WHAT is wrong with eating cucumbers by themselves?????
WHAT is wrong with eating cucumbers by themselves?????
stop making threads
pls post hote anines
Nothing at all, sliced cucumber is very good. Kinda tastes like sweet watermelon rind.
mak sure to eat cucumbers the LONG way not the SHORT way
selfie for the boy
how do I do thate
Who actually takes these stock photos, over the years they are becoming more and more crazy
cucumbers are basically vegetable popsicles
cumcum bubber
When you freeze a cucumber, is the cucumber frozen or is it just the water that is frozen?
to answer that, we have to know what liquids are in a cucumber other than water, if any, and what their freezing points are
when you freeze a cucumber, no the entire cucumber does not freeze because there are parts of it that were already solid, and yes the water in the cucumber freezes, but there might be other parts of the cucumber that freeze, if there are other liquids in the cucumber
penis gay
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Woha that's a ghost Stock Photo.
A very insightful and scientific answer, Thank you very much
I eat my pineapples by themselves
its like eating watermelon rinds by itself
Your fortune: Good Luck
every single post you make is like a black hole of cringe
Every single post u make is.
"fuck you retard" thats more cringe than u think.
i still dont know what OP meant by "by themselves"
how else r u suppose to eat them lol
ur supposed to stick 2 in ur mouth at once