What was Austin thinking at this exact moment?

What was Austin thinking at this exact moment?

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>almost time to go home, man I'm glad I'm working with owen. Super safe, and actually *sniff* seems like he washed his balls too. What a guy.

>I'mma throw this sombitch off the roof a building one day.

>someone just shot a hot load up my spine and I don't think it was consensual

>the fuckin shitte-AAAAAHHHH FUCK MY NECK

>austin breaks his neck in the middle of the match and is pretty much paralyzed
>still goes over

bonce roncweround the cornew and desisergw

years of training at the Hart dungeon could not save Owen from the deadly dazed roll up

I wonder if they would have forced that roll up if they hadn't thrown in that 'kiss my ass' into the match.


Probably blacked out



>Pink tights, what the hell is that all about?

>O-Owen!? I can't believe you did this to me, how could you?! You will rue this day, i will have my revenge. Maybe i will stage a little accident, if you ever do the 'descent into the ring on a harness gimmick, i might devise a little gimmick on the harness, and you will plummet into your doom.

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holy shit you're a faggot

>holy shit you're a faggot

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>Man my neck really hurts lol thanks Owen, hope you did lol jk


I heard he did lol jk

>Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation

In that split second he saw the future and was thankful that he got BTFO and unable to do meme jumpy shit so he would get unparalleled levels of popularity from being forced to just talk shit and brawl with people really good
In the next moment he was like AH FUCK though because his neck hurt


>way am I whering and earring

Care to extrapolate, Owen

He did, hes said that he doesnt remember shit from after that

Hard to say. According to Austin, he literally called an audible in the match while his neck is fucked just so his character wouldn't be seen as weak. He was fuckin' Stone Cold; he couldn't lose to Owen and kiss his ass. This is the same guy that wouldn't submit to his brother 5 months prior.

Owen never apologized to Austin for this. It's bad locker room etiquette to not check on/call somebody you've hurt. Owen didn't call Austin to make sure he was okay, he never visited Steve in the hospital.

Attached: What was Chono thinking at this exact moment.jpg (550x390, 53K)

>I got my receipt for Chono


I was reading Owen Hart's biography Broken Harts: The Life and Death of Owen Hart written by Martha Hart in 2004. (If you want to read it, you can purchase it on Amazon.)

These are direct quotes from the book.

"Although Owen got along with pretty much all of his colleagues, he disliked Austin on a personal level. Owen thought he just wasn't a very nice person. Besides, he was one of those wrestlers that started believing he really was a world champion.

Their relationship soured even more during a match in August 1997. Owen administered a routine "tombstone piledriver" - a move that is made by picking up an opponent, flipping him upside down and placing his head near your lower thighs before dropping to your knees.

It was suggested that Owen placed Austin's head too low before dropping him. As a result, Austin was left on lying on the canvas claiming to be temporarily paralyzed.

The incident kept Austin out of action for an extended period of time and Owen took a lot of heat from the fans.

Being a seasoned, extremely cautious wrestler, Owen told me he executed the move properly. He would have felt horrible if he had hurt anyone, but he would have owned up if he'd done something wrong. In this case he suspected Austin was being dishonest. He even told me weeks beforehand he thought Austin might fake an injury. Either Austin was using the incident as an excuse for some time off or, if he truly injured his neck, which surgery would indicate, Owen figured the damage had been done prior to their routine match"

I don't know who's fault it was but Austin's head was definitely too low.

I can totally see Austin faking an injury because he already needed a neck surgery. Who the fuck is able to roll up and walk out after something like that? Don't say not some pussy sumabitch either. Most wrestlers would need to be taken away on a stretcher.

The plot thickens


Have you ever actually seen the match? Austin was on a different planet. "Roll up" is used in the loosest of terms since Owen basically pinned himself and Austin couldn't even stand up by himself after.

Anyone who has suffered any spinal injury, doesn’t feel shit for a minute or so. I fell and injured my lower back one day and couldn’t feel my legs for a short while before regaining movement after a couple minutes. Everything below my waist felt numb for a short while. It is a miracle I can still walk.

he got a noggin knocker, rang his bell for a minute, after the match he went to hospital (by himself) left the hospital (by himself) picked up a twelve pack of beer (by himself) and then milked the next few months off tv where he got to drop the tag titles and the ic title twice without being pinned

and people say stone cold isn't the goat worker