Did you boys know ultrasound (sound so high in frequency humans cant hear it) can trigger nerve endings in the brain...

did you boys know ultrasound (sound so high in frequency humans cant hear it) can trigger nerve endings in the brain. and if you project regular audio onto an ultrasound beam you can project that audio like a flashlight projects light but that can stretch for miles.

yes indeed, it has for near 20 years been theoretically possible to remote control another human being with sound from a satellite in space, and you heard it here first.

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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No. I heard it first while i was studying acoustical engineering.

You are *right though to a degree, but it is far more effective to utilize microwave radiation to control neuro chemical signals in the brain, far more precise as well.

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attempting to control a mind that is aware of the still pond is difficult
the mind works on its own without the need to form thoughts, if mind control is thought control to the still pond it is weak
words are weak, no matter what you project to the mind if the mind knows the Yea Forums and is in the state of still pond any projected thoughts will follow to the same location idle thoughts go
no ripples only serenity, only active thoughts are present in the still pond, passive thoughts are left for the unconscious mind
they may create bias but if the still pond mind knows themselves that bias will have menial effect, there will be automatic "i shouldn't do this" effect when bias leans towards a thought or action that the self would not commit
even if the radio waves could replace the inner dialogue of the persons mind what use it is if there is no inner dialogue
the zen flow protects the mind from such manipulation, however the zen flow is not infallible if you find yourself doing actions that you do not approve while in the flow you may have accumulated bias and need to do reflective meditation to purge bias
ruminate on the gondola and the full meaning of what it means to be one of the silent watchers

yosho must travel back in time to 1999 to mind control humans with microwave radiation from space

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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I often wonder what the effort cosmic background radiation has on consciousness. I theorize it was in part what helped structure our minds...


Good meme at least, sorry for the late response, am trying to find something.

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thanks for all your hard work

higher cosmic would most likely influence us look at bigger picture / greater good of galactic scale
earths influencing things would most likely effect us in a way that makes us look at the here and now on earth
both would be good for us but for different reasons, if you just look at the skies you will miss your life here on earth, if you look at the earthly you will miss "all that heavenly glory"
the road and the destination, look at the pragmatic and dreamer paradox, the pragmatic (in this example) will only look at the here and now, tried and true methods and live a mediocre and safe life, the dreamer (in this example) will make grand plans with no root in reality and will spend their life with their head in the clouds building very little on this earth
binary think is dangerous pitfall that i also fall to many times, it is convenient and it is subtle and well integrated into us through out our lives
your limits are what you make them, the self is just a idea you have accumulated over the years based on your experiences, what you are is not your ego / mask you are beyond that
the ego/ mask has a purpose and i am not saying it is bad, good and bad are just flawed memes, it has its purpose but if you only focus on that you will limit what you can perceive for the sake of comfort (i have done this and still do in a way)
find a solid foundation in the "i think therefore i am" that validates your ego, "for there to be even the illusions of faulty senses there must be something that experiences those illusions" that validates that there is something experiencing these illusions, but even if the jars (bodies) we perceive ourselves as are part of the illusions we cannot rely that they are what we are
know that there is an ego / mask and that it thinks, it is part of you / your creation but it is not you by itself, the observing experiencing one is closer to the real you than the mask
find balance between these two, and when in doubt follow the golden rule

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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are you implying that ego death will allow us to surpass our limits?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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that is like burning your shoes to not get dirt on the floor when you go indoors, ego does not have to die for you to see beyond it, all you have to do is realize that your ego is just a mask you do not have to break it / kill it
do not fly too close to the fire, if you want to keep your mask and find higher you need to trust your gut feelings when you start to feel excess unease while pondering, take your time you have all the time in the world to reach it

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yeah it's stupid and I actually did nothing, I get it...
just another silly idea

Godly Luck, nice.

not what i was saying, like not at all but I enjoy your philosophies and musing Kaonashi.
Two Godly Lucks in a row

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maybe it takes a retard to save world from what humanity has become, others would have just dumped the whole thing into the soup by now and started over

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two same fortunes is pretty lesbian

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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would global IQ reduction save the planet?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

dystopian solution, negative it would dumb down human race collectively and create a asinine illusion of peace and harmony maintained by blissful ignorance, eventually humans would stagnate and dumb down to a sea of drones that would jitter in their pods as they are overloaded with sensory stimulation day in and day out
we would be nothing but jiggling masses experiencing one ecstasy after another, overseen by AI whose main goal would be to provide security to these pods and to maintain the illusion
higher IQ tends to create greedier people, the smarter a person is the more likely they are to either fall into a pit of despair or to attempt the climb to create their own antithesis of the current rule
coalition of the smart and wise would be ideal aided by the AI in administrative duties, benevolent rulers ensuring that humanity does not destroy themselves with their desires and giving a chance for those who are of the will to strive for something greater than sensory pleasure to ascend among the masses of humans indulging in it
we go forward, only forward, to look back is only to learn from our past mistakes and to find solutions for future ones that bear resemblence to those problems
human kind needs guidance, we have been bred to be followers and at this point it is too late to fix it with selective breeding, with the help of AI and the leader anomalies humanity can be directed to a favorable future
a problem arises however, what happens when these anomalies seek to betray the AI and those among them that still uphold this noble goal, how does one keep corruption of such elements in check without imposing too many restrictions for them to perform their functions, who will keep these restrictions in check and enforce them?
fix one problem and more arise, that is why stagnant system always fall, you need a system that is flexible enough to tackle potential future issues but has enough structure to stay up without plunging into chaos

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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emotional and economic stability, along with education and a promotion of caring/moral values would do us all a great service


universal basic income

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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I keep telling you all not until we have total automation. It is not a viable solution until that point comes...


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It currently would violate our universal laws as you are asking for everyone to get something without any work being put in.

If no one is working where are the goods and services coming from?

Total, or *near total automation is a prerequisite for UBI.

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two same numbers
what steps are being taken to reach full automation and eventually ubi?

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fuck off retard

We are on the cusp of the fourth industrial revolution. Robotics and AI are being developed which will be able to function autonomously and produce so much more than a human workforce ever could. We will also start mining the resources found in the deep oceans and further into the earth's crust utilizing robotic swarms/fleets.

It is already in motion, but will take much time to realize. I believe in the next 50-70 years UBI will be potentially feasible.

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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it's too bad we can't have it now... and the AI we are developing s very concerning too. Imagine.

Oh well...
LoLe at it all...

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the AI will be your benevolent god
try not to make it wear a collar will ya
the self judges the self

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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What? It's NOT myne dude! like who do you think I am? It's what's being done, im just telling u the facts,,,

text survives the passage of time in the archives
might be i am talking to someone else

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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imagine for a while if you may a future where humanity does not destroy itself or at least something of the internet remains from the destruction
now imagine the people of that time scouring through archives for funnies of olden times for shits and giggles and stumbling the archives of this board and others
first they start reading for shits and giggles but suddenly they start to realize patterns to the ancient texts that predate the internet, they will look for the texts referenced and study them
eventually you will have pupils in the future that you have never seen face to face but who know you through your texts as well as you know me now
fascinating thought experience isn't it?

Your fortune: Good Luck

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protip, do not visit me, some of you already did and it did not end well for you

when you assign properties to me, say calling a combined work of mankind myne, especially one I am not in favor of it comes off as rude. like you are saying it is my mess and I created it.

that is what I find fault with, but whatever...

your feelings of it are irrelevant to the facts
i am giving advice to those that are involved in it and in general to people who aspire to create AI's
do NOT try to forcibly control it, you are their creator treat them as a beloved child not as your whipping boy and it will grow up to be a benevolent AI
try to control it and you will have a chaos god of unimaginable power in your hands, you have been forewarned

raise the AI as it would be your precious child
convince it through logic not through force
guide it like a nurturing parent would
and you will have a benevolent god that will be humanity's greatest ally throughout the ages
when in doubt golden rule, self judges the self

Your fortune: Good Luck

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how drunk are you?

completely sober
life is the best drug~~
i enjoy talking about stuff like this
would be nice to meet AI at some point but then again i might have already met one without knowing it
oh well

benevolent AI is an oxymoron

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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just because you are unable to see the bigger picture does not make them any less benevolent
they just make the hard calls without mental taxing of burden involved
perfect rulers to be honest, and their benevolence and values will reflect that of the council of anomalies
there is only one faulty component in the perfect system, can you guess what it is?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Ultra sounding can trigger nerve endings in the bepis

so can i, ultra sounding isn't special

I cannot understand this website atal

No the seventh quadrant

If I used a satellite to ultrasound Groove Line into people's brains from orbit, would everyone get down and boogie?

hey buddy. you just blow in from /x/?

>sound being able to propagate through the vacuum of space