Watch my daughters while i get some chocolate milk

watch my daughters while i get some chocolate milk

Attached: 2.jpg (900x1200, 296K)

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i'll watch them... IN H*CK!

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have you seen ripa? WHERE IS RIPA??

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ripa GONE

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they're showing me their nipples

oops sorry fixed

Attached: clowntter.png (900x1200, 1.31M)

magick is in trouble

4o4 this post not found

Attached: honk.png (648x807, 372K)

Hi there Baphomet, let me tell you about the dream i had about the unkillable nana eden, the basket case cared for by Karl atm, i just woke up from.

first, i was molested by the Adam West Batman, the fag one aka Adam Eden, then all of a sudden i was transported outside this retard fort. They let me in, without a fight.

There was this dark grey hot water system thing outside and inside it was grandmama eden. Somehow when i started to walk away from it, the basket case broke free and started coming after me. I started hammering it in the head but it was impervious to every blow i made, then it spat at me and she sneered at me that i've caught her disease. Then i woke up laughing because not one single dream i've EVER had in my whole life has EVER come true for ME. Can't speak for the rest of you though.

She kind of looked like The Basket Case, a movie from 1982, but had a dark grey wig on and was sickly grey-white in colour, with red lipstick. Kind of like this a bit

Have a nice day

I just heard this song outside too

Look, i think the moral of the story is, don't be a fag or Nana's coming for you

Black Magic is speaking properly...

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Skin cancer tanlines is such shit taste

Yes i agree, where i come from we don't wear clothes, there is no need

And this planet has waaaaaaaaay too many rules for my liking. Look, just because you spastics are as dumb as a bag of hammers, doesn't mean i am

Cya's let me the fuck go, you're too boring for me

And quit jumping on my back Ellie-phant

someone's been making a big pig of themselves

love the side profile here, really brings out your natural piggi-elliphanti-ness

Attached: elliesideprofile.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Well if it isn't you, meh it's someone, probably marlin or jewboy

But thats what they have u looking like in Borderlands 2

Fuck this shit, i want out

No Jew-ways !!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck off you ugly lizard


What are they doing with their shirts



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can i have sxe with them¿

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pedos dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
children are innocent get away from themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

-Who's that?
-I agrree.

kill yourself fag

Attached: __roll_rockman_drawn_by_om_nk2007__119eb7c8c448568ae73e69b792f36c66.jpg (600x900, 70K)