Day 5 of no weed... I'm very anxious and it's hard to deal with my folks and also to think properly...

Day 5 of no weed... I'm very anxious and it's hard to deal with my folks and also to think properly... I have resorted to secluding myself in my room and playing dark souls 3. Fucking pontiff knights.... just lost 40k...

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That's a good choice. focusing on something other than it helps.
Does feel weird at first.

Hope you have a good time Boii.
I am so happy for you!!!

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Thank you Delta!

these pictures are so sad....
I wish I could cleanse the world of illness and negative mutations...

Feel as though I am losing my mind, but other than that yes! I am feeling well, just... it's difficult to put into words, but all and all good.

How about you? Doing good too?

Just make sure you can feel some emotion before you cut all drugs, don't do what I did and seclude yourself from anything meaningful or anything that makes life meaningful to you out of fear that something will go wrong. Some people need that extra variation in their life to keep going.

Smoke camomile? Helps people get off baccy cause it's calming but not addictive and much weaker??? Might be a bad idea cos then you'll just need that to fuction but maybe do some research, only briefly heard someone mention it. Probably best to stay on nothing at all gud luck frem!!!

A bit anxious as I said, and my back still kills... ran out of flexeril and ibuprofen just isnt doing for me. Wearing a lower back support and locking my chair upright seems while I play my game seems to be helping though. I really hope this passes before I start the new job...

I'll be alright. It's not that bad. I think...

Thank you

Oh ya I forgot to ask how that job was going. I was excited when I heard you got it but I got preoccupied with IRL stuffs

It should. The feeling of restlessness goes away after a week for me usually when I quit, but I didn't even notice last time since I was extremely restless from feeling so bad... It's been almost 5 weeks without pot now.

I feel strange though, but good all in all.

Hope it gets better sooner. A trick I used before is eating a bunch and that kinda made the feeling go away. Good thing you can choose that option being skinny like me : )

Idk if it will work for you, but it could.

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It starts april 2nd. I'm not even sure they drug test, but I'm not gonna risk it..

I would eat more if there were snacks here.. everything's either spoiled or frozen. My parents live in filth and it doesn't even seem to bother them.. I find it disturbing.

Nice to see you aren't taking unnecessary risks. Though if your parents are living in filth, if you have your own area or room in the house, keep that part as clean as you can. Not much you can do till you get that job

Dude, my family, well at least some are the same way. I offer to help them clean, but they don't want help.

You know what's best! : )

Hope your back feels better too...
chiropractors, maybe try it out if you have money saved in the future. I've heard they work...
Yoga and stretching could hep too, but that is tough exercise even though it doesn't seem like it would be.

I'm trying to get better.. if only I had a Delta for back rubs :^)

I've been told I am good at those...
LoLe... too far away tho!

Dumb Alaskan/Canadian border...

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Ha! yeah... and a VERY long distance still....
You'll be fine friend! You're TOUGH!

Yeah, I'll be okay.. I wishe a Delta tho..

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That's cute! you're adorable Boii!

I wishe
a fishe

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Dubs of sweetness

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No you!
Really you are so kind and sweet! ilu fren!


Actually since you live in Alaska I have a question for you Boii. I got a letter from Anchorage and it seems nice, but I wanted to see if you knew anything about it.


Nah I got it for university since I'm still young and "full of potential" as my teachers put it. It's far enough away that I won't have to deal with any of my old problems while still being a place I can get an education in a field that interests me. Guess I badly worded getting a letter, meant Uni advertisement that looked interesting. And before I make anymore mistakes I meant the University of Alaska Anchorage. Sorry for the confusion

Huh. That's odd. I go there for the auto-diesel program. Idk what tuition is gonna be like after the summer though. The governor is trying to cut the university's already small budget damn near in half.

I'll probably have some sort of scholarship that pays some of the tuition. And the jobs I'm trying to get into pay well so that takes care of that money head ache. Though thanks for telling me the the university might get their budget cut, I'll watch it to see what happens, luckily it's not my only choice so I don't have to stress too much.

Well that's good you have other choices
Good luck fren!

Weed addiction- no matter how many years you've been smoking it for - only lasts for 3 days, night to morning.

At day 5 you're over it. Any pull you feel is just you falling into an old habit.

What were you going to do instead of weed? Go and do that.

I'm telling you - you're done with weed at day 5.

My pills are worn off again and I've already taken too many in a day... it hurts...

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Thanks, hopefully the situation gets better up there. Would be nice to be in the farthest state away from where I live that isn't Hawaii

just a reminder that anyone that unironically posts in these threads and contributes to this kind of discussion is part of what's wrong with [s4s] right now


I hope so.. school is expensive...

I've been taking ibuprofen all day for my back.. it still isnt better

Well I got no choice, family is going to force me to go to college when it's possible

Itll be worth if you find something you really want to do. And dont be afraid to change your major if you decide to do something else. A lot of people do. And also be careful not to over work yourself. And definitely dont move in with your bf/gf of 5 years or you'll end up like me, sleeping on a 20 year old spring mattress in a storage room with just barely enough room to fit your computer and all of your clothes in a duffel bag

everyone is different m9, and I wouldn't call casual use addiction....

still most feel normal pretty fast, about 1 week for me to adjust to the change. never any cravings beyond the joy of the taste and smell for me.

Try eo lay down and rest then, maybe an ice pack would help?

I've got 5 different areas I want to major in which easily branch into similar areas of education so I'm fine on that part. I need to worry more about under working as I'm so much of a lazy piece of shit that I don't do anything while accomplishing the bare minimum to get by and I still find I'm in a place to complain about others. As for moving in with others, I don't have to worry. I'm both an unattractive asshole and gay so my options for someone who can tolerate me while being attracted to me is so small it might as well not exist which is why I've been single forever, so if I'm moving somewhere it's either a dorm or an apartment.

I have to cook dinner... definitely after though.

I'm sure you'll be happy whatever you decide on

Nah. Ever heard "Beer then grass your on you're arse, green then beer you're in the clear"

If that applies to you ie human, then three days is as long as you need. Everything after that is mental.

And, not everyone is different you stupid fuck. Everyone is born human therefore everyone is human. You eat food, you get sick you take medicine. It all works the same. None of that shit has your name on it.

Not everyone is different you stupid fuck. Pull your head out of your dumb arse.

Pft decide, life is like one long bad trip for me where I decide nothing, just push through the results without thinking and being told I'm "special". I'm gonna land on my ass in the real world and the only thing I have going for me is I can see it's going to happen but I'm to lazy to change

That's not true either in my experience tho...

some people can't take even one hit without getting sick, beer or no.

You know about allergies, auto immune disease and hyper sensitivity? No?

stop. just stop.

I know my own experience well enough.

Dunning-Kruger effect pls.

Suck it

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a Yea Forums post. whew. you certainly proved years of study on the human genome wrong, huh?

Can't follow the argument, huh?

You're a dumb sack of shit.

Take the shame.

okay. have a nice day then

Go fuck yourself and your stupid reddit bullshit you cocksucker.

here are some studies which completely refute your troll of a claim, but hey...

"Prescription drugs interact with signaling pathways (biochemical pathways) in our bodies in very specific ways." Very specific shitstain. Not the everyone is different bullshit you obviously are hearing - I'd say in school but fuck you are retarded.

"Consequently, when pharmaceutical companies develop a new drug, they test it on a large number of people to see whether there is a small percentage, or subpopulation, of individuals that have a different response to the drug than most people do." Subpopulation, fuckwit. As in abnormal. Fucken moron. Also not the words small percentage, most people and fuck yourself.

This is a forum, you dozey monkey. Why don't you just point to a reddit post? Fucken Pathetic.

You're a dumb sack of shit.

we all experience them differently was my point, and others tend to agree evident by these studies.

You seem very upset. I will leave you now. I hope you feel well soon. Goodbye.

Not in miy're thread pls

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sorry for even responding to him Boii.


Go suck a dick and fuck off back to re33it. piece of shit.

Ug why do you idiots always fucking complain here. I swear your all the same person when you argue and it's annoying to watch. It's actually fucking impossible to have a nice conversation here without you self loathing, misery fetishing retards coming and just spamming your projected insecurities everywhere. Quit trying to turn this board into Yea Forums so you can self loath where ever you want and just go to Yea Forums, they might be able to stand your constant bickering. When you're ready to talk in a non-argumentative way, come back here

It's okay hun. Dinner is almost ready and I'm super tired. I might be getting sick. I took a cough suppressant for a cough that I've had all day. Dextromethorphan makes me very tired. At this point I just wanna eat something and have a hot shower and go to bed


Yeah, try to feel better then, I hope you do.
I will see you tomorrow then, I hope you are NOT getting sick... *hugs you tightly*
Sweet dreams my friend!


*hugs you tightly* This shit.

This. Is. Not. Reddit. Fag.


*cums in ur boyhole* lol nothin personal retard