Well, [s4s]?

well, [s4s]?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Through them in a river and except myself and reality without any delusion.

*takes red*

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>Through them in a river
okay namefag retard

dissolve them both in my pooper

the purplel pill

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>except myself and reality
okay namefag retard

Attached: pyrplel.png (1050x573, 47K)

it's funny because the blue pill is actually the red pill if you think about it

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t. extremely blue pilled

fuck you fucking asshole (although you are right)


*punches you in that stupid square shaped mouth*

Attached: kawaii.png (417x209, 61K)

werent you the fig who supported /pol/acks invading this place en mass in a yerstedat's thread?

i have not supported that and stop trolling

trips acquit you of any guilt, so whatever my fren

A master of everything except brain function...

Your fortune: Godly Luck

says (You)

True... though I will take my assessment and further it!

Don't let the walls close in on you!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

im done here

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Cya later.

Remember fear comes from a defilement, not chaos. And seuss is no erotic technician for fear...

Chaos can be friendly!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: lolwut.jpg (618x177, 51K)


Attached: perplel s4s.png (1050x605, 204K)

Attached: 4p ccapt cmic.jpg (1000x1000, 235K)


akai pille

But in reality the suffering is in your head. Accept reality and live in peace

I eat red like salted peanuts.