What are you playing with Lexi tonight, Yea Forums?

What are you playing with Lexi tonight, Yea Forums?

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Playing wack-a-rat with Sasha instead

hide the penis

Condemned 2 multiplayer

is condemned worth playing
i keep wanting to play it but never get around to it
is it generic 2spoopy jumpscares or is it a decent game


By 2019 standards, it's excellent. Both of them since AAA gaming is fucked. Not saying it's AAA but it's better than what's new today

She playing some f

She can win so I will mow her lawn if you catch my drift.

Strip Mario Kart.

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This, eventually leading into anal

Log simulator

hey bud
want to join my stable?
namechads like us...
together we could rule this board
what do you say?

cringe, Tuesday is Lexi’s bible study

More like her Talmud study

Is this a BLACKED scene?

she probably flirts with teenage boys on mic and gets them off haha


Learn to "cope" with being an complete and utter waste of human resources. Like honestly, how can you even sit there typing away such assine comments with a sense of smug superiority when you know full well it's just an ironic facade to masquerade your blatant shortcomings as a person.

Did you fuck up in high school user? Did someone bully you to turn you into to such a whiney, whispy shitskin that you feel the need to post such sad comments on an image board? Is it because you were in the cool kid group but knew you didn't belong so you painfully tried to act as though you were one despite secretly being a full fledged homosexual?

Then you realize that a girl you liked fucked your best friend and now you can't help but think about the past and what could've been if you hadn't been such a sperg? Like the time she sat next to you and you tried asking her out on her facebook wall? Well did you!? YOU FUCKING DUMB SHIT.

Well guess what, she's gone and now you'll be alone, playing video games forever even though you don't like them and searching omegle /r9K/ tags just you can engage in human conversation because Yea Forums's anonymity just doesn't do it for you anymore whilst you cry yourself to sleep at 3am in the morning.

Go fuck yourself nerd.

how do i fix this