For me...It's Daniel Bryan


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for me? it's the mean street posse

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>for me? it's the mean street posse

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Ding-Dong Diddlyretahhhh

I never got Daniel Bryan like what's the big deal? Completely average looking if not short dude, men moveset fake "strikes" fake tough guy persona. It was like cm punk 2.0 and cm punk was shit too. I legitimately could kick his ass in a shoot fight

I doubt you can, he legit made a robber his bitch, you think he can't handle some fatass that posts all day on 4channel?

>dude who does athletic stuff for a living btfos a literal who

For me it's Aya!

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Then don't talk big shit if you know you would get your ass kicked, faggot

I’m not >everyone who doesn’t like Bryan has to be one person

>he legit made a robber his bitch

Nah man I would legit murder him I'm 6'3 265lbs used to grapple and kickbox, former marine. Hes what a shoot 5'8 180lbs if that and a professional fake tough guy? I dont care if he beat up some random crackhead snatching a purse or whatever

to be fair, the robber he subdued was a desperate junkie. bryan even felt bad about it later because the guy was in such bad shape.

Nice larp

Hey, I've seen this pasta before, you dumb nigger

Not a pasta or a LARP I played semi pro football. What made wrestling entertaining as kid was larger than life characters and storylines it was like watching live action comic books. I just dont get the appeal of watching a completely average sized average build guy just use fake variations of real techniques in a staged match. Jesus you guys sure do love this dude.

To add on, why would anyone want to watch that? Might as well just watch mma and get the real thing then, no?

>I never got Daniel Bryan like what's the big deal?
If you are a WWE mark you will probably never understand but if you are not then his psychology, move choices, timing, finishes, etc all make him the best in ring storyteller of all time. Aside from that, he can get anyone over, and on top of that, he does it using almost nothing, just headlocks and bodyslams and shit, so he can put on a 4 star match with an absolute rookie while making them look like a million bucks and telling an amazing story that keep you on the edge of your seat, and then once the match is over, he has basically "used up" none of the cool moves or high spots in a standard wrestling show so that other people in the matches before or after him can do those things to get themselves over. He is an absolute genius and elevates everyone around him while looking like a million bucks and having MOTY candidates without even trying. He has the best psychology of any wrestler in the last 20 years and possibly longer.

You're not fooling anyone, you moron, I've seen these exact same posts on other threads, who are you to begin with? Are you Carter larping as Wolfdumbnigger again?

>in ring psychology
Lmao miss me with that gay shit nigga. Like that dude said just some vanilla midget indie shitter. Not even a flippy one at that

Unless theres another dude walking around here who's 6'2 265 former semi pro football player and marine then I highly doubt that since I've never posted on here before, hence why I dont get the hype behind Daniel Bryan since apparently hes a board favorite. Take your schizo meds kiddo

Calm down tough guy

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It is precisely because he is completely average that he has the fans he does. It is easier for them to live vicariously through him and imagine themselves in his place. He is basically a diluted version of better wrestlers like Benoit with some KENTA thrown in.

No, you’re not.

No, you didn’t.


Oh okay so hes an audience self insert. Guess that makes more sense. For record I've always been big, even as a kid, but chris Benoit always looked like a fucking monster to me. That dudes leagues ahead of Daniel Bryan in terms of appearance and intimidation.

You are none of those things

Pro wrestling is literally nothing but psychology ya simp, without that it's just midgets doing flips.

Or u kno like actual big dudes hittin power moves n shit n being able 2 work the crowd, like back when it was good and not just fake kick fake running knee fake armbar for a fake tap

>n being able 2 work the crowd
That's what psychology is retard.

Goldbergs jackhammer worked a croud way better than brians gay little kicks lmao take ur little meme phrase and shove it up ur ass you'll probably enjoy it ther faggit "in ring psychology" lmao ya dude he just like pulls up a couch and asks his opponent about his childhood dude

Tbf Benoit was also juiced to the gills. I’d be terrified of a Daniel Bryan with a Chris Benoit body

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get a job wolfcuck