Shrim sop and bef

shrim sop and bef

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Soup Time!!!!

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what's that black thing in the shrimp?

they havee eyes

ew gross who wants to eat an eyeball???? BLECK!!!!!

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*slurps in your direction*

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you know whats good is fish tails
cant believe people don't eat that part

literally eating the fish's ass

u are smart

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no i dont think you get it, you are literally eating the fish's ass.

the head is tastiest meats

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when i eat the fish head i cut the eye/mouth part off. it feels weird just looking at it. i guess technically i'm only eating the neck but whatever...

you kids need to grow up already. i put my whole cock in the fish's mouth before i eat that fucker's head. the weak deserve to be desecrated by the strong

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Just wait til you find out what that black line on the back of shrimp is

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imagine that thing cuddling your bepis like it does the fish's tongue

tell me about ...the black line on the shrimp

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That looks amazing

it's their benis

The black line on the shrimp...THE black line.'ll be surprise when I tell you...hopefully not too surprise, cause uhh..I warned ya.

But that black line on back of shrimp black line, well thats...umm...basically it's pretty crazy when you find out

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reminder that these things are literally tranny bugs

I want to go swimming

fug i guess i'm not ready for the truth after all

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what le hecc is going on here? crab buttesex?? lole

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

lole imagine the smelle...

what is this mickey mouse shit

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god shut up


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How do I find my fortune
Please be patient I have autism

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everybody’s gangsta till the tongue start walkin