Wednesday's Asian Gorl thread

Wednesday's Asian Gorl thread...

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Asian Gorl is beach side... lots of romantic drama going down tonight... furufuru. The waves crash against the sand, the humble sunset, people walking up and down the boardwalk silently... The air is silent and the sky overcast! Asian Gorl is plotting something ebil...

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Why is Asian Gorl plotting...? What is she plotting..? Only time can tell: the rain drizzles, the winds pick up, the cars dash by the beach. The sunset turns into a milky twilight... Asian Gorl stares out her apartment window wondering... "what's love anyway? What's it even for?" The sea is a miracle... a placid meadow for Asian Gorl! If only she would go out and enjoy it! Not much time left for that now...

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Asian Gorl's fantasy turns into a reverie.. her head swells with entertainment! Love is a gypsy, love is a spy, love is a fledgling bird, love is an angel, love is a g*d... Love is everything except what it is! Asian Gorl's detachment from the most exciting human emotion... it grows more intense! Why doesn't she want love...?

The sharp winds cut against Asian Gorl's face as she stares at the now sunken sun, crystallizing the ocean horizon! The skies have become tumultuous: cumulonimbus clouds turn into a sea of ashen grey and thunder as the evening sky sparks up a fireworks show! Thud, crunch, gong! The clouds are furious, and then... the lightning descends on Asian Gorl's rock opera! The satyr;s play now, on the now dimly lit ocean side, actors in Asian Gorl's drama!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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two same numbers!

Thank you for checking!

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Asian Gorl's musical fantasia has now become a spectacle... Dashing to the door, she slips on her boots and runs outside in the now pouring rain! Shore streetlights cascade the block one by one, as she walks by pink and orange granite buildings with cheap imitation posters across the wall! "Daft Punk: live!" "LCD Soundsystem: Tonight only!" Asian Gorl rushes in the opposite direction towards the now culling sea... the rock opera has just begun, and she's not about to miss the main event! MP3 player in hand, she cranks the volume to twenty and darts for the sandy beach, now being torn up by fifty-five mile-per-hour winds!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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"What's love got to do with it!?" The song repeats these lyrics over and over... record scratches stitch together a web of musical measures both polyrhythmic and perforated... this is... electro-house! The lightning blinds Asian Gorl as she makes it down to the sand! A crackling noise loud enough to deafen babies rushes through the beach! Several screams can be heard from lazy beach goers too foolish to evacuate the beach! There in the eye of the storm, Asian Gorl spies her prize! The reason for existence... she will be at the center of it all! Her dancing boots (well, they're dancing boots now), have now earned their purpose! Following the dance routine to Michael Jackson's Thriller, Asian Gorl tips her fedora and spookily dances into the dead of night!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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Asian Gorl's zombie shuffle has conjured a magical spell! The stairway to heaven reveals itself! Sand props and scuffles into the air, forming a gestalt of pure intuition! This seance... it's for the mind! The Californian horizon, dim and sordid... dirt and sand clot the canvas of the artist. rain and wind tear at the easel! The only artist capable of divining this apparition is a performer! That performer... Asian Gorl! Queen of the performing arts!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Asain Gorl dances intensely! Whisking through space and time to realize her reverie! To make the dream real! As the opera reaches its intermezzo, Asian Gorl confers to the mystic arts of street dancing as she begins to pop, lock and drop it in the middle of a category five hurricane! What could possess Asian Gorl to distort reality this way? To purpose song and dance into a ritualistic performance for the gods... an omen. Furuffuru... Asian Gorl must really be struggling with something.

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Asian Gorl bomp...

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Asian gorl here


Sorry for not responding earlier... was busy playing video games; apologies are due! Did you miss me?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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seuss slept three hours and now he's ready for the epic conclusion to his Asian Gorl thread!

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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무슨 게임을 하고있길래 답장이 늦어?

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너의 엄마 엿먹 으라.

I am playing hard to get!

Asian Gorl enjoys kimchi and sports... she likes "big dicked niggas" and fast cars! Not like some of seuss' other old friends from the past...

My mom isn't home right now!

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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しかしあいにくじゃが、黒人や外人は丁重に遠慮しますので、同じ黄色人種に生まれ変わってくださいね (´・ω・`)

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Well I am pretty polite... did you want me to be impolite?

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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너의 구글 번역기가 제대로 작동을 안 하는 것 같다. 그렇다면 신경쓰지마세요. 그래도 나는 여전히 당신들 모두를 사랑합니다.

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Oh okay!

We love you too Bulgogi!

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

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