This is WWE Superstar and Volition Skincare sponsor ASUKA's (formerly KANA) home in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada. She has lived there for around one year with her husband.

Why did Asuka choose Vegas? I don't understand.

Attached: ISijiqx3ng12sv0000000000 (1).jpg (1000x619, 121K)

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It's a shame you can't see it on google maps because the pics are too old.

Is it true that her husband is a Nigerian migrant?

looks like a porn game render

This appears to be a negative as his first name is very Japanese.

His name is Daisuke and he took her name.

she lives in a terrible render?

>Why did Asuka choose Vegas? I don't understand.
Regular nonstop flights to most US cities and low cost of living.

>and he took her name
KWABB (Kek What A Beta Bitch)

That's even worse in japanese culture lmao

Vegas is the land of buffets.

Asuka was exposed by foolish Renee Young and had to delete the tweet.


Cheap living and small 24/7 town (you can get from one end of the city to the other in about an hour). The problem is that a lot of these newer houses aren't very well made, and they're often targets for criminals. There's a bunch of areas in Vegas that are brand new and put rancho cucamonga to shame, but even when gated up, there's all sorts of break ins. It's not hard to have a friend that makes deliveries and leaks out key codes.

I’ve been thinking about taking a job there. Lots of my friends moved out there after graduating and love it. A couple went to Reno and act like it’s the best place in the world.

The girls that get into wrestling are very manly and dominant

Not true, unfortunately. Many of them still wanna be dommed and be the shorter one

>Sold for $437,446
based empress using her mark contract money wisely

Maybe dommed sexually.
But like they are still Amazonian in the mind

Your proof of this is what? 99% chance that Urai is his name.

What's her maiden name then ?


what happened?

Did Asuka post some scenery or something? Renee lives in Vegas herself so she must have recognised it.

You're a dumbass. It's probably more common, and generally less looked down upon in the situations where it does happen, than it is in America on the s󠀀oyfiends that do it. Because the Japanese ARE kind of autismal about family names, it's fairly routine, although still fairly rare, for a man who has brothers and not a big family name to "carry" or whatever, marrying someone who has no brothers and/or a prominent family name to maintain, to take the bride's name out of practicality.

I don’t know if it’s true but a quick search told me that 96% of Japanese women take their husband's name. I have a feeling that number would be a little lower in modern America with feminism running rampant.

You both forgot that Nevada has no state income tax and no hurricanes. The latter Is usually why people pick NV over FL

I want to visit Vegas with mommy

Attached: D4FqhK9U0AA8bB3.jpg (2048x1536, 1.15M)

Nevada has no state income tax.

She deleted it out of embarrassment, Renee was about to expose that Asuka actually lives in Reno not Las Vegas