Murder is the crime of killing someone whose rights are protected under law. Law is a construct of government. Government is a social contract; it's only obligated to protect those who consent to the implicit contract in question. Animals lack the mental or communicative capacity to consent to anything. Therefore, animals do not consent to be governed. Therefore, animals are not protected by the government. Therefore, animals are not protected under law. Therefore, killing an animal is not murder.
Meat isn't murder
that puts my conscience at ease
ok I change the law now
Dhammapada v1 implies that eating meat isn't murder, but making meat the standard way is. Synth meats are the answer to ethical vegetarianism/veganism.
Meat is murder!
I forgot to renwe my photoshope licence
she was actually raped and killed by goblins retard. did you even watch goblin slayer?
this does not prove that meat is murder, but the way we currently raise livestock is bad for our planet.
But that's assuming a moralistic definition of murder in the first place. Whereas OP seems to be arguing from a Lockeian perspective
>Mind precedes all states, mind is their chief, they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind you act, then suffering will follow like the plow follows the ox.
There is an associated story connected to this verse about an arhant who went blind from his vow not to lie down until he attained Nirvana. One day during his walking meditation session, he accidentally stepped on some insects and killed them, but he was unaware of his actions. Some monks visiting the monastery he lived in were offended and approached the Buddha intending to confront him on this. Gautama Buddha explained that he did nothing wrong since he wasn't aware of the bugs when he stepped on them. During this discussion, the Buddha elucidated the aforementioned verse to them. As a perfected being, the arhant hadn't the very ability to harbor the intent to kill a sentient being, so he was innocent. Growing meat in laboratories and eating animal products like eggs and dairy from farms that treat their animals ethically is enough. Going vegetarian for even just a single meal a day or entirely one day out of the week will be enough to reverse your karmic debt, if it is even applicable to call the accumulation of dhukka "karma."
Wow, veganposter's racist. Typical mayo-yank racist liberal.