Is Cena vs Omega the only true big match left?

Is Cena vs Omega the only true big match left?

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It's actually Brock vs Cain, and then Brock vs DC when DC retires from UFC

Undertaker vs. Sting

I don't care that each guy is like a hundred years old. This match will pack a goddamn stadium if built up properly. Should main event WM36, but will probably be thrown on some sand nigger saudi shit at the last second with no build and they'll wrestle to total silence.

Cena is retired. Studios wont let him do matches after Rock got injured doing a match and lost a shit ton of money.
He'll give Elias an AA at mania and thats it.

No one cares boomer fren. No one even gave a fuck when Sting came back the last time.

cena vs who?

because they put him in a feud with two of the biggest anti draws of all time, HHH and Rollins.

Son of the famous Tom Magee of Stampede wrestling fame, Kenneth Omega

He got some meh responses but he also got some big responses as well. He was/is guaranteed to still be more over than most of the current roster.

I agree completely. Wasted opportunity.

the average mainstream, casual wresting viewer (i.e. the people they're desperate to get back watching the product) has no fucking clue who Kenny Omega is

lol faggot

Epico Colon vs Kenny Omega

The nerve of this pleb. Cena vs Tanahashi is the real money dream match.

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Fuck off

dilate tranny

This, ffs.

Hi jeff buck, cant block the truth on here.

You faithless fool, the real true big match is Cena vs Ace

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