Can any professional wrestler truly say their career is complete if they never worked for WWE?

Can any professional wrestler truly say their career is complete if they never worked for WWE?

This is something I don't get. They're the company with the most exposure, the most revenue, and the most fans. WWE has controlled the pro wrestling world for close to 50 years. Back in the day, selling out the Garden was the true test of professional wrestling.

If someone never does their craft in the top promotion, how can they honestly be described as legends or the greatest of all time?

That would be like calling Tom Brady the GOAT if he never went to New England and played the rest of his years in rec leagues and Arena Football. It could certainly be true, but if you can't prove it on the biggest stage, you can't be the greatest. There's a reason why nobody ever calls a minor league baseball player better than Hank Aaron.

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Nigger WWE's stage is shrinking, just like my dick after having to read this homo shit

The absolute state of e-drones

E-cucks performing Pac tier gymnastics in their brain to even attempt to cope with the Elite GODS

For right now in america I agree with this. Take someone like Christopher Daniels who is supposed to be this great ring veteran with an incredible career but when they start listing off his resume and WWE isn't there you immediately know he was never good enough for the big time.

Elite GODS? more like the Delete FRAUDS!

absolutely braindead viewpoint
>shinsuke nakamura was not a good wrestler until 2016

That would be like calling Tom Brady the GOAT if he never went to New England and played the rest of his years in rec leagues and Arena Football. It could certainly be true, but if you can't prove it on the biggest stage, you can't be the greatest.

It's not remotely comparable because that's a sport. Nobody has a problem saying you can find better musicians outside the top 40 but some people buy into the bullshit that pop wrestling is somehow different.

If this were true than a lot of shitty world champions from WWE are the best in the world. That's retarded.

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No. This is something AEWtist fantasy bookers will never grasp because they've never had a career or even thought what it's like to be an athlete because they're stupid brainlets whose IQ has been eroded by sugary diets and masturbating to transexuals.

All true athletes dream of performing at the highest level. In wrestling that is performing at Wrestlemania.

This is why Kenny Omega has disappointed me and will never ever be considered a great. He has had the chance to work for the WWE and could be headlining Wrestlemania, yet he chooses to squander his life away with two balding midgets and a guy who has NEVER had a good match in his life. He isn't shit until he goes to WWE and proves his worth.

You're retarded

Wrestling is shrinking in general WWE is still the big dog and will always be on top until a multi-billionaire challenges them again

That isn't what I'm saying. Learn reading comprehension. Nakamura was always a good wrestler, but without a run in the WWE, there's no reason to give legitimacy to a claim that he's the greatest.

You don't have an argument, so it probably means I'm right.

You seethe but it's true.

That's why I said "in america".

Again not true, since Sting was always something before joining the WWE. He didn't need to build a legacy from joining WWE, because he already was one.

CM Spunk is one of the longest reigning wwe champs of recent era and was a mid tier wrestler. There are plenty of people outside the WWE far better than him and many others

World class chefs aren't flipping patties at McDonalds so no.

Is a programmers life not complete if they never worked at google? Fuck off faggot

There isn't a clear number one in "programming" like there is wrestling. And if there was one, yes, it would be retarded to call them the greatest if they never worked there.

This isn't an accurate comparison and you know it. Use the arts. WWE is Broadway, everything else is everything else. A stage actor could be perfectly content never working on Broadway, but there would always be questions about what-if.

>You're never truly an animator unless you've worked for Disney

So yes you are a faggot.


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>could be headlining Wrestlemania
Not with Vince and Roman around.

>muh beeg leeg's
Ask Tanahashi, Okada or Kenny Omega. WWE is dying, and no that doesn't mean wrestling everywhere else is too.

>some autist faggot killed the business 40 years ago
>this means that every star that ever existed besides the dimeless shitters that got Vince hard weren't really stars
this is your brain on WWE

Not even just them, look at Vader, Sting, hell Flair's best run wasn't in The E. Same with Inoki, Baba, or Dusty.

I hate modern WWE and Vince's direction the last 12 Years, but I actually agree.