Who is truly the best in the world?

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Bret Hart

Bryan until he retires, Duh.

Only other guy with that much talent is probably Zayn

Kurt Angle

Dory funk jr circa 2018 dunno about 2019

Kazuchika Okada

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Okada, Ospreay is close though because he's finally learned how to properly pace his offense.

that's at tough question man, there's a ton of good wrestlers right now.
in wwe i'd say buddy murphy and bryan.

Best what? You have to be really specific.
As a wrestler, all round? Like a guy who always gets over, draws crowds without even needing to take a bump, can work every style and have a good match with anyone even celebrities and washed up old timers and inanimate objects? The only guy in the world who can do that, work a main event one week and put some rookie over the week after and stay strong regardless. Only one guy is so incredible that he did what no one could do in over a decade, including dudes like Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles and even Hogan, he got Joey Ryan over and made him a draw internationally with ONE spot.
That's right. The undisputed best wrestler in the world is Danshoku Dino.



Becky Lynch

Okada then Ospreay

AJ Styles


My Mom

Nakamura. He's so good Vince won't stop systematically burying him

Ishii, Daniel Bryan and Sami Callihan


Brock is probably the biggest draw in the world

no he isn't, not in wwe and not in ufc

Harley Race or Ric Flair
Who cares, probably Tanahashi
>In the future

Tie between Roman, Okada and Kenny.


John cena

my mom


best HW is Jay White

best Jr HW is Bryan Danielson


Macho Man

Will Ospreay

CM Punk

Triple H

"the world" means "the world of people who are alive" not some dead jew manlet