Minecraft shiros place

minecraft shiros place

Attached: lole.jpg (1200x848, 1.1M)

Hey TK why haven't you posted a tarp job? You slippin or what?

thats you down bottom

Attached: fd47da2f511602a99e71238335a467abde90e99cf8f8487d183f1be095ecd36e.png (720x720, 383K)

sign me up!
that sh*t looks fun

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again


Jesus you really are creepy. Stay the fuck away from children.

sailors get scurby
pls dond b furby

Attached: hana on da swing.webm (640x480, 435K)

lrn kung-fu!
dublels! wooh!

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 33 - Tenka muteki!_ Ojama na sukedachi [WinxBloom1980][63A6BE8D].mp4_snapsh (960x720, 419K)

eat swiss cheese
b nice pls

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第35話「運動会でてっぺんをめざせ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 236K)

WTF fight my champions

Attached: sample_ac2897c4d57065139216974994d1dc70.jpg (850x497, 93K)

LoLe :^)

it's like you're going out of your way to be as intensely unlikeable as possible

dont give it attention

Attached: when u cm in a bum.gif (128x111, 50K)

and you don't? have fun...
put your name back on, "Serious Poster":^)

"NO U!!!!!" - basically all your responses lol

you know if you're going to make 50 posts an hour every hour and refuse to get a job it would help for you to at least not be a complete shithead


so angry.
pointing out how *almost* each of your posts is full of vitriolic hate while you continue to obsess isn't allowed?

hmm... aight then.

Just passing by to check these dubés ©.©

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: dcc6b163d777dcac41aa8719ab5c82fd.jpg (402x419, 35K)

Thanks for all your hard work!

Welcome mlord.. Congrats on ur bby girl too! :)) @.@


ue chaika.


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don't say nigger at me wtf -___-