacceptable once more, and by doing so correcting stupid and degenerate behaviors.
Be free in your own house, be polite in public.
you know what? forget it! this stuff is too complicated for you. just do whatever makes you feel good and if anything goes wrong listen to the Based AF Moral Code:
>don't give a shit
Look, i've been there myself so i reply to you seriously even though i think you're a cringefig
By saying othere's are parrots you try to obtain le high ground and come of as le epic "deep" fig
You say that they only care about sportsball and repeat what otheres say but instead it's you who's superficial and is unable to overcome a barrier of trust to talk with those "parrots" about their own original thoughts or deep stuff
because everyone has the same original and deep thoughts of "I want attention, I don't want be alone, I feel worthless yeey"
(with some exceptions of course)
(nice dubs)
of course it is complicated. not just for me, but for you too. often we like to think we understand morality and stuff but then we have a hard time even trying to start defining it in an objective way. i think "objectify" and "objective" are connected sorta. you have to objectify something in order to make it objective, therefore to make something right you have to make it wrong
how does being blind make u superior?
sounds ideal
umm... lolwut?
actually yeah, that's what it boils down to
if you acknowledge this you have relized memetic normality
I wonder if yuji sakai is proud of me...
No. You are assuming all of that while I have tried to have conversations with these people. I already said not everyone fits this bill, just a vast majority.
You want to see me as you believe me to be, so you resort to the standard name calling and inferences through demeaning labels seeking to make me to your liking.
I talk to strangers everytime I go out, and most of the time I get the same result no matter my approach.
Sad but true.
I think he might be watching this thread
he sees your dubs and smiles
It would require people to start caring more, and that is difficult since most don't have much outside of their own lives to care about in a sincere way.
I believe it will happen when and if poverty is solved. That seems unlikely as well though... maybe when total automation is possible and humans are no longer required to work... maybe in a century or two in other words.
Yadda yadda
I merely suggested that the problem might be with you not the otheres
maybe you lack empathy or interest?
whatever, stay salty&cringy until you realize
poverty and caring about the world around you are linked partially for most people. When your life is good you want to make the community you live in better too.
That is the theory at least...
I hope you start to care, I care about you. I really mean that too.
I care very much about others though, just saying most of them seem lacking in creativity and interest beyond surface level things.
Paint your vision of me how you like it.
love you delta
Love you too EMS : )
It's hubris to think otheres are running around on this planet blindly
never said they were blind, only that they lack interest in the world around them, i.e. their community and neighbors.
they seem emotionally dull and hollow, then again that could be from years of doing something they hate just to survive. I will say this. Most kids I remember from when I was little were much more "alive" and caring, and I think most people turn out this way because the demands of industry are literally inhuman seeking to turn people into cogs and gears in a machine.
This will hopefully become a thing of the past soon as we are on the cusp of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Automation *should allow people to work less and enjoy life more. At least in concept... who knowes... LoLe!
Posting in the fast thread
I do not want to be a normie
I do not want to be a normie
I do not want to be a normie
I do not want to be a normie
I do not want to be a normie
t. the Yuji Sakai
there's a lot of shit written by triangles in here but i'm not reading it because triangles wrote it
don't bother, it's the same pseudointellectual spastic drivel he always posts
triangles is a smart cookie
he's a fucking idiot and your post better be ironic you banal pleb
show me one post of his thats smart
>show me one post of his thats smart
how about
didn't read it because triangles wrote it
now fuck off
>that post
fucking LMAO
triangles has to be the most sheltered retard i've ever come across on the internet
why did you make me read this retarded post?
if his whole persona is ironic he's DAMN good at playing the role
so triangles used to have a crush on suebi? that's gay!
yeah but that was too much for even suebi and now triangles hates suebi or something lol
"I have read books from over 100 year past" should be etched on that fags gravestone lol
i might have died but, alas, at least i read books from over 100 years past
"Society has changed in that brief time. Apathy rules the modern era."
"courtship and relationships thrived on effort then"
does triangles realize reality and fantasy are two different things?
these levels of cringe should be illegal
BASED jungle spittin' truth on retarded anime bloggers
that's kinda cringe tbh
that guy really went downhill huh
Bro. This is cringe bro. Do you have any idea how much of a cringe normie you are being right now?
gae nigga hose succn mudda fukka on jungles jocc over here
ironically he went downhill around the sme time he stopped posting doremi
I'm so anti-normie I commented on my friends girlfriends Facebook comments and she dumped him within a week.
Then she got raped by her uncle.
I wish I were her uncle...
I need a good screw.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
normie is a term for someone who has social skills and is not a virgin
ahh no one cares fuck off
wow! this s a nice traed
why doesn't he just post about racism on Yea Forums or /pol/
why does he selectively choose Yea Forums and Yea Forums to talk about topics people are willingly neglecting?
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
wow wtf i love being a normie now
who knew being a normie was as easy as having common decency and following rules of society
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
shut up kaonashi nobody cares stop posting
not really, have a (you) anyway
the last scholar of golb...
Your fortune: Bad Luck