Ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika

ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika ika

Attached: 1459351882346-3.jpg (405x309, 64K)

why tho???

Attached: (110.jpg (372x372, 24K)

*pats on head*

Attached: ika_musume_as_a_teru_bozu_by_getchanceandluck-d34jgu1.png (900x611, 217K)

Attached: 7019.gif (273x244, 478K)

Attached: a61c593d95f8abcb5fb7aa1c6d980c5f.gif (440x250, 485K)

Attached: Squance.gif (350x225, 926K)

Attached: Psychedelic Squids..jpg (700x1020, 478K)

Attached: 1550362298488.gif (400x225, 235K)

Attached: Squids.jpg (700x1020, 472K)

Attached: vv88.jpg (500x380, 40K)


Attached: Psychedelic Squids.jpg (700x1020, 539K)

bad image

Goodbye then.

Attached: Pastel.jpg (700x1020, 544K)

see? THIS is a bad image.

bad post

Attached: 1463751168138.jpg (512x288, 42K)

why are you so rude tho?
(I love that picture... so thankes for the laugh)

Attached: (O_o.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Maybe if you didn't decide to sell out Kyle for no good reason people wouldn't be mad. You made the bed now you must sleep in it.

Attached: IMG_0196.jpg (500x375, 57K)

Attached: 00.jpg (1181x1181, 751K)

Who is that and what are you talking about?

Attached: 5100.jpg (512x288, 20K)

post her, post art

Attached: 99.jpg (1280x960, 389K)

Attached: 1552558338318.png (500x378, 204K)

Attached: ika_musume_by_drawingshit-d68h37x.png (1444x1873, 255K)

well op, it's been "funn"?
idk.. you're kinda mean, but i still like you...
later, maybe...

Attached: 0.png (990x1200, 1.73M)


I see that the CIA has already gotten to you. I can't help you out of this situation sorry.

Attached: IMG_0239.png (333x250, 70K)

Is she a squid or is she a kid?

Your fortune: Good Luck

please don't come back

I am CIA. Who are you? You're dossier is light "sir Thomas... (joking of course...
Idk man, just chill, life can be the most beautiful joke if you go along with it.

Attached: 13.jpg (776x950, 534K)

Attached: Sketch..jpg (700x1020, 369K)

fuck off retard

go catfish go!

No one thinks that's you. You're very straight forwards and much more creative/dynamic than that

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Attached: DE GESO~.png (1280x720, 348K)

geso geso !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Attached: did I.jpg (800x450, 48K)

Attached: dzoom.png (391x322, 218K)

dubs :^O

Today sure is a nice day.

Attached: smiling degeso~.jpg (1024x768, 539K)

Attached: chibi ika.jpg (236x236, 12K)

i wishe
a squide

Attached: 1549143597995.png (540x272, 57K)

got em squid

Attached: gotcha.jpg (512x288, 26K)