>watch 205 live and realize Murphy is a dude Vince will push to the main event because a) younger version of competing wrestler, b) is ginger and Vince is a mark for Irish heritage or the appearance thereof [he wanted Hogan to be a redhead] c) jacked and has the look d) Australia is a major English speaking market and they valued it enough to do a PPV there but NJPW was moving ahead of them in popularity there
>get laughed at
>predict Murphy push will happen when he gets moved to Smackdown
>get laughed at for months when he is in catering
>know his push is still happening because otherwise he would have been in the 24/7 segments with the geeks
>the Roman storyline and matches with him and Bryan happen
>already over with the crowd
Yeah I typed this out because I ding-dong diddly told you so marks.

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Wow, Kenny has gotten a lot shittier at the V-trigger since leaving New Japan

Hot dog vendor seething lmao


why ya talking about how shitty that dweeb is in here?

What I like about this is that Vince apparently finally learned a way to push dudes without turning the crowd against them. All he had to do all along is have his guys get beat up backstage every week lmao

I was also one of the few on board with him since he took nevilles spot. only difference is I'm not so insecure that I need to create threads about the fact

Well I am so ding-dong diddly deal with it
But it’s always nice to see a fellow 205 chad

>give him shit theme song
He’s dead in the water and will lose next week

>Australia is a major English speaking market and they valued it enough to do a PPV there but NJPW was moving ahead of them in popularity there

u wot m8

BASED but I fell off after buddy left but been an impact chad ever since. I'll still see it if it's convenient because of Gulak




Super Showdown last year was in australia

I forget Impact even still exists

Unironically if they changed his name (WWE shorten style to just Murphy) and be super aggressive he would literally be a modern Benoit minus the murdering. Seriously he reminded me so much of a young Benoit in that match against DBry

What? Of a NJPW move set?

He's going for the benoit look(jacked manlet) so that makes sense

>so worked by based Murph cucking your favorite literal whos by popularising 'their' movez that you bumped a Murph thread after over 2 hours

Did you ever say anything about him being too weak to get anybody up for his own finisher?



Attached: who.webm (480x270, 287K)


Promise to make another thread in six months when he's completely forgotten and you've turned on him because of bad booking.