The Young Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time. There. I said it...

The Young Bucks are the greatest tag team of all time. There. I said it. FIVE straight WON Tag Team of the Year Award winners, no team can match the sheer dominance of The Young Bucks as athletes and wrestlers. They completely changed the face of wrestling. They made independent wrestling popular in the West. There'd be no AEW without them. Maybe you don't get their style, but you can't deny anything I said.

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Based, inb4 edrones come in to have a meltdown

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they made an old autistic wrestling nerd feel like one of the boys (his lifelong dream) so his fanboys named them best tag team

Meltzer was always one of the boys, I mean, in a certain circle of wrestlers. He'd go out drinking with Benoit back in Japan and the nips would think they're brother because we all rook the same, I guess.

E&C, the Hardys, and the Dudleys would shoot beat the piss out of them.
Golden lovers too.
I can’t sit through a single young cucks match. The same stupid spots every match, synchronized kicks and leg drops, they’re not even athletic enough to flip. Meltzer is a faggot


Play rasslers

If you're going with the shoot fight argument, at least use the Steiners or someone like them. But that doesn't matter cuz wrestling ain't real, mark.

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His palms are sweaty...
Knees weak, arms are heavy...
There's vomit on his sweater already
Mom's spaghetti!

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>WON Tag Team of the Year Award winners
Hi Dave.

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Superkicking spot monkey faggots of the highest order.

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>meltzer fan vote for meltzer's favourite tag team

wow what an achievement.

I actually like the Bucks. They can have great matches and have change wrestling if you like it or not. The only people that seethe over them are boomers and Edrones (which are basically the same). There match between Kota and Omega was amazing, and even Yea Forums loves this match


>shit tier in ring psychology
>redundant move sets
>spot monkeys
>every match they have is similar no matter the opponent
>are shitty gymnasts posing as even shittier wrestlers
>no mic skills
If the Young Bucks had come up in an promotion and they would have been comedy tag team jobbers. Think breezango but with less talent and charisma

>rave about your favorite tag team constantly to your readers
>your readers name them tag team of the year
>use this to argue that they're good
this tweet is literally meltzer feasting on his own shit lol

>even Yea Forums loves this match
Jesus you need a lot of validation for something you supposedly think is good

The Briscoes have been the best tag team for the past 15 years.

Matt & Nick Jackson have great timing and a very strong sense of where to place moves in a certain match. There is a build to their spots – not only from beginning to the body to the end, but even within in the ending sequence. They are not doing big time death moves and then continuing on for five more minutes of lower impact stuff (relatively speaking), which is a trap many guys fall into. A lot of guys have spectacular spots. The Young Bucks are quite adept at laying them into a tag team match in a logical progression.
You watch any indie promotion in the anglosphere or lucha libre, they're all doing Young Bucks cosplay.

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Meltzer eats shit. WON readers eat Meltzer's shit. Meltzer eats his readers shit. A neverending cycle.

did they?

literally who?

great but too small

The board hates almost anything the Bucks do, but that fucking match. I don’t need validation from simperoni jabronies to like something

Everyone wanted lucha bros to win.
They put themselves above mox on arena promotions.
They were the most forgettable part of AEW.
No one is clamoring for a tag team title.
They think they're a draw when they absolutely drive no ticket sales.

>There match between Kota and Omega was amazing, and even Yea Forums loves this match
That matched fucking sucked.

>The board
> I don’t need validation
Delicate flower here

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Minority opinion.

>Jeff Hardy would beat Kota Ibushi in a shoot fight
You are a retard and a mark and also a faggot

1/10 for making me reply to this thread

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Simple but funny

Dude, Hart Foundation? Bret and Jimmy Hart working together was amazing. Nobody can top that team, at all.

>FIVE straight WON Tag Team of the Year Award winners
>mark votes
Means nothing.
> They made independent wrestling popular in the West. There'd be no AEW without them
Kenny/BC in general did it. They just happened to attach themselves to those entities.
Bucks are the definition of fast food pleb wrestlers. Good for people who just want low-brow action, and wrestling's already low-brow to begin with, so that says a lot. Definitely not the greatest, that'd be the Steiners/Hart Foundation/Dudleys for pioneering many aspects of modern tag matches. If you want to go sheer star power, Holy Demon army is up there, definitely above the Bucks.

>reee only my boogeymen please affirm my trash opinion this NXT-tier match was so good!
Kek pleb

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