this is "joseph" ...
This is "joseph"
i love him so much
Um, No?
very cute
i believe stalin was not ACTUALLY a communist considering his leak of concern for human rights... the same can be said for EVERY dictator considering dictatorship literally defeats the purpose of communism...
that would be like achieving anarchy in a monarchy, which just simply defeats its purpose...
it's like being a nazi and invite foreigners to stay as long as they wish... that just defeats the purpose of nationalism...
it would be like saying you're a trap but you still have a neckbeard... traps don't have facial hair wtf
therefore, the argument against communism should never reference stalin or else my argument against nazi's will be obama lmao
disgusting revisionist >>>/gulag/
based dubs
>considering dictatorship literally defeats the purpose of communism
have you ever heard of the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat?
read some basic theory before you preach about communism, thanks
dude you deleted this, post it again for me? thanks
dubs lol
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
you got owned hard buddy.
i deleted because i see now that we're not on the same page...
my ideology does not contrast with your perspective on the main thing...
i want to be equal regardless of age, sex, race, income, and i do not believe in a leader that is above us
you however think i believe in something else (altough i do not know what you think) but i'm pretty sure it has something to do with proletariatism
and i do not like to make a scene so i just wanted to leave it at that...
i'm still against dictatorship tho, and that was my main point so who cares? this is not /pol/ so let's post fun stuff instead, deal?
Who are you quoting?
do you own any means of production (factories, etc)? no? then you're a part of the proletariat; since you make your money from working for someone who does
the point of the dictatorship of the proletariat is to prevent those which are against your (and my) vision from regaining power after a successful revolution
the world is not a utopia and while it's supposed to be a temporary state of affairs marx believed it to be necessary in the transition to communism
tnx for clearing things up
no problem and nice dubs. i'm not trying to be mean to you but there's a reason communism is against idealism, politics are not as easy as believing in some stupid vision of equality and justice and peace and going from there
Hmmmm are the Bolsheviks jooish?
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
guys i like free market and mixed market but i dont want to be isolated by my Yea Forums frens
can i be part of you even if im not?
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
I like some of what you said i thread, I admire yiur passion, but we are not equal. we all have inherent gifts and flaws, so don't preach anything to the contrary.
If you want equality under the law and in society then preach an promote egalitarianism and fairness instead of some unified mandate aimed towards crippling the best and brightest bringing us all down to your level
Bury nice gril dubs
manlet died in a puddle of his own piss
Anyone have the reaction image of him confused in the great gulag in the sky?
>unironic communists on my board
Y i k e s
They don't have internet in Cuba/North Korea btw. Which is where you should move
sure paying tons of money to move to another country and leaving everything behind here including your family, friends, culture and language is about as sensible as capitalism