R u ok retard?

r u ok retard?

Attached: C3064F05-058E-4D3E-93D6-5C031D8BC63C.png (203x410, 44K)

ok retard

you sound inhumane

howd i become so retarded???????

i am inhuman
stare at fun glowing box

wellbeing retarded aint that bad :-)

yes it is

have this funni image in these trying times its all i can offer

Attached: hime____.png (172x264, 15K)

wow epic thank you

i got moar

Attached: munchpenis.jpg (480x640, 35K)

i can't believe that penis is eating spaghetti

Attached: [Doremi].Motto.Ojamajo.Doremi.21.[47648E96].avi_snapshot_12.45_[2019.03.16_16.09.20].jpg (640x480, 171K)

Attached: kotek_munch.jpg (437x437, 84K)

Attached: munch1.jpg (657x833, 307K)

Attached: munch2.jpg (657x834, 89K)

Attached: munch3.jpg (657x833, 201K)

Attached: munch.jpg (495x521, 89K)

Attached: marispaghetsabotage.jpg (1056x1504, 356K)

rumia ;_;7
wow that's probably the most evil thing i've ever seen

she loves it

Attached: marispaghet_fixed.jpg (510x630, 66K)

Attached: zom666.png (666x548, 565K)

Attached: 1470675699871.jpg (250x248, 38K)

Attached: munch3d.gif (759x808, 355K)

Attached: 1470678893072.gif (200x200, 1.79M)

Attached: spaghet.png (450x500, 360K)

this is a bad thread i'm sorry for making it

its good :-)

dubs! wooh!
dubs! wooh!
r*de dubs! wooh!

Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

bury considemerate fren

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.42.[640x480].[DFCE111D].v2.mkv_snapshot_07.18_[2017.08.15_15.27.41].jpg (640x480, 170K)

fuck off retard



Attached: dzoom.png (391x322, 218K)

Attached: munch240p.png (131x98, 5K)