What if everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals...

What if everything that we know and love is reducible to the absurd acts of chemicals, and there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe?

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then die like the rat you are

then simulation theory is real, and though it is disturbing how the meaning in our lives is actually arbitrary and we have less control over it than the meaning itself suggests, it is also liberating to know that it is just one set of many rather than something important

spending all of my savings at the slot machine while my 3yo child dies of heat exhaustion in the car

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that's right
make up whatever you want about life

I try not to think about it....

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>and there is therefore no intrinsic value in this material universe?
how do you draw this conclusion from the premise

baby's first existential crisis
enjoy nihilism for a bit before more consciously seeking out those chemicals in any thing you can....get use to never being able to shake the feeling that all you can do is swish those chemicals from one lobe to the other.

toss all your ambitions to the side and spend all your time chasing highs and staring at a screen because it's fun lol :^)

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yup live an easy life by pretending that nothing means anything, because science proved that nothing means anything "lole"

can sum1 help me da panda is stlell botherign me... i wan 2 go on a website. but da panda wont let me!!!!1!!@

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.34.[640x480].[1C2C29B8].v2.1.mkv_snapshot_05.57_[2017.08.07_10.08.21].jpg (640x480, 149K)

stop looking at poisonous garbage

He likes u... lole

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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wut do u mean

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第25話「謎の美少年・暁くん登場!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi (640x480, 347K)

peoplels r maed ob thinks n stuffe... i dond thing lookign ffor raisins tto nod try in da life were in is.. a goo think.

balue is.... wut u maek ob id. if some1 is passionate about gunpa, den da gunpla hold balue tto dem... but id mite nod ffor alot ob udder peoplel... ids fine tto gib wuteber ur pursuits r balue...

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dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!

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The panda likes Aiko...

he wants to play with her!

Your fortune: Good Luck

>he still thinks that things mean anything

cam u help me wid gettign rid ob da panda faek doremiposter? ppls....... da cryign panda is blockign da way... ids been dere 4 months id jus wont go away
ok but... ids blockign da way...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_19.18_[2017.07.10_11.50.07].png (640x480, 382K)

Okay here's what you do...

Go to the original website... make an account... then you delete ur cookies.

Then login to the original website, and THEN go back to the panda... he will be gone.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

da panda lieks cookies? mmm...mmmmmmmm... ahhhh~

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2017.07.31_10.30.58].jpg (640x480, 201K)

whats easy about sating an insatiable hunger for meaning and validation on little more then belief?

I don't know... it all sounds difficult.

"Ultimate skepsis.—What are man's truths ultimately? Merely his irrefutable errors."—Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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