Seethe Tarpins BTFO

Seethe Tarpins BTFO

Attached: A4451843-67D6-41DA-8C0C-87AA0B937BDB.jpg (975x585, 83K)

The Tarplayer Seethe Boilins


Attached: 1561330984095.gif (112x112, 51K)

My guy they were going crazy for him at Summerslam

they weren't

Bizarro world

Care to extrapolate?


>Silent H in Honest
The absolute state of Americuck language

It’s on-est, now haw-nest. Retard.

Same for his fiance


T isn't silent in tsunami.

>for years thought knee was pronounced like Kenny and called it that
>absolutely no one questioned this, not even parents or teachers
>Learn from a coworker as an adult how it's actually pronounced when he's talking about a knee surgery
>I think everyone was secretly making fun of me behind my back for all those years
Feels bad man

Based retard

Based ESL shitter.

It's okay user I thought chassis was pronounced as it looks until last month

I got to the sixth grade before learning island was not pronounced island

sup pedro

Based retard!

How do you pronounce GIF then?
