[WON] Jon Moxley Suffers Potentially Serious Injury

>Jon Moxley has some kind of an elbow injury. It may be an infection that he got in Japan. He worked shows this weekend for Northeast Wrestling and with the exception of the 8/16 show in Poughkeepsie, his singles bouts were made tags. He pretty much insisted on doing his singles match with Pentagon Jr., and was very careful not to bump on the elbow.

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>leaves world class facility WWE
>fights in unsanitary bingo halls
>gets disease
serves him right LMAO

[WON] OP Suffers Potentially Serious Cocklust

He didn’t say it was a serious injury.

>He pretty much insisted on doing his singles match with Pentagon Jr
lmao what a mark


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Isn’t this an injury that keeps accruing? Glad I got my All Out tickets for face value, in a suite. Edrone, here, laughing at all you aewtists buying $300 cheap seats off the secondary market in Chicago

>goes to the indies
>gets AIDS

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He was hospitalised from an infection when in WWE dumb ass

>he was n-n-never i-injuried in WWE....
COPE, he'll be fine and you'll never see him in WWE ever again. Believe THAT. ;)

Karma is a bitch ain't it? This is what traitors get.

and who do you think treated him by giving him a vaccine shot in the ass? That's right it's Big Money WWE . He'll be lucky if he has any health benefits working for such bingo hall feds

Was it because he is homeless now? I thought he'd have acquired some resistance by now from all those STD's Renee gave him. Kys traitor!

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Well, it's alright, he's working for AEW so he's got Healthcare. If he was still with WWE, then yeah, he'd be screwed.

>healthcare for non EVP's
kek worked

Hope he dies.

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Oscar Meyer ain't an insurance company pal

How long before he comes crawling back to the big leagues?

Fake news

just in time for all out

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That's a Brad Sheppard news not a WON news

>no source
Lowest iq board

Based digits

so this is what happens when wwe guys try to choppa

>go to japan
>get infection

why are nips so dirty?

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Since OP is a faggot not posting news, here it is

Sorry, pal, only EVPs get health insurance.

>Xbox 360
fake news

Can someone tell me if I'm wrong for saying him doing this "because he loves it" and "it's not about the money" and that makes him a total fucking idiot? He's doing shows that will be forgotten in 20 years because he isn't a huge megastar anymore.

but is it potentially life threatening

Fuck traitors. Hope he dies.

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Death to traitors! Long live WWE!

Why are insectoid Japs so dirty?

they cant see shit with their narrow eyes and in moxley's case there probably arent free needles given to drug addicts in japan

ninja gaiden 2 was an xbox exclusive and happens to be a fucking fantastic game to boots. bet those nip bought it for that and vesperia untill R came out

Japan is overpopulated and humid as fuck

That part doesn't matter either. He has enough to live comfortably and he wants to enjoy life now. It doesn't matter what people remember twenty years from now.

This gimmick won't ever get over. You aren't gonna make it here with the wolves, kid.

>This gimmick won't ever get over. You aren't gonna make it here with the wolves, kid.

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Don't worry I'm sure he saved some of his free Coke and hotdog vouchers they paid him with so at least he won't go hungry

>Gets infection
>Wrestles through it
Nigga didn't this almost get you DEAD last time?

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>Cody, what’d you put in this hotdog..?? It tastes funny.........


He is still wrestling with it and announced for other shows so it's not a serious injury

>drug addicts in japan

Americans think that every place in the world is a garbage dump like their country lmao

please learn to read esl

>laughing at all you aewtists
Buying tickets for a shit show makes you an aewtist ya dummy.

He's gonna be okay for All Out, r-right?

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why in the fuck is he still working these tiny mudshows if hes hurt? sounds more like this faggot is making excuses for why his big AEW match is gonna flop.

Not for $50 bucks and all the Steveweisers I can drink.

>"Longer than you think, Dad! BOING!"