XFL Logos

Dead on arrival.

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Looks like the UAB Blazers logo

does anyone besides Vince actually expect this to be a success this time?

Who’s the Jannetty?

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literally anyone involved in this joke is a jannetty to the nfl


Still better than AEWho.

/Renegades/ chads WHERE YOU AT

The only things dead on arrival are AEW and you after you castrate yourself you disgusting tranny

>St. Louis BattleHawks

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>having Seattle fly to Tampa Bay or vice versa for your 8 team league

everything about the team names and logos seems very similar to MLS

Where in Seattle can you see the dragons?

These names are fucking trash, i'm sticking to the NFL.

Tranny cope

Dragons, Defenders, Wildcats, and Guardians have the most CaW tier names/designs. Fucking awful. Everyone else is acceptable.

can’t decide if Houston is based or cringe for ripping off the old oilers logo

The fuck is a battle hawk?

>not blindly supporting yet another minor-league spring football league that’s destined to fail just because it’s mcmahon’s creation and they’re making it illegal not to stand fully erect for the national anthem makes you a seething tranny
the xfl is what happens when e-drones and trumpcels meet at the same chick-fil-a to chant the 14 words

Wildcats are the "creative has nothing for you" of team names across american sports. They should've been the Earthquakers.

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>No Death Valley Badasses

It can be both

The AEW of football

LMAO you guys really pretending you need a reason to shit on it? All sports team names are dumb from the NFL to NBA to NHL don't act like they aren't

They seem to be suggesting it's a nickname for a jet, since stl has Boeing I guess?

It's like a battle mage, but a hawk.

It doesn't suck but man that's pleb taste. Should've gone with something like Chainhands. Or better yet, the Roustabouts because this is a minor league operation.

Didn’t read lol

>8 team league

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mmmm.........the renegades......raising hell......baddass

XFL is going to be so based

Why do Americans have to have gimmick names for sports teams?

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Who's the jannetty

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What's the selling point of this shit again? That they won't hire criminals?

the Vipers logo looks like the graphic design intern had only 15 minutes to browse royalty free clipart

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It's actually a pretty cheap flight, since we have that whole window to the pacific thing going on.

Its looks like a sneks pussy

considering the Khan family owns the Jags, this is objectively correct. fuck the Jags

It's better than Green Bay.

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Some look good

wild card rule

Thats a legendary logo, you fag

legit question, is a non nfl/college football league an "alternative sport", or is this thread just here because vince?

It’s literally a century old. It doesn’t have to look good it’s an icon of the industry.

the latter

>american football


It’s alternative to actual football soo yes. And yes.

It's not the only logo the packers have ever had, more like since the 60's.

Interesting fact: The G on the logo doesn't stand for Green Bay, but rather their sexual orientation.

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no new england team? fuck off vince

Are their descriptions dimes or cringe? I'm thinking it's somewhere in the middle.

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>watching grown men stand around and watch other men kick a ball back and forth for 100 minutes for a score of 2-1

dc defenders: cringe
dallas renegades: based
houston roughnecks: based
la wildcats: cringe

And the other one

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>Seattle Dragons
...is this intentional?

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Who’s /ourteam/?

new york guardians: cringe
st louis battlehawks: cringe
seattle dragons: cringe
tampa viper: cringe
the seattle dragons got some legitimate cringe from me

What team is He Hate Me gonna be on?

The Renegades, mmmmmm don’t wanna mess with them.

>Deep in the heart of Texas, beats a dufferent kind of pulse. A spirit untamed. A swagger that can't be denied. Where big meets bold meets badass. This is outlaw country, inside the lines. This is hell on wheels, between hash marks. This is their home on tge range. The Dallas Renegades. Raising hell

Mmmmmmmmmmm. Truly badass

>can’t read lol

Mmmm.. The Renegades

who /battlechad/ here?

Dallas Dragons would have been god tier fuck you Vince


>LA gets another team

Expected but if it was a San Diego got a team, I probably would've supported the XFL.


why'd they go after places that already have teams in the big leagues?

XFL February 2020 obviously.
It's going to get scrapped.

Tranny seethe

>naming a team Defenders when it's a sport where the teams play offense and defense
galaxy brain retarded stuff here.

the only good nicknames are in minor league baseball and it only works because it’s minor league baseball. You can’t have the Washington Flying Squirrels or Atlanta Biscuits or Chicago Isotopes or whatever
they should have just not bothered with nicknames and gone with city names alone nobody’s going to buy Dallas shit just because they’re the Renegays

as someone who isn't a fat burger and doesn't know shit about pussy-ruby AKA American Football... is this based or cringe? and WHY.

fuck off trumpcel, your garbage smalltime handegg league for retarded alt-right faggots and businessmen too stupid to see what a colossal failure this is will be lucky to get to the title game and if it does it’ll get ratings that make tna on pursuit look like the last episode of mash



We're The Tampa Bay Vipers

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trying to keep things fair

trannies are the final form of incels. Remember that freak

>make tna on pursuit look like the last episode of mash

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>make tna on pursuit look like the last episode of mash
based boomer

>ripping off
the titans fuckin stole it and killed it, let it live on in whatever form it can

>mfw team names that don't have anything to do with the local town lore or geography
>just stupid generic shit like "dragons" and "vipers"

I hope this league dies before the season starts.

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Absolutely based



>b-b-but the Khans own handegg and football teams, Vince only has the WWE and will bankrupt himself to save it

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Don't you think it's weird that Vince's competition owns a NFL team and he's creating the xfl

USFL was the closest something like this worked and Vince's dumbass friend fucked it up. Vince, already fucked this up, so it's odd that he wants to try again. Then again, Linda ran twice and spent 100 million to fail at senate.

Hope they expand their team franchise

I would like to see the Nashvile Rapers in action



Why would you put a football team in Dallas or Seattle?
There's no fucking way the retarded Cowboys fans would follow another, same for the trannies fir the Seahawks.

fuck this shit boats til i die

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Are the jerseys going to be cheaper than NFL/FIFA jerseys since 100 different Jews won't have to be paid for every jersey sale? I want to unironically buy a Guardians jersey.

Looks bootleg. This shit is cringe like wrestling.

So when this crashes and burns, how much does Vince lose and what does it mean for WWE?


cringe because football is a normie sport that is boring and not worth time or money

Based because people get concussed regularly. Cringe because it takes about 6 hours to play one game.

That's mostly advertisers forcing the game to stop. Theres even an adbreak time out now

is is this gonna be sports entertainment or semi real stuff like FIFA?


If you could bring back 1 original team, which would it be?

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Didn’t that nigga die or something?


5.5 more years you retarded nigger

>not the Seattle Suicides or the Seattle 51%ers

these losers will be drafting worse players than the cfl

It's a charity project for people like Roman reigns. Failed football players will have an outlet after college to integrate back into society instead of having to take up wrestling

The CFL is based. An American team has won the CFL title more recently than a Canadian team has won the Stanley Cup

Roughnettys don't stand a chance.

And then they sign them to NXT?

The xfl literally exists because the usfl. Once Vince heard someone was going to make yet another football League and they asked them to sell the name he said no and rushed to make a new league. I wonder if he's doing everything while his eyes are clouded in tears knowing the last league folded in less than two months

Wildcats. the most overused name in American sports, and one that is generally reserved for shitty high school teams.


they did filter out chumps like Dwayne and Roman so that’s pretty based

These logos instantly reminded me of the old NFL Europe league. Houston will immediately be called the rednecks instead of roughnecks.

Rent free and obsessedpilled.

Alabama Nigras

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What the fuck? Did the guy doing the logos think this was an esports league or something? Jesus what an instant flop.

That was my first thought too. These logos look like they’re from the Overwatch League

did my best

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Didn’t that spring league have one season and flopped?


Absolutely based

It flopped because the leadership was retarded with the money.

how's gonna get BIG MONEY JOHN?

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>Two Texas teams

The worst is the California team with the generic name Wildcats. How are they supposed to get over in California, when they have so many sports teams. They've already got 4 football teams that are having trouble drawing crowds, plus 3 hockey teams, 4 basketball teams and 5 baseball teams. They are completely sports saturated, they will never matter in California.

Retired, works as a guidance counselor.

Why can't they come up with a good name like the Houston Texans or Cleveland Browns?

Memphis School Shooters

They all look generic. But at least Roughnecks one is kinda like the old Houston Oilers logo.

>unironically calling yourselves the Wildcats

Renegades is already an esports team too kek

>Bryan will cut a XFL promo to get his team over

The logos are about the least of their problems. There is only one team in a town that doesn't have an NFL team. Media releases talking about a "re-imagining of football" should scare the shit out of everyone. Vince, colossal and repeated failure at literally every fucking thing he didn't inherit from Daddy, is running the outfit.

This is going to fail spectacularly

they're birds of war

>.t Asspained Viqueens fag

Football draws dimes in Texas

Extremely cringe because Vince McMahon is running it.

sorry mate that's boomer stuff, we're a high school musical team now. youtu.be/gbrbUfYSt0E?t=146

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The Battlehawk name is maximum overcringe, but the logo is pretty slick. The Guardians' name is cool, but the logo is nonsense that has nothing to do with the name. Houston Roughnecks have decent name and excellent Oilers ripoff logo.

The Defenders are obviously the janetties and jabronis, because "Defenders" is just a different way of saying Guardians. How does a fucking wrestling carny get stupid enough to allow two teams in an 8 team league to share a gimmick?

>.t Bootyblasted Europoor

Don't hate just because you lesser species don't lack the wit or creativity to come up with an appropriate team name, and thus just call your teams [Town Name] FC, or something equally vanilla midget tier.

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Then they aren't fucking defenders, are they? That would make them attackers.

I have never seen so many sentence fragments in my life. Bet fucking money Vince wrote every word. It's WAY too cringe to have been handled by anyone else. Literally anyone else would have had the sense to avoid using the "X meets Y" cliche more than fucking once to avoid sounding like a 4th grader writing this shit 10 minutes before it's due.

This league will be dead just in time for MLR to begin their third highly successful season. Vince Status: Perpetually BTFO'ed

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Vipers are the Michaels. They'll win the first owl, ya heard it here first.

who's gonna get raped?

this is actual cringe
vince is the laughingstock of the sports world right now
also wwe sucks ass


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I'm sorry, but as I reread this trainwreck of shit, I just find more shit wrong with it. It all sounds like some 14 autismal child describing his Sonic The Hedgehog OC. Are we SURE Chris-Chan didn't write this shit?

The Dallas one is the least awful, because it's just kind of nonsense rather than aggressively retarded. What, exactly, is "hell on wheels, between hash marks" supposed to mean? Vince knows this isn't motorsports, yes?

The Roughnecks' blurb highlights a common theme/problem with this and, indeed, a lot of Vince sponsored/created promotional material. And that is forced, clunky, meaningless, early grade school level alliteration just for the sake of alliteration. Probably because that walnut brained, roidpoisoned, carny, trailer trash fuckwit thinks it's the height of sophistication and eloquence in writing. I especially like how they're described as "unseen." Vince, you fucking pebblehead, you're not supposed to declare ahead of time that no one is going to be watching this shit.

>In the land of bright lights. Far from the flash and fame.

Two sentence fragments that make no sense. Are they in the bright lights, or are they far from the flash and fame? And once again, it's not a good idea to point out that no one cares about this monstrous faggotry.

Why the fuck is the New York team called the "Guardians" if they're described like a wild animal and have a logo that looks like a bear? Change the fucking team name if you're going with the wild animal branding. ESPECIALLY considering you already have another team called the "Defenders."

Reading the BattleHawks (capital H for branding!) and Dragons blurbs back to back makes me feel like I suffered a concussion. Did NO ONE try to talk Vince out of this gaylord tryhard shit? Or was this the vastly improved edit of whatever the fuck Vince originally wrote?

Tampa Bay is, at least, the second time they mention "instinct," because this is an amateur hour shitshow of incompetence.

Because of course it is, have you not seen the WWE this past decade? God damn it, this triggered my autism so bad I went over the character limit, and I STILL communicate in a more human manner than the turdburning brainlet that wrote this catastrophe.

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what is this autism?

To the contrary, I'm a Seahawks(and now Dragons) fan i have no beef with Green Bay, they've caused me no pain.

We on the other hand have ruined Aaron Rodger's career on several occasions.

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>that walnut brained, roidpoisoned, carny, trailer trash fuckwit

Based Big Autism user laying the smackdown on NODIMES McMahon!

Pictured: A generational QB talent and surefire Hall of Famer, politely acknowledging Russel Wilson

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Not making St. Louis the Vipers and Orton their mascot. Come on Vince, you missed out on some easy cross brand promotion.

better or worse than OWL?

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What is it about these that make them seem so soulless

just knowing that 20 trannies and POC had to be involved to meet woke quotas in creating everything, and its all gone through marketing and branding and PR and HR teams to make sure everything is gonna be ok to put on t shirts for 15 years

all logos for multi-million dollar projects are soulless ya simp


flat mobile-friendly vector graphics

ya boil, xir?

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Some design degree millennial faggot probably came up with them, NFL teams had polls for cities to name their teams and probably had teams of people create each logo

from outta no where! Vintage Vipers!

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Out of the cities that they share XFL ones are worse

For me, it's the Renegades.

As many individual accolades as Rodgers has, Wilson is far more beloved with the league and fans than that arrogant closet faggot

>Le 1st&Goal INT Man

Losers (the fans) like other losers. This is common.

Well, he's definitely not going to the HOF based on his record. In fact, Russ only has 18 less games won than Aaron despite being 5 years younger.

But where Russ really outshines Aaron is as a person, Russ wakes up every weekend and races over to the Children's hospital to cheer kids on as they fight cancer and raise money for their families. He's a major part of the Pacific Northwest.

As far as i can tell Aaron has only done one thing for Green Bay and that's alienate the best QB they ever had, Brett Favre.

If both careers ended today, Russ would be remembered as the greatest QB the Seahawks have ever had. Aaron would be remembered as the guy that changed the game, by whining until it was against the rules to even touch a quarterback.

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>Aaron would be remembered as the guy that changed the game, by whining until it was against the rules to even touch a quarterback.
Pretty sure that was Tom Brady

Anything that isn't zorbing

>the BattleHawks seek to take flight. Will this be Vince's final fantasy?

>Russ wakes up every weekend and races over to the Children's hospital to cheer kids on as they fight cancer and raise money for their families.

Maybe he'd throw fewer interceptions if he put more effort into his actual job. Those cancer kids will be dead before they can justify the investment in keeping them alive anyway.

Tom doesn't have enough balls to complain if Giselle doesn't lend them back to him for an afternoon. It was Robert Kraft on behalf of Babby Brady

His completion and td/int ratio is almost exactly the same as Aaron Rodgers, they're 1 and 2 except Aaron is older and thus has more games.


i can't wait to see players have to cut prewritten wwe style promos

What in the fuck is a battlehawk?

They're going after the younger crowd.

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these are wose than hockey names

Defenders > Wildcats > Battlehawks > Guardians > Dragons > Roughnecks > Vipers > Renegades

Why are they trying to get roots in NFL cities, some of which (LA, St. Louis, Tampa) don't even care about their actual NFL team?

E-drone cultists absolutely MURDERED

The Packers are for fags

The difference is that A-Rodj has to play behind a mediocre offensive line, with no rush attack, and a defense that always has them down two TDs. Overrated Russel Wilson plays behind a good offensive line, usually with pretty good receivers, a respectable run game, and stout defense to cover his many fuck ups.

Rodgers won a Superb Owl with his passing. Russel Wilson only lost a Superb Owl with his passing.

Hockey names are based, you colossal faggot, you. So based, in fact, that faggy baseball expansion teams from Texas had to steal them.

Russ has never had a WR as good as Jordy Nelson. Maybe Percy Harvin the 5 times he played.

How many MVPs does Wilson have?


>no New England Kabuki Warriors

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