Don't buy 2k20

Don't buy 2k20

Attached: dont buy 2k20.png (1920x1021, 1.85M)

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Post Hana pits or I'm preordering it

I want to forcefully and agressively impregnate Hana.


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What is a 2k20?

Oh hell yeah

I'll buy it before I buy some Japanese SNES game

Buy Pixel Mayu's game instead

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Where the fuck is it, it was supposed to come out at 9

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hiding this cringe ass shit

Does the Stardom dlc have rng peeing events when the girls try to pick each other up?

ya seethe, little man?

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Give us an update on woman models already, SpikeChunsoft!

i don't buy videojew games or watch hollyjew movies. I stopped giving them my money about 5 or 6 years ago.

>he doesn't have the mods

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But the wwe games are elite femdom simulators

Why are her arms so chunky?

all the better for choking you with.

Nah, femdom is lame



seethe harder
Who you guys playing as?

Since Sumire isn't in without edits, I guess Hazuki or Hana

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I'm the bitch they gave a rollup to

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pixel momo

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bitch wtf did you just say

>All those downvotes
Top kek

What a chad

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probably dumbasses who thought it was a full 3D game

why are people downvoting it?

the dlc is out fior ps4. £15.99

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I’m making Mayu my IWGP heavyweight champion

>not making her your deathmatch champion

Go to sleep bruv

woke up at 2am, my lad.

Pixel Mayu is going over Okada for the hebby Q brother

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>give nia jax max stats
>she just eviscerates me every time i try to fight her

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Based. I'm on a security night shift

Holy yum
Sfm porn when?

>WWE games haven't been good for at least 6 years
>FPWW devs won't add any worthwhile content to the game, just official versions of edits that everyone already has

Dammit you chinks just add bundles of moves and edit parts

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Almost tempted to get fire pro just to play as Mayuuuuu.

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> This game looks like one of those games you’d play on those in flight entertainment screens with a clunky joystick, or some shovel ware game for GBA
Stardetty btfo

t. 2k shill

When did this happen?

Rebel Kel is not included.

no Tam

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How does this not have a cum edit yet?

Then it’s worthless

>No Konami

Mayu or Arisa.

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Sorry, this finish ain't gonna work for me. Hana is an E-Chad, so buy it.

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Why don’t you just learn how to do it yourself?

t. Fire pro shill

God I wish I could blow ten dicks right now

based dickchad

I haven't bought a new WWE game since '13.

noone ever ports the WWE models to SFM, so never.

No Sumire, no buy!

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She's a freelancer. She was never going to be in it.

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Tokyo Joshi Trannies

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going by the comments: Lol, these graphics suck, where are my titty physics, this should be like DOA.

Probably cause the models are ugly as sin

Reminder to use creamapi and get the dlc assets from the PLAZA release since chunsoft have fucked over the pc version

Someone could pretty them up.


I think it was the batshit crazy Beanie Babies guy who said my whole work is the eyes, if I give them great eyes, people will buy my toys.

The 2K models are basically good enough aside from the eyes and the facial expressions, which are completely dead.

thats it i'm getting a refund

Attached: its not fair.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

What do you mean?

Steam DLC unlocker, allows you to have functionally legit dlc as long as you own the base game

I got to wait until tomorrow to buy DLC for this FPWW.

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Why would I want to pirate it? Sonny said that if it sells more they’ll add another batch of girls.

Because chunsoft are fags who fucked over pc players

How did they get fucked over?

how did they fuck over pc players. answer the question

pc player ready to buy stardom dlc, what did they do to me?

The only sfm wwe porn I see is of randy orton and I don't know why

Because he's the only SFM model out there. There's Undertaker, Cena and Hulk Hogan gmod models that can be used in SFM, though. I mainly make Witcher lewd stuff, though

The second they had the chance they changed all focus to the PS4 version, took like a year to bring over the NJPW content from that version, the PC version is a complete afterthought now.

lies. PC has more support than PS4 release

Only cucks pay


When has the PC version of anything not been a complete afterthought?

TF2 but at least that one made sense, they didn't want to put up with Microshit's licensing fees that charged them to release patches

They haven't even patched the Fire Promoter bug for us PS4 Europeans yet. They patched it for the JAP and US versions months ago then forgot to patch it for the EU version.

I have FPWW for the ps4, but not the dlc. What's the bug?

In Promoter you can add your own edits to the game by scouting the nation they're from and they appear as free agents. But certain nationalities (American, Japanese) are glitched meaning your scouts will never find them, so your own edits will never show up in your save.


Care to extrapolate?

Who's this?


Because it's mediocre

you're waifu a shit

Europoors btfo? Sounds based af to me.

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